Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Mutually beneficial FinDom service

A couple of days ago I had a male who was all hot and heavy to "serve" me state that he needed the interaction to be mutually beneficial. Now to some of you that sounds fair right? The issue I raised was that I do not define mutual benefit in the same manner that he does,therefore I declined any further contact. Remember the entire viewpoint I posted a few days ago about not wasting time? Well to have continued further would have been wasting my time and his,so you see the need for the abrupt end.

For me,mutually beneficial reflects more of a symbiotic pleasure. The male derives his pleasure from mine alone. Serving me,and pleasing me is not about a male receiving an orgasm,or him getting anywhere near my feminine divinity. I do not engage in the entire tit for tat,or scratching your back if you scratch my itch scenario,and the only orgasm any male will be giving me is a mental one after he sends a fat tribute to my account.

I am indeed here to burst your fantasy if that is what you had in mind. Sure there are plenty of females out there somewhere begging for that type of interaction,but I will not be counted among them. They are called service providers bb.

Yes I am self-centered,and I absolutely will not have a male serving me who is not all about me either,which means that in order to serve me,a male must renounce service to his dick,and it's demands. You cannot serve 2 masters at one time if you are going to serve me. I rule completely,or else I will leave you exactly where you a pool of your nasty poisonous spew.

You males are failing. Failing at submitting,and failing at serving. Do you know why? You come at FemDom and FinDom with a preconceived notion that you will maintain control. You believe that you will be calling the shots while you submit only to scenes that arouse your dick. That mindset is your downfall. Unfortunately the majority of you do not even care that you are failing,but then why should you when all you care about is your dick. I cannot even be kind and wish you well,for I take delight in your failure. It amuses me to no end to watch you selfish shits flounder,fail,and shake your fist in social media clamoring for an answer as to why you cannot find a Domme to serve.

The smartest of your lot will wise up and realize that no Domme wants to take you as you are,and will pose the question to themselves "where am I going wrong",and at that point they will begin to take steps to mend the error of their ways. These are the ones who will evolve into something somewhat worthwhile for a male,but the rest of you will live an unfulfilled,and uneventful life serving that worthless tool between your legs. I would say that I feel pity for you,but that would be a lie :)

In conclusion,if you are one of the types that I described above,take steps now to rectify your mistakes. Step off the path leading no where,and journey along the road less taken to true submission.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

FinDom Foot Fetish Goddess Mz Sydney

You very creation was foretold for you to be of use to a woman like Mz Sydney. Your destination set at the feet of your Foot Fetish Goddess who captivates your mind,cultivates your submission,and captures the content of your wallet.
Mz Sydney's creamy smooth mature soles own your submissive soul. No other will ever do for you. Your will is no longer your own. You are the property of Mz Sydney's soles. Your driving burning ambition is to please Mz Sydney,and her soles. Life would be devoid of any type of pleasure without Mz Sydney. This is why you will dedicate your existence to serving her. From the hairs on her divine head to the bottom of her sexy soles she is perfection.

Her words,her wisdom,her guiding light fuels your addiction to become the perfect slave for her. Nothing and no one are of more import that Mz Sydney,for only she completes you. It is her siren's song that sparks your submission. She owns you. Nothing would please you more than to please her. You are no longer a man,instead you are now a mere sycophant for Mz Sydney. A creature who crawls to the feet of it's owner.
You know exactly where you belong. Beg to be there. Beg to please Mz Sydney. She is your Goddess,and as such,you are bound by her desires. Enrich her life with your service. Pledge the fruits of your labor to for her use. She is the way,the truth,and the life. Thank her for her influence in your life. Thank her for showing you the light of submission to a cause greater than yourself. Mz Sydney is the rightful ruler of all you possess,so get on your knees,and deliver to her the tithes that are hers by right.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Financial Domination at it's finest

Serving Mz Sydney is life altering in ways that you cannot even conceive of at this moment in time.

I know that you gents have lusted after women aplenty..but eventually the appeal fizzles out,and you are onto the next one to catch the momentary attention of your ADHD dick. How tiring,and unfulfilling. You are not even living,you are merely existing.

Serving Mz Sydney is the cure,and chastity is the tool of choice. Locking that dick up is the very best thing for you,and Mz Sydney always knows best.

Once that mealworm is caged,you are free to focus on your true purpose in life...serving Mz Sydney. Serving Mz Sydney will change your life for the better. She will set you free from all of your destructive inane urges to sate your sex. You will evolve into a useful human being. One that Mz Sydney can be proud to own mind,body,and soul.

