Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What is your motivation to serve me?

Welcome pets...

Every Monday on twitter they list up a hashtag called which I generally will tweet a little inspirational thought for you all,but I really want to take a moment and talk to you about 
Specifically in regards to what motivates you to approach me. What exactly is your motivation for wanting to serve me?

Your motivation is very important to me. Every time a male approaches me with a declaration of undying servitude,I have to wonder where that desire is coming from. Mind you I am not intimating that I am not worthy of being worshiped as a Goddess,for surely I am,but I still want to know your motivation. 

Motivation for the wrong reason will not produce a pleasant response. The majority of you fail to think with the tip top head,which means that 99% of the time you are seeking out a Domina to aid you in your desire to satiate your symbol of sex,and I totally get that,but that is momentary motivation,rather than lifelong..well atleast with 1 Domina in particular.

I get that males like to flit around testing out every flower they see,but as I is momentary,and fleeting.

I on the other hand am attracted to those that offer more than a moment in time..and of course it should go without saying that unless a male is motivated purely by his desire to serve and secure my happiness,than I am quickly soured upon allowing him to serve me.  

I do not often give out praise,but a good act deserves it,so without further ado,allow me to share with you a selfless act 

These were sent to me by a female who wanted nothing more than to provide for my desire.
This from a female..yes she has put you boys to shame..truly you should endeavor to exceed my expectations as quickly and willingly as she does.

Remember boys..dick motivation leaves you with a sticky palm,but selfless motivation enriches your life :)

Monday, August 28, 2017

Eradicating selfishness in submissive service


Gents I am going to get really real with you right here,right now.

If you are not contributing to the financial welfare of the Domina you desire to serve,than all you are doing is using her for your own gratification period. Do not attempt to deny my words,nor the intent behind your actions.

Sure you may be trying to excuse your selfishness by claiming that you serve her domestically with your mad cleaning skills lollll,or that you entertain her by dancing around naked shoving shit up your ass for her on cam*gag*..none of that is enough,and when it comes down to it,you do those things for you,not her,and they do not secure her future.

If you honestly gave a rat's ass for the woman you serve,than you would stop being a selfish twat,and see to her financial comfort. She should not have to tell you to do so. You should be doing so of your own free will,because you care about her more than your dick.

The fetish scene is rancid with the stench of selfish not grow their numbers. Be different. Be about her,instead of being all about you. Your sense of fulfillment,and satisfaction in service will increase exponentially once you take this step. Take the focus off of your dick,and concentrate on making your Domina's life better. BTW,your dick does not add value to her life.

Stop thinking of self...think selfless. This is the key to servitude. 


Saturday, August 26, 2017

Why no FemDomme wants you

Welcome pets..

It is always the right time to shine the light of truth in the fetish scene! 

Do you want to know the number 1 reason why you as a submissive are not in service to a Domina? Have you ever wondered why? Does it keep you awake at night suffering with a sore brain from trying to figure out where you are going wrong,or do you just assign the blame to others rather than yourself? 

I know exactly how easy it is to say
Here is the kick while you are down,it IS your fault,and if you have not reached a maturity level which allows you to claim it as your own fault,than there is no hope for you til you do.

The question I am going to answer for you today is..why is it your fault?

Drum roll please is your fault because
Does your approach to fetish resemble this stocking? Is your presence in the fetish scene based upon your wants,rather than needs? Do you have an entire laundry list of wants and "needs"? Is your focus targeted towards getting what you want from a Domina? 

Alot of you are going to say "no no no" I am not like that at all..I just know that I need to be exposed to a woman's friends,to be pegged regularly to maintain my submissive state,to be forced into acts that turn me on,to have my fetishes fed so that I can feel good about using women to get off. Does this sound like you? I know damn well that most of you will deny the truth of it,even though it describes you to a T,but you are not the ones I concern myself with,for you are lost to the relevance and reverence of D's service. My words are intended to reach those on the fringe who are able to see the error of this way,and seek to evolve beyond self satiation.

