Tuesday, November 13, 2018

That's the story of Findom

Sit right down my lovely little gents whilst I tell you a story, the story..the story of findom

There once was a lonely forgotten man who wanted nothing more than to be noticed by the eyes of a deity, but he lacked the courage to do more than dream of the day he would at last shine in the glory of her presence. Needless to say, he was a very sad little man in his day to day life. He was just another face in a misbegotten place. 

He drudged and he toiled at a 9-5 job, never moving up. He stagnated in his little cubicle to the point that even the cobwebs sought to decorate him. How pitiful this little man came to be, and all who seen him acted as if he did not exist, unless they had an undesirable task to slide off onto him. You could always count on him for that much, for he simply had no life, and no friends to speak highly of him. Poor little forgotten soul.

Years passed by, before his gumption kicked him in the gut, and he declared to the heavens that he would suffer this lack of living no more. He became determined to reach for his dream. He was going to do whatever it took to finally catch the attention of his most beloved Goddess.  

How does one go about it though, he pondered. He definitely needed a plan, so he sat all night til the stars began to fade, and thought and thought. Oh however was he going to get her to see him, when lo and behold an epiphany seared across his thoughts. He had it! 

That very day he typed up a missive like none he had ever put into words before. He declared to her that he would be the very best servant ever, that he would do anything, be anything she required. Surely that will prove to her that I am worthy of serving her!! He hit the send button before he could change his mind out of cowardice, then waited, and waited, and waited some more. Alas she did not answer him back. Where had he gone wrong...maybe she just did not receive it, so he sat down once more and this time shared his life story with her, making sure to include how he really really really wanted to serve her, and hit the send button again. His stomach was tied in knots waiting on her reply.

He waited moments, then hours, which drifted into days, til he could no longer refuse to accept that she was not going to respond. What could he do? I got it, he thought! He followed the trail of her social media account, and read all that she ever said. He could not believe how stupid he had been..it had been there all along. She was not looking for words. She required action. Action based upon sacrifice. She wanted him to let go of what he wanted, and to embrace instead, what she wants. He would have to scrape away what once was, and begin anew. A new beginning for him with a brand new him.

This time he would not fail! He created an amazon account right away, and sent her the largest financial sacrifice that he could afford, along with a note that said "all that I am, and all that I have belongs to you my divine deity, do with it what you will". His hands were shaking as he sent the gift and note. He felt faint with anticipation as the clock ticked so slow in his ears. Ding ding...message received. Oh my oh my oh my...she had messaged him!! He swallowed so hard his throat hurt, but he opened her email with a soft sigh. He could not believe his eyes! 

She said "My little sad forgotten man, I have waited for you to understand, and now that you have shown yourself as a man who sees beyond himself, you may at last address me as my servant, for you have stripped from yourself all that was selfish, and kneel before me now as selfless little sam".

His dream, his fantasy, his lifelong quest granted. 

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