It will feel so good to serve Mz Sydney. She is meaning,she is purpose,she is life. She is the one thing worth living for.

Mz Sydney's happiness will rule your world. You will wake each day conceiving of ways to please her,and make her proud of your efforts. You will work dutifully and successfully at your job,so that you can keep Mz Sydney in luxury as she deserves,for she is a Goddess,and she deserves the very best from you. You would never think to deprive her of her desires,after all,her pleasure is your pleasure. Her comfort is your comfort. Her happiness is your happiness.

Mz Sydney is the one woman you always hoped and prayed that you would one day serve with all of your being. There is nothing too great or small that you would not do for her. Anything that is within your power to give to her will be given gratefully. You will honor her with the fruits of your efforts. You would never consider giving her less than your best. She deserves it.

You cannot imagine a day without her wisdom guiding your life. She knows best. She knows what you need,and molds you towards that purpose. All you have to do is come to her humbly on bended knee,and profess your consent. Profess that you are unworthy,but crave nothing more than to be reinvented in the image which pleases her most. Come to her begging,and bearing gifts for your Goddess. Be not miserly when presenting her that which is her due. Impress her with the generosity of your wallet,and willingness to sacrifice so that she may have,whilst you go without. You neither need nor want possessions,for Mz Sydney deserves it all.

Easy come easy go in FinDom

Over the years I have had many submissives come and go. It is to be expected. Sometimes life simply gets in the way,or unfortunately it happens that a submissive has failed in their oath of service to me,and must be released. Just as well I have had submissives crawl back to my perfect feet
when their circumstances have altered for the better. Now one might assume that I would deny reinstatement to service,but that is not always so. If the submissive and I parted on good terms,meaning that they did not totally piss me off,or lie to me,than I am open to negotiations for their return to my feet.
Let's face it,only am imbecile would not beg to be beneath of creamy soles :) They are finely matured perfection!

So you can see plainly that I am capable of compassion for those that have served me well,and parted from me in despair. In fact I often remain friendly with those that have served me in the past. Even to the extent that I send holiday wishes,and periodically check as to their welfare.

Serving Mz Sydney is not all about pain and humiliation. I actually have a humane side that seeks to form a bond beyond fetish. I want to know about my submissives aside from their perversity. Imagine that! You may not always see this side of Mz Sydney,but than you wouldn't unless you were serving me. Alot more goes into forming a FinDom LTR than what you peek from the window.

If you ever want to get beyond the window dressings,than you are going to have to dive in. I am not proposing that you blindly leap,for informed consent if crucial,but if you keep debating the issue,you will talk yourself out of it. Think of what a loss that would be.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that perving from the shadows yanking your wank to the thought of how awesome it would be to serve,is not going to lead you to true submission. It is a shallow pleasure to serve yourself,so unless you are a misogynist,or a broke boy,come into the light of serving Mz Sydney. It is a life changer.

Imagine being the one who is honored with removing my shoes,and sweaty socks.
It is bound to remain just a fantasy if you never take that chance,and no it is not me who will be missing out. The only person you are depriving by not serving Mz Sydney is you.

Friday, June 23, 2017

FinDomme blocks

Sometimes I ponder if I have more people blocked on fetish sites than there are members on that particular site lol.
It really is rather sad that I have to put forth this much effort to keep negativity out of my online existence.

I recently had a male on CS create an entirely new account just to ask me why I preemptively blocked him,so I thought that it might be a good idea to inform the rest of you as well why I block certain individuals.

1)Your profile photos consist of nothing but dick or asshole pics(wrong wrong wrong,and a big fat fucking ICK!!!)

2)You are anti-FinDom(FinDom is a power exchange I engage in with ALL those that serve me)

3)You speak ill of women in general(disrespectful,and unwarranted negativity)

4)You are seeking a scat Domme(I list scat as a hard limit,yet constantly get hit up for it)

5)You state that you are looking for 24/7(This is NEVER going to be offered by me)

6)You have spoken to me previously,and failed to tribute after being told that in order to continue the interaction,a token of appreciation is required(self-explanatory)

7)You look like a serial killer(Sometimes I see people whose eyes appear dead and devoid of emotion,which seriously freaks me out)

8)You come across as an entitled asshat(ya know the entire ME ME ME mentality,that only works for one of us in a D's relationship,and it ain't you)