I myself adore is my mental and physical playground. Bdsm stimulates and sates me. It allows me to express who I truly am. Do you feel the same way?

Questions: If you received absolutely zero physical arousal from service,would you still desire to serve? If you were not subjected to seductive teasing,and supplied arousing images,would you still serve? If you gained nothing from service other than the knowledge of a Domina's happiness,would you still serve? These are the most pertinent and relevant questions you should be asking yourself if you are claiming the submissive title,and if your answer is NO,then STOP claiming to be one,cause you are NOT one.

There is still a place for you in fetish,it just isn't in a submissive capacity. 

So what should you do if you are not a submissive,but rather a fetishist who has no interest in serving? 
Your best bet is to seek out the avenues which suit you best ie..buying clips and sessions. This avenue offers you the advantage of "calling the shots". In these instances you will be the customer,and will be paying for what you want. Your money will purchase you the opportunity to feed your fetishes in a positive win win way. You pay,and you receive. Sounds fair yes?

Now some of you are going to say "but I don't wanna pay for my pleasure"..yup there are thousands of you out there,but guess what!! Tough shite bb. There is NO way around it. 

Of course you could try out going to munches to seek out a purely lifestyle Domina,but since you are not submissive,and expect her to cater to your fetishes...ya you ain't going to get anywhere that way,so consign yourself to the reality you face. 

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Submissives tip to success

Welcome pets..

Take a seat please,and relax. Heed my words,obey and breathe. Breathe in..hold for a 3 count...breathe out.  Breathe in..hold for a 3 count...breathe out.

Now I want to go over material that I have spoken of many times. Perhaps it is likened to preaching to the deaf, dumb, and blind,but I intend to persevere til my point becomes instinctive to you to perform. As automatic as breathing in..holding for a 3 count...then breathing out.

What is it that I am instructing you to do?
I fully understand that so many of you do not want to fact I have even received messages where a male outright refused to read my profile on a fetish site. His excuse was that he did not have time to read. All I could say at that point was seriously! 

I get it that you as a male just want to skip to the good stuff(photos)and neglect the all important foreplay(reading bios)..but you are not going to get anywhere like that,but maybe that is your intention anyway. Maybe you really aren't submissive to anything other than your dick,and if that is the case,than there is no need to contact me at all,cause I am not interested in him.

Reading my profile will tell you many pertinent facts about me,such as 
  1. How to address me properly
  2. How to approach me correctly
  3. My expectations
  4. My requirements
  5. My fetishes
That data is priceless if you desire to initiate a successful interaction with me.

The entire point of seeking out a FemDomme should be to find one whose interests align with your own..else you are just spinning your wheels. Think about it..if your ideal is 24/7 live in service,and you blindly contact me for whom that is not an option just wasted your time and mine. That doesn't make much sense does it?

It is difficult enough connecting with someone whom you believe that just might be a good D's match,so why would you want to chase your own tail? It only makes sense to read the profile of any FemDomme you are reaching out do not want to come across as a energy leeching timewaster do you? Of course not,for that is for your own read read!!


Sunday, August 20, 2017

Sinful Sunday Submission

Morning my pets...

It is sinful Sunday,and I have a task for you today. A task that will please me greatly! You do want to please me don't you pet? Of course you do,for to be tasked by a Goddess is an indisputable honor.

What I want is for you to create an altar of worship for Goddess Sydney. A shrine where you are free to offer your prayers up to me.

What you need:
  • a photo of me printed off
  • a white candle
Now you are to light the candle,kneel down,bow your head and repeat after me three times.."Great and Glorious Goddess,I offer my humble submission in your honor. I pray that you will look kindly upon my offering,and accept my tithe this day" Blow the candle out,log into amazon,and send your tithe to Goddess (

For those of you that are unable to create a physical altar,you may open up a photo of Goddess on your phone,and follow the above instructions.


Saturday, August 19, 2017

Respect and Research Femdom

Welcome pets..

