Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Down and Dirty Talk on Originality

Some days I have to wonder if any of you ever get tired of swallowing the same BS day in day out, just so that you can regurgitate it on the regular.

Seriously now...can you construct an original thought?  One might assume that you gents all belong to a collective hive considering that you open with the same lines of dialogue on the daily. Don't you ever tire of it? I myself would welcome a breath of fresh air when it comes to conversation. At times, even I tire of the redundant trite thread which is predictable in nature. 

Do you recognize the insanity of replaying the same scenario over and over with no differing results? You pop in with meaningless compliments, and immediately bypass civility to go for the kink kill. When that does not net the outcome you desire, you then concoct baseless outrage towards your targeted audience. Finishing up with what you assume is the greatest of insults, you flounce away in a huff to seek out your next new face.

Doesn't this wear you out? Don't you ever just want to step back from the madness of the cycle, and readjust your game plan? What could it hurt, and what would it cost you to reevaluate? Answer, it would hurt nothing, and cost you a  few moments, which in the end may save you future effort. It is definitely worth the investment.

Originality is an art form that you would do well to incorporate into your approach. A woman of experience knows full well when a male is coming at them with a tired line, and this tends to irritate and insult her intelligence. Did you sincerely join the fetish grind in order to flat out lose any possibility of making a D's match? I would think not, else you have wasted your own time exponentially, and that would be almost criminal.

My advice would be to slow your roll, use the brain you were given, and take the time to interact accordingly with each Domme you contact. Recognize that all individuals differ, and that if all you have to offer is your own selfishly driven agenda, than you are indeed the loser you jokingly term yourself as.  

**As always..gift cards are given in appreciation. Send one today to mzsydney34@yahoo.com**

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