9)You epitomize misogyny(Your hatred of women is glaringly obvious)

10)You seek to become a sex slave(lmfao..not in a million years)

11)You are looking for a Mommy to change your nappy(This is so NOT a fetish of mine)

12)You are an extreme fantasist(nope can't live off of me in my basement,nope I won't sever your balls or dick from your body,and no I will not tie you to a tree for ants to bite you,and yes I have been asked that before)

13)You seek a g/f,wife,SO(not going there with you)

14)You want a monogamous relationship with me(unless you are bankrolling my entire life,get out of here)

Wowza long list eh?? Definitely shorter than my block list though :)

A servant of Mz Sydney

A servant of Mz Sydney is many things,but most importantly

1)A servant of Mz Sydney is intelligent.(Ignorance is not appreciated,sought after,nor lauded)

2)A servant of Mz Sydney is respectful to all women.(Respectful to all means ALL,not just those that turn you on)

3)A servant of Mz Sydney is industrious.(You work hard to provide for my luxuries)

4)A servant of Mz Sydney is honest.(Never a lie shall pass your lips to my eyes,nor ears)

5)A servant of Mz Sydney is generous with time and finances.(Being miserly when it comes to my desires is offensive..the only one who is not treated to high price items is YOU)

6)A servant of Mz Sydney is selfless in service.(There is no you in service..but there is an E,because it is all about ME)

7)A servant of Mz Sydney is attentive to her wants and needs.(My amazon wish list was created for you to clear over and over)

8)A servant of Mz Sydney loyally serves only Mz Sydney.(sluts belong in back alleys,not in service to me)

9)A servant of Mz Sydney does not whine,complain,make demands,or act needy.(Respect my time,and my commands..I make the rules)

10)A servant of Mz Sydney sets her happiness as their prime priority in life.(If your expended efforts are not enacted with my happiness in mind,than they are not relevant,therefore not worth engaging in)

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Sydney's sycophant for life

You know exactly where you belong don't you pet
Right here beneath my feet mewling,purring,begging to serve my every desire. I am all that matters to you. No other woman could compare in your eyes. There is no need for any other woman,just Mz Sydney. She is everything to you. She means more to you than your next breath.
You are nothing without her in your life. She is everything. She is your Goddess. She is the one being that you would do anything to make smile. She is your sun,your moon,and stars. She brings light to the error of your ways,and forces you to see yourself for what you truly are..a sycophant for Mz Sydney. A puppet for her happiness. You would want no life without her.
Pleasing her every whim has became an unquenchable passion for you. You wake with the thought of her almighty presence first and foremost in your mind. You drift off to sleep with the lullaby of her soft laughter serenading your dreams. No other would ever do for you. Only Mz Sydney,always Mz Sydney,forever Mz Sydney. All that you are,and all that you will ever be belong to Mz Sydney. You desire nothing more than to surrender to her,to sacrifice for her,to suffer for her,to serve her. Your dreams,your hopes,your very reality all revolve around one thing....Mz Sydney.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

A taste of toes

I know that you sit there in the dark looking at the photos I post of my silky soled wrinkled mature foot perfection. I am truly your Foot Fetish Goddess in the flesh :) You think yourself perverse for getting so aroused at the sight of my perfectly pedicured peds don't you? It is ok though...I give you permission to fantasize about what it would be like to slip my sexy toes into your mouth one by one til your mouth is stuffed full of their yummy goodness. I bet you can feel the drool dripping down your chin right now just thinking about it.
How could any foot worshiper resist such a bounty of beauty...they couldn't,so don't feel bad about it. Give in to your's ok to crave the sight,scent,and taste of Mz Sydney's sinful soles and toes. Is it getting warmer in here? 

Do you close your eyes and imagine yourself sliding your tongue in between each toe? You love it don't you? You cannot imagine anything hotter than my wrinkled soles right there in your face..the sight of my soles,the heat of my flesh,the feel of them so tantalizingly close to your lips. This is your own slice of heaven on earth. Fucking scorching isn't it? I bet your little dicklet is throbbing thinking about it.

Here is the catch though gents,and yes there is always a catch in life. None shall cum to the feet of Mz Sydney without her permission,and that permission is not granted to any and all of sundry. You will have to be a good pet for me to ever receive the honor of my feet in your face.