Why did I create this blog? Why do I spend so much time here exposing and sharing pieces of my Femdom self with you?
Simple subverting logic. This blog is a free look into my sensually sadist soul. This blog is chalk full of content which allows the reader to "get to know me" without ever having to bother me with inane time consuming questions.

You my pet may think to yourself that you are only trying to see if we would suit..if we have chemistry,but here is the quagmire..there are only 24 hours within a day,and I the selfish sot that I am require sleep during that cycle,so detract approximately 8 hours from the equation. That leaves a total of 16 hours. Now subtract the time I am working(gasp a real job) 8 hours. We are left with 8 hours..ok now let's take into account the time spent bathing,preparing meals,eating meals,dressing,cleaning,laundry,running errands,peeing,and pooing..gosh that is another 4 hours gone. Holy crap that brings us to a total of 4 hours to indulge in my fetishes. Oops we must also note the time I spend interacting with those that already serve me. 

The point I am getting at is that I do not desire to waste the time I do have online answering questions that have already been answered here or on my website. That would be the height of insanity! Think about it,say I receive at a minimum of 10 males contacting me daily to ascertain if we have "chemistry" and I spend 10 minutes interacting with each one..that is 100 minutes out of my day..mind you that the odds of each one of those males showing appreciation of my time with a tribute is less than 10%..most days I have essentially just wasted 100 minutes,which is time I could have better spent interacting with those males who do tribute to be in my presence.  

Before you point it out,yes I have heard this saying
I do realize that if you fail to spend time interacting with submissives,that none will desire to serve me,but here is the thing. I do have the right to decide who I will spend that precious time with,and I choose to bestow it upon those that have proven to have already done the leg work. Those that took the time to read my words prior to contacting me,thereby proving that they are willing to put forth some effort. Is that really such a bad thing? Is it absolutely horrid that I expect males to come to me already knowing whether they want to serve me or not? I do not think that it is. 

Think about it from this point of view. Say that you are applying for jobs,so you scour the want ads for the perfect position to suit you. When you are deciding if you want to apply,do you research what that company does,what it stands for,and what you can expect of them as an employer? If not,than you are a dumbass. In essence you are applying to work for me as a submissive,so it is not beyond reasonable to expect you to do your homework before coming before me. 

This blog,and my website spells out clearly that tribute is required to serve,and that a submissive mindset is a prerequisite. They relay that I do not offer pay for play,sexual contact,the GFE,seek a housekeeper,driver,lawn boy,spouse,bf,or sex slave,as well as pointing out that I have no interest in 24/7 live in service. My fetish interests are conveyed as if I am not into what you are seeking,than you know right away that we will not suit.

In my opinion,the only ones who do not do their homework are lazy worthless bastards who deserve not a single moment of my attention. Is that you? Do you want to fall into that category? I hope not.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

So you wanna be a FemDomme or FinDomme

Welcome all...

Any female who has ever come to me asking about getting involved in the findom scene has been told via myself that you must have a thick confident skin to get anywhere in the fetish scene,and it is 100% accurate. Why do I say this? Whelp here are some of the things you will get told by both males and females at some point in time.

  • You are not pretty enough to be a FemDomme or FinDomme
  • You are not sexy enough to be a FemDomme or FinDomme
  • You are not thin enough or too thin to be a FemDomme or FinDomme
  • You are too old or too young to be a FemDomme or FinDomme 
  • You are not smart enough to be a FemDomme or FinDomme
  • You are a whore,a golddigger,a user,a predator
  • You are an insta,a fake,a fraud,a scammer 

This is just part of the gauntlet you will have to run in order to exist in the fetish scene. Onto the really fun aspect...NOT

  • You will be sent unsolicited dick pics(that happens to vanilla chicks too)
  • You will be sent spread asshole photos(never happened to me in the vanillasphere)
  • You will be objectified and used as wank fodder by males looking to bust a nut(all the time)

Let's tackle a few myths of FemDomme and FinDomme shall we

  • You have to be a cam girl(myth)
  • You have to get naked to be successful(myth)
  • You have to fuck your submissives(myth)
  • You have to suck dick,jack guys off,and fuck them in the ass to get anywhere(myth)

