Thursday, November 8, 2018

No greater joy in life

"The meaning of life is to give life a meaning." Goddess gives meaning to your life through purpose.

Serving Sydney Claire is the very most meaningful thing you will ever do with your life. The impact she will have on your life is more profound than any other experience you have encountered. A moment at her divine feet is far grander than a lifetime of breath stealing adventures. 

I imagine that you did not believe that you would ever find yourself in such a position of longing. Longing to belong to a woman of class and distinction. Your ego comes crashing down around you, for in your deepest recesses, you know that you will never be worthy of wearing her collar. 

She alone speaks to the finer aspects of your soul. Without having ever spoken a word to her, she becomes your sun, moon, and stars. You worship even the very air that she exhales, for it has been a part of her being, and you the lowly creature you are, shall never be within her. 

You merely existed before her, but now you live in color. Color that she has painted before your eyes. You are joyous, you are grateful, you are in awe. 

The prevailing thoughts streaking through your mind are 

1)How can I make her life better

2)How can I make her life easier

The answers to these 2 questions form the basis of your daily mantra.

"I will sacrifice everyday in order to make her life better. I will sacrifice everyday in order to make her life easier."

Recite your mantra morning, noon, and night. It frees your mind of confusion, and distraction, and allows you to focus on what matters most in your lifetime....Sydney Claire. Your Goddess, your deity, your beloved Beauty.  

No words need spoken henceforth, simply sacrifice and send to show your affection, appreciation, and utterly undying adoration of Sydney Claire.

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