Being a good pet means making my happiness your foremost priority. Mz Sydney comes before anything,and anyone else. Mz Sydney must be the focal point of your existence. Mz Sydney will be the reason you wake in the morning,and the purpose for you going to work. Your only goal being the enrichment of Mz Sydney's life with your financial contribution. You work for Mz Sydney. You work for her happiness. You work to finance her luxury,and make no doubt that serving her is your luxury. A pauper would never be able to worship her in the way that you will. You want to worship her don't you? You need to worship her. You cannot,nor do not want to imagine a life where you are not serving her desires.

You have found your nirvana,and her name is Mz Sydney. Welcome home pet.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Twist it,flip it

Some days I feel like I am bashing my head against that brick wall,whilst others I am singing "oops there goes another rubber tree plant" when it comes to explaining that yes I engage in Female Led Relationships,but no I do not engage in your definition of a Female Led Relationship.

Kinda odd yes? Anyways let me get to the meat of the matter.

I am a dominant female who is the leader in any relationship I engage in,therefore I engage in Female Led Relationships,but I am not interested in being in a romantic,marriage minded,girlfriend,meet the parents,live in the same house kind of Female Led Relationship. Does that make sense now?

I will be the dominant partner in the sense that it is in my nature to control the boundaries of how my relationships play out,but I do not desire what is typically considered a partnership in the vanilla realm. I will beat your ass,lock your cock or clit,degrade or humiliate you if it suits me,piss or spit on you if I please,but I will never be the one that you take long walks on the beach with(unless you are on a leash),take to wifey,share a bed with,procreate with,introduce to your friends. This is seriously something that you have to accept about me if you are going to serve me.

Sure I expect you to adore me,perhaps even grow to love me,but it will be a one-sided affair. I will never love you in a romantic way..if you are fortunate I may care for you like I would a pet,but that is as far as it goes. I can hear the moans from stage left now.

I am definitely not cold hearted,nor emotionally stunted...I just do not want that type of relationship with a submissive or slave. I completely understand that alot of people do seek out that Elise Sutton type of Female Led Relationship,and hey that is ok..once again just not for me,so if that is really what you want for your life,than be about it,cause taking up space in my inbox won't get you to the goal post.

Happy Hunting :)

Monday, June 19, 2017

Wholesome FinDom

I seen a few tweets pop up about wholesome FinDom,so of course being the curious cat I am,I went to check it out. Apparently it is supposedly a subset of FinDom comprised of "Dommes" who seek to financially dominate without bringing lasting harm,or having any sexual tone to it. Well shit,I definitely do not seek lasting harm(remember I play by SSC rules),nor do I engage in sexual intercourse with those that serve me...but there is a sensual tone,if not an outright sexual one in FinDom.

If there was nothing arousing about FinDom,than no submissives/slaves would engage in it. Consider human behavior..if there is no pleasure in performing a chore,than one does not actively seek to do so (the exception being your job,where ya gotta put out effort to keep the position and paycheck). I am not referring to sexual pleasure,but yes most times the submissive will find it physically arousing to serve,and it is even encouraged. If you do not own them mind and body..they will seek one who will.

Can you do FinDom without a sexual undertone..I do not think so,but would love to hear your thoughts about the matter. I seen some describe it as just being fetish friends,friends that you pay for their that really FinDom? If so,than where is the domination aspect? You cannot engage in FinDom if you are leaving out half of the equation.

Sure you can be friends with your submissives if that is what you want,but submissives can be friends with non-fetish folks too...folks that do not expect to be paid for their what exactly are you bringing to the table here? Is it kinda like that movie "Money can't buy me love" where the geeky guy has to pay the pretty girl to be his fake friend? I do not see that having staying power.

A submissive needs to be dominated. They need to be led,and controlled (especially their sexual urges). It is in their very nature. How are you going to meet those needs with friendship?

Do chime in with your opinions,and thoughts upon wholesome FinDom :)

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Golden rep&Silent tongue

I tweeted a post earlier today stating that I engage in many fetishes,but petty drama is not one of them.

I swear that twitter is a full on drama fest anymore. I do my absolute best to steer it clear of my TL though. Unfortunately it manages to sneak in like a thief in the night ugh! I just do not see the need for drama. It does not make capital company,but apparently for some it truly is a freaking fetish..they appear to enjoy it,perhaps even get off on it in some hiding in the basement jerking off way. What a sad way to live.