Now here are some truths

  • Do not base your worth upon the opinions of others! 
  • Accept that you will have haters,and fly that middle finger proudly in their faces!
  • Realize that insults are lobbied by the insecure,and never devalue yourself due to them!
  • Never fear to employ the block hammer! Ban negativity!!
  • Do not give up just because others do not believe in you!
  • Knowledge is your best friend til you gain experience! Research every aspect of fetish,and play safe! 
  • Recognize that not everyone is going to like you,and that is ok!
  • Don't change who you are to please others!
  • Know that a dominant woman will walk alone rather than bowing to the dictates of others!

**Most importantly,Be you,and believe in yourself!!**

Monday, August 14, 2017

Seduction of the Masochist

Welcome pets...

Your pain and suffering is sweeter than chocolate on my tongue
I am truly the sweetest sadist you will ever serve,and we both know that you are dying to take a trip to the dark side with me. A place where your pain becomes my happy place :) You like to suffer don't you? You love that feeling of being at my not so tender mercies :) I will strip you of all masculine pretense,til you are nothing but flesh for my flogger. You like that don't you...imagine yourself quivering in my presence awaiting the lash upon your exposed skin. 

I want to drown my senses in your mewls of pain. I want to bathe in the slickness of your tears.
See yourself as my whipping boy,for that is how I envision you always. Even if that pain is via the violation of your wallet. I want it all! Every last cent belongs to me. I will reduce you to your very essence..which is a submissive who lives for the suffering his service to Goddess Sydney brings. Your only solace will be the knowledge that you have at last evolved into a creature of my creation. This is what you want,and where you belong. Denial only encourages senseless suffering..come to me and I will give purpose to your pain.

Come now my pets...come to your Goddess Sydney

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Suffer for the solace of serving

Welcome pets..

Your life with Goddess Sydney in it
vs your life without Goddess Sydney
Your life with Goddess Sydney in it
vs your life without Goddess Sydney
Do you get my drift pets? Do you understand what it means to be without the presence of Goddess Sydney in your life?

Right now you exist,but you will never truly live til you seek out the purpose of your life,and kneel down at her feet. Come to Goddess Sydney,and begin living.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Blocked boys

Welcome pets...

Are you truly welcome though?
Over the past 5 years online I have compiled a block list longer than the number of twitter followers I possess. What does this information relay to you? I imagine that my list is far shorter than many others,but than again it is most likely enormous compared to most in my position. 

When I convey to you pets that I am a no nonsense,no game playing,no BS swallowing Domina...I am not exaggerating to prove a point. I seriously lack patience or tolerance for the usual antics or perps.
I am a preemptive yet decisive blocker. 

I do not ascribe to the 
methodology. One would think that I am quite cruel to not allow at the very least a few mistakes by those seeking to serve me..and I do,but if you are striking out before you even reach my inbox,than why should I allow you another opportunity? My belief is that when someone really truly wants to succeed at something,that yes they are going to run afoul at times,but they will correct their errors expediently.

What is it that is keeping you from a warm welcome?
It is you are the one holding yourself back. You are to blame..the problem. Why do I block people you know why? 
  • ego
  • entitlement
  • selfishness
  • dick pics
  • spread ass photos
  • misogynistic statements
  • willful disobedience
  • disrespect
  • whining
  • demanding behavior
  • refusal to tribute..and I mean tribute as in a gift freely given without expectations
  • attempts to manipulate my domination
  • disregarding my hard limits
  • failure to comply with commands without my justification of reasons
 Long list of reasons eh? Not really. No doubt that you are thinking "sheesh she harps on this alot",and mayhaps I do,but there is a very valid reason for my doing so. I do not enjoy blocking people(it devours time that could be spent more enjoyably). My wish is for you not to end up on this yourself the pain..and me the effort.  

Now I advise you to keep yourself on my sweet side :) *hint* gift cards make me smile!

Friday, August 11, 2017

Angry submission

Welcome back pets..

Are you angry,frustrated,and full of rancor due to not being able to find the Domina of your dreams? You are not alone. There are thousands of submissive males out there searching for someone to serve,and if lucky a few hundred will succeed. The odds are not in your favor.
You can increase the odds in your favor! 

 Anger is a powerful emotion,which can be turned into positive creative energy. Use that anger,that angst,and sense of failure to drive fuel your ambitions. Allow yourself to mold that anger into a tool which works for you instead of against you. Control that anger and channel it into a higher purpose.

Gather up all of that negative emotion and repurpose it into an instrument of determination. Armor yourself with the determination to better yourself. Better yourself in life,and as a submissive. Stop wasting time redirecting internalized anger into misogyny. It is NOT the fault of women worldwide that you are not one of the chosen few. It is your fault..own it..accept it..embrace it,and change it!

Instead of asking "Why can't I find a Domme to serve when there are thousands out there" say "There are thousands of Dommes out there,and I will be a good submissive for 1 of them". Repeat it til you actually believe it,and then begin the hard work of reprogramming your patriarchal poisoned brain.

Start with the realization that women owe you nothing..not time,attention,domination,and especially not sex. Serving a woman entails setting aside any sense of entitlement. You are owed fact it is you that is in arrears. It is you that owes reparation for every misogynistic thought and deed you have perpetrated. Accepting this will aid you in evolving into a humble male,which is what you should have been to begin with. These alterations will set you upon the path to becoming worthy of the domination of a woman. Mind you though that the process of enlightenment requires lifelong dedication. Be diligent and persevere regardless of what your he-man woman haters cronies advise you to do..and perhaps someday you will be one of the "lucky ones".

Findom is not

Findom is not this
It is not a racetrack where I see my fellow femmes as competition. I am not in the scene to beat out any female. If I am in competition with any woman,that woman would be me. My ego is secure,and it does not need to win any race to stay that way. The only ones who win if you approach Findom in this manner,are the males who get off on seeing women vie for their attention and appreciation.

Nor is it this
 Treating Findom like a beauty contest means that we all shall lose,for there will always be someone prettier,smarter,younger,thinner why put yourself through the ringer in the hopes that some beta bitch will pick you based upon the most shallow criteria possible? 

It isn't even this
If you are getting into mud slinging contests on social media with your fellow femmes,it is you that is going to come away smelling unlike a rose. We are not males who need to beat their chest to prove dominance. We are better than that cro-magnon mentality. We do not need to smear the reputation of other women to get to the top rung of the Findom success ladder!

If you just have to treat it like a competition though,than seeing yourself as the only competitor means that you will win every time :) I wish all my fellow Ladies success!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Proclaim your submission

Greetings pets..

Goddess Sydney has recreated you,and called you her slave. You were born to be my slave. My slave  who worships Goddess Sydney daily. On your knees before the altar you have created in my honor. It is here that you will pray..pray to your Goddess for salvation from your sins. It is the sin of selfishness which has kept you from serving as you were meant you want absolution little slave? Do you want to be forgiven?
Words alone my little slave will not bring you the pardon you chase. Your words have no meaning here. Clemency hinges upon repentance conveyed through deeds. You want my forgiveness don't want to prove to me that you are worthy of being my slave..that you possess inside you the potential to become the very best of those that serve me. 

I want you to dig deep within yourself..wipe away all of your ego..scrub away the sense of entitlement that blackens your soul..delve past it all..beyond the poisoning of patriarchy..and there,there is where you will find the submission I demand of you slave. The submission that bares your soul to my eyes. Stripped of all to the truth of your purpose. Your psyche spread wide for my invasion. You want to give yourself to Goddess Sydney don't you. You have no desire to hold anything back from Goddess.
Now you are free to be captured and consumed by the will of Goddess Sydney. Free to be the real you. The you that was hidden beneath all of the armor that society girded you with. You are free my little slave. Goddess has set you free. Free to reveal to me all that you have held back. Are you ready? Are you ready to embrace your destiny..your true purpose? What is that purpose little slave? 