I have in the past,and will do so again now point out that drama will indeed make your brand alright,make it stank. No one,not even the loser ass males who get off on wasting women's time will stick around and enrich your brand if all you do is seek out ways to drag others through the mud. Sure people will watch with the same fascination as they do when driving by a car wreck,but they won't stay to see the incident report filled out. No one has time for that shit. Life is entirely too short to play that game.

You know what drama and the top earners in FinDom have in common...nothing..cause they do not waste their time getting involved in it. So,what does that tell you? If you want to be successful,ya gotta get clear of that trap. Sure you may think that it makes you appear cool and badass..but you are lying to the face in the mirror. Bullies do eventually get taken down a peg by you want to end up at the bottom looking up at a boot? It isn't worth it.

The best thing you can do with your time,is work on being the best you possible. Ya I know that it sounds cliche,but it still rings true. Keep your rep golden,and your tongue silent when it comes to drama.

I realize that we all get peeved off time from time,we are human,and sure you may see a post where you think WTF,but passing it by will leave you in a better frame of mind. Take that high road,cause I guarantee that it is not crowded. Trust me that no one comes out clean and clear in a twitter brawl. So if someone pisses you off,or crawls up your ass for no damn good reason,be quick with your block button. The only one coming out looking like a fool is them when you refuse to engage in shit. Of course that gives them the last word,and we all know how bullies like to brag and puff out their chest,but that is noxious gas spewing forth..and you do not want that stench tarnishing your brand. It lingers,and haunts.

In conclusion,let that shit storm rain all over someone elses back yard..not yours,and you will see your money tree flourish :)

Friday, June 16, 2017

FemDom Goddess hotness

How is everyone loving the new header on this blog??
I looked at this photo all day,and damn it is fucking HOT!

I also took the time to film a new youtube video to teach you boys your place at the feet of Mz Sydney.
I know that your little dicklet is twitching to watch it...go ahead,I give you permission to watch it over and over :) Addict yourself to all things Sydney!

I have been seriously insanely busy lately..but I am never too busy to not collect my due as your FemDom Goddess...keep those tributes rolling into my account :) Every amazon gift card you send gets my juices make it rain in my panties bb!!

No one is immune,and no one can resist the siren call of Mz Sydney's desires..give in..let go,and release that paycheck into my account. It will feel so good to give it all to me. A cashgasm for Goddess is how you pleasure send send send til you are empty,and I am filled full of your splurge.

Wake me up with a big fat throbbing screaming my name tribute.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Virgin territory

If you follow my twitter you are no doubt up to date upon the newest intrigue to enter into my life,but for those that do not,I shall take the time to titillate your taste of all things Sydney.

This past week has brought to my stable a new filly. While this may not seem out of the ordinary..what is exceptional is that this particular girl is a former Domina. Yuppers you read that right. She once ruled over little plebs like you...and now she kneels to me. Isn't that beautiful? Of course it is :)

I am quite pleased with her progress to date,and foresee whipping her into shape in no time lol Seriously though... I am highly anticipating inflicting a set of stripes upon her lily white ass. It brings me immense pleasure bringing her low where she belongs. Am I truly that arrogant...why yes,yes I am!

She is already being taught that my happiness and desires reign supreme with daily mantras,and tributes. Most definitely she exceeds the effort that most of you males put forth,shame on you,but than even a slave girl is better than you lot of selfish shits. The rest of you need to step up your servitude.

I find it overwhelmingly humorous that she fooled so many of you into thinking that she was actually dominant. She was so good at it,that she had herself believing it as well,well that is until Mz Sydney came along to show her the way,truth,and light. Now she is a good girl for Mz Sydney. Isn't that what you all be good for Mz Sydney? Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can exist happily without Mz Sydney. There is no other who can take my place,for I am the one and only Domme for you.

Accept and embrace your fate just like my little cat will be a life changer :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

FinDom is not free

I see all of your complaints. They scream through the screen loud and clear. Why is it that you cannot find a single solitary attractive to you,and attracted to you Domme who does not require you to tribute? Why can't all these women just get you off for fun? Explanation=It is not fun for us to get you off...ergo you are going to pay for your playtime. OH MY GOSH,did I just say that?? You bet I did,why...cause it is the straight up truth.

Who told you that whopping lie about women being turned on watching absolute strangers jack off? They lied to you..or could it be that you rotted your last few brain cells watching porn? If vanilla women do not want to see or have anything to do with your dick,what makes you think that Dommes do? You are deceiving yourself bb. Dommes do not wake up every morning praying that some random male will pop into their inbox dick in hand,and let them watch him pull his puke stick. Get for freaking real. No one wants your dick,no one wants to see your dick,and you are the only living being that wants to touch that shit.

You are mindfucking yourself if you are subscribing to all of the patriarchal propaganda telling you that you are entitled to the time,attention,and sex of a woman. You best flush that turd of total fiction down the toilet. The only way you are going to get any attention from a Domme is if you pay for it. Oops I said it again. Here is another burr under your ass...even if you pay,she still may not give you the time of day,especially if she is experienced enough to catch a whiff of your bullshit stench. Isn't it sad that even if you give her all of the money in your pocket that she may still reject you like discarded rubbish?

Dommes learn to read males quickly in order to cut down on having our time wasted needlessly,so don't expect to be able to slide under our finely honed radar. Definitely do not expect to be able to guilt a Domme into providing you with your desires without tributing a red cent...we are immune to the "if you really loved domination,you would do it for free"..that bullshit ploy is worn the fuck out. You may get lucky making time with a newbie Femme,but I wouldn't count on it. The newer Dommes are being educated even as we speak, upon the tactics of hurry hurry if you want to pull the wool over their eyes.

Now don't get all butthurt,there is a place for everyone in FinDom,but for you males,it is going to cost you. No way around,under,or over it. You pay to play,and you pay to serve. You pay $$$,not with dick pics,cum shots, or compliments. Women do not need your words to bolster their egos,what they want is your benjamins padding their bank account. If you are not contributing,than you are less than worthless...ahhh poor boy. Can you be any lower on the food chain?

I know that I am coming across like nails on a chalkboard,but some of you seriously need to hear me. I am not unlike other Dommes in that I prefer longterm slaves,ones who I can build a bond with,and develop a lasting D's relationship with,but even my owned servants pay. They tribute to see me smile,they tribute to ease my financial load,they tribute because they appreciate the time I spend with them,they tribute because they adore me,and want to see to my material comforts. Tributing enables them to play an important role in my life. They contribute to my every day needs,which means that they are vital in my life.

They do not pop into my inbox expecting something for nothing..they actually expect nothing from me. Wow what a concept. They exist to ensure my happiness. They desire my approval,and my acceptance of them in my life. They do not attempt to use me for their own gratification. They are intelligent enough to recognize that their pleasure hinges upon mine. Can you believe that? That is a shocking revelation isn't it? Hard to swallow that anyone could be that altruistic. No shit..just truth.

So,you decide..are you going to be a shitstain on the toilet paper of life...or are you going to evolve and accept that one way or another you are going to pay? Up to you. Hope you make the right choice,but if not...there is plenty of free porn on the net..wack away bb.

Monday, June 12, 2017

I don't work for your money

This blog is a piece dedicated to detailing why I do not dip my toes into the totally taboo fetish of blackmail.

I cannot even recall how many times I have been approached for this type of play,even though I have outlined in every one of my profiles that I simply do not engage in it. :(

Let's hit it

1)Almost every single person(let's say more than 99%)who asks for it,is not sincere. They get off on the fantasy,not the reality.
2)It is some seriously(like federally)illegal shit. Do you want the feds busting your door in?
3)The information submitted is in almost entire certainty false..yup folks will give you fake ass info,such as a supposed GF's email addy,that is so totally their own..or a parent's or employer's phone number that connects you with someone who has no idea who the hell you are talking about.
4)The photos supplied are generally ones that A)they want the public to see for humiliation purposes or B)10 other Dommes already have these pics
5)They do not intend to ever pay...why??? Cause they want to be exposed. There entire intent is to goad you into getting angry and publishing their photos when they refuse to pay..and bingo they win without ever paying.
6)Blackmail contracts are illegal,and not even close to being legally binding..sure you can word it however you want,but if taken to court,they can have you ya look good in orange? I don't.

I am a safe and sane type of Goddess,and this type of play does not fall into that category for me personally. Hats off to all of you that make it work to your benefit,but leave me the hell out of it.

I am honestly entirely too selfish and self serving to play this game. I want males to tribute me because they just adore me that much..because they want to sacrifice for my happiness,and forcing males to give me money does not tickle my sweet spot if ya know what I mean.

I do not work for a male's money..that is on them. It is my place to accept their compliments in the form of cash and gift cards if they are worthy of the honor of gifting me.

I do not want to take. I want to receive.

I do not coax or coerce. I want males to want so badly from the bottom of their soul to please me,knowing that the only way to truly bring me bliss is with tribute.

This is who I am,and for once and for all...blackmail is a hard limit of mine. Thank you for respecting my limits,just as I do with all who serve me.

Money gives meaning to foot worship

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Saturday, June 10, 2017

Watching and waiting

Watching and waiting in the shadows will not get you a single inch closer to serving my divine self. Yes I am intimidating,yes I am strict in my requirements,yes I am exacting in my desires,but failing to impress me with your very existence is a failure. Are you a failure? Are you an actual loser(and no I do not mean that in a "here is some free humiliation"type of way).

Are you one of those males who lacks the balls to creep into my inbox with a mannered introduction? Here is the solution just for you! Send an amazon gift card of no less than $50,and I promise that I will definitely glance in your direction. Let your money do the talking for you. It speaks so much more powerfully than you ever could.
It is a sensual enticement,it is a turn on,it is worthy of attention,it is everything that you are not.

See how kind I am? I have provided you with the perfect answer. Thank me...thank me from the bottom of your wallet :)

So,come out come out wherever you are,and introduce your cash to my account. It is a match made in heaven lol

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Submissives begging

Pretty pretty please with a cherry on top. Cute,but ineffective begging,unless you are begging like this pup is :)

I love when submissives debase themselves with begging. Cruel,perhaps,but definitely effective for teaching a submissive their proper place at my feet,and in my world. In my dominion,a submissive is less. Less as in beneath,below,and inferior to me. Therefore they are reduced to begging. Begging for 1)My attention 2)My time 3)to please me 4)to be of use 5)to orgasm 6)to serve me. I just fucking love it! I adore dragging out permission. I luxuriate in making them suffer in wait for my decision.

Now of course in some instances begging will be in vain,or even piss me off. When is it not going to tickle my fancy 1)when there is no financial sacrifice involved 2)when I have reached the point where I am done with you 3)when your only purpose for begging is to gain something selfish from me 3)when I have already said no...when I say no,I mean it.

It does not matter if you identify as male or female as a prospective servant of mine. You will still be required to beg at some point...just because I like it,and if I enjoy it,than you should be all for it. Get creative with it if you want to impress me. Beg in a poetic manner. Don't just set there typing out please please please...well unless you are begging me to hurt you ;) Yes yes yes I will definitely enjoy your pain and suffering for me.

Being a sadist is delicious,so remember boys,and girls BEG BEG BEG!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Last place finish

Coming at me like a race car with the green light is not going to get you across the finish line fast or even first.

On the daily I have males popping into my inbox with the fetish switch flipped on full power. This is a losing proposition for you. No woman let alone a Domme wants to be treated like a vending machine that is ready to spit out your selection when you slip a quarter in.

I realize that it is really easy to get all caught up in the fantasies playing out in your head(yup all of that porn you watched has poisoned your brain),but you gotta yell CUT when you are creeping into my inbox(no not literally yelling cut out loud either lol). What I am saying is that just like you,I am a human being. Yes I am a dominant human being,which means that to get anywhere with me,you are going to have to put down the pukestick,and treat me like a human being. I am not one dimensional. I am not a blow up betty sex doll. I am a living being who takes insult when I feel like someone is trying to use me for their own means of gratification without my consent. Is that comprehensible to you?

I know that males adore being sexually objectified,but I am NOT male,so this is definitely not a winning strategy with me. Come at me in a decent manner,with manners. Interact with me with respect. That same respect that you would accord to any other unknown woman you happened upon. Maybe you do not know how to do so,and that is very possibly the reason that you are struggling to receive any type of positive reaction from females. You will not succeed by treating women like inanimate objects created to satisfy your sexual desires. This is wholly unrealistic. Society may have taught you that it is ok to use women's bodies like tissues,or to speak to them as if they are second class citizens..and just maybe your parents did not school you to treat women with respect,but I am here to highlight the error of your ways.

If you want to get anywhere with a woman,let alone a Domme you are going to have to accept that your brain needs rewiring. Of course it will not be easy,but if you truly want to submit to me,than you are going to have to put in the time and effort,til such time as you are able and willing to come before me a changed male. A male who recognizes that his wants do NOT supersede mine,and that allowing your dick to do your talking will find you talking to yourself alone. Capiche?