Your purpose is clear little your eyes..see it! Claim it now..claim your purpose. Say it aloud..chant it til you can chant no more. My purpose is Goddess Sydney! She is my purpose and reason for existence. I will serve her all of the days of my life,and give thanks for Goddess Sydney. I will deny her nothing. I will give my all for her. I will adore her..I will exalt her..I will revere her..I will praise her..I will devote my life to her.

Proclaim your submission slave,and I will own it!

Monday, August 7, 2017

Time serving Femdom

Welcome my pets...

When you serve Goddess Sydney,time takes on new meaning. It can feel as if it flies by when Goddess Sydney is pleased with you..yet drag along like the clock at work when all you want to do is clock out,if Goddess Sydney is displeased with you.

Have you ever displeased Goddess Sydney..have you ever failed to put forth your best efforts..have you ever fudged on a task that she set before you? Have you ever thought of yourself first knowing that Goddess Sydney always comes first? Have you ever been stingy with your time or wallet when serving Goddess Sydney? All of these are shameful acts,which will decay and fray the seams of the relationship you have with Goddess Sydney. I know that you do not want that! Make amends...make amends with your to love to obey me.

You would never wish to have Goddess Sydney gone from your life,for then time would feel like an eternity of nothingness.

Time without Goddess Sydney in your life is meaningless. Goddess Sydney brings meaning,and purpose to an otherwise void of a life. You want your life to have meaning don't you? You want your life to serve a purpose..of course you do. Goddess Sydney is the focal point of your life..the epicenter of all that is good within it. To jeopardize the relationship you have with Goddess Sydney is beyond the pale of ignorance..and you my pet are not stupid. You know that you will do whatever it takes to ensure the happiness of Goddess Sydney,and her continued presence in your life. 

Goddess Sydney breathes life into your life.

Without Goddess Sydney you are simply drowning..drowning under the weight of a monotonous existence. No highs,no lows..just a sense of neverending nothingness. I know that this is not what you want..this is not what you need. You need the presence of Goddess Sydney in your life. She brings light and awakening. She brings purpose and meaning. She is all,and she is everything. 

This my pets...this is why you will never slack,nor shirk your duties,and responsibilities to Goddess Sydney. This is why you will always do all within your power to be your do your best for her.

Intimidating Femdom

Welcome my pets..

Take a seat..sit back..relax and breathe for me

Goddess has been described in many ways over the years,yet one way has become prevalent since I ventured into this world of online fetish intrigue. Do you know the way I am speaking of? 

 I am many times over described as intimidating,and yet I wonder how that can be,or why it is.

These are the queries I would pose to you my pets:

  • Do you find me intimidating? If so,why?
  • Were you frightened to approach me? Are you still too afraid to contact me? 
  • Are you too terrified to even post your response here? 

I am most interested in your responses. Those that have actually spent time serving me have never referred to me as such,so of course I am perplexed as to why I would seem so to those who have not served me. I highly doubt that those encountering me on the street as a total stranger would see me as intimidating,for I am not a tall woman,and rarely do I make eye contact with those walking towards me(not due to shyness or being meek..I simply am too absorbed in myself to take much notice of others) lol.

What I am though,and this may just be the reasons behind me being seen as intimidating 

  • I am a mature woman
  • I am a no nonsense woman
  • I am an honest woman..even to the point of being brutal
  • I am a no game playing woman
  • I am a woman who knows what she wants,and accepts nothing less than she deserves
  • I am a dominant woman who sees males for exactly what they are

Now you tell me pets...share with me why you think others would be afraid to approach me. There are no wrong answers,and I give you permission to confess your opinions without fear of reprisal.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

FemDomme Owned

Welcome my pets..

Today is a perfect day to remind you where you belong..and who you belong to

Where do you belong

Who do you belong to

Where do you belong

Who do you belong to

Any questions?

Friday, August 4, 2017

Femdom submission on your knees

Welcome little pets

Can you remember the last time you were on your knees? 
I want you to think about how it feels to be down on your knees with your head bowed in reverence. The floor you are kneeling on,is it wood,carpet,tile..or even grass? Does it feel right to be on your does doesn't it? When you are on your knees in my presence,than you are exactly where you are meant to be. 

Right now at this very moment I want you to take a deep breath,close your eyes for one entire minute,and imagine yourself on your knees at my feet.
I want you to relax while you are down there. I want to hear you slowly breathing in and out. Breathe in,and breathe out the word Goddess. Over and over til you know in your heart that yes this is where you belong..where you want to be. 

Imagine how you will feel looking down at my feet. Think of the excitement coursing through your veins now that you are where you always knew you should be. Don't forget to breathe pet..breathe in and breathe out. At long can see me,and breathe in the scent of Goddess. You are not allowed to touch me..but I know that you want do don't you? You so badly want to reach out and see if I am real or just a fantasy in your mind. You want to feel the softness of my soles against your palms. You want to feel the heat of my feet in your hand. You want to taste my toes in your mouth.

Is it everything you dreamed about pet? Can you see me there when you close your eyes? Your breath blowing out at my feet. You want it so bad! So badly that all you can think to do is chant Goddess Goddess Goddess. How does it feel to want me that desperately? It feels good doesn't it..admit it pet..admit that I am all that you can think about..admit that you want nothing more than to serve your Goddess.

Free yourself yourself to worship Goddess.

Femdom Homewrecking Play

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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Opportunity to sacrifice for your Femdom

Hello hello my pets

Today I am giving you an opportunity to please Goddess Sydney.

This entire week I have been touching ever so seductively upon the subject of sacrifice,and what it means for you my pets to sacrifice to me,and for me. Now I am providing you with an opportunity to do just that..sacrifice for me. Sacrifice for my happiness and pleasure. You were created for this purpose. 

Show Goddess how much you adore,appreciate,and want to pleasure her with your selfless sacrifice.

You do adore me don't you?? You do appreciate all of the time I take away from my life to share with you don't you?? Show me how much you care by sending a Kohls gift card to cover the cost to

I want the gift card before I wake in the morning..and you do not want to disappoint me now do you? I sincerely hope not,because if you are not providing for my wants,than I will have no desire to continue sharing myself with chop chop pet..send the gift card now :)

Femdom Submission Struggles

Welcome little pets..welcome to the Fempire of Goddess Sydney

Have you ever been told that one door must close in order for another to open?
This is the dilemma you are facing right now. You want to be dominated by a strong woman,because you know that it is your place to submit yourself to a strong woman,but there is an inner struggle occurring within you holding you back. You are not alone though. There are multitudes of males facing this obstacle as well. Why do you think that so many of you and your fellow males are head butting this brick wall? I have theories which I will share with you.

Why males are unable to submit properly
1)They have been conditioned to believe that submission to a woman is a crime against male dignity,which leaves them open to ridicule and scorn from fellow males,perhaps even females.

2)They have internalized through patriarchal teachings that women are inferior to men,therefore unworthy of male submission.

3)They view submission as a weakness rather than the strength that it is.

4)They are too self-involved to see past their selfishness.

5)They already are in abject submission to their penis.

6)The idea of submitting to a woman triggers their fight or flight switch out of fear of the unknown,or knowledge within that yes they are meant to submit,but they refuse to allow it,therefore they will fight it as if their very lives depend upon it. 

*The question now is how to overcome the hurdles outlined above. I am going to offer some suggestions..possible solutions.*

Conquering the issues which keep you from submitting properly
1)Recognize that the patriarchal propaganda is intended to keep you in a designated position. A position which you have not made the choice to stand in. You may not be subject to a dominant woman,instead you are a slave to those males in power who hold your tether. Do you truly wish to serve an unknown cruelly governing entity? Do you want to be the oxen of those who hold no care for your well being or needs?

2)Embrace the fact that submitting to a woman is not a sign of weakness. It takes strength to bow down and acknowledge your true purpose in life.

3)If your refusal to submit is based upon a poisonous abundance of self-love...well than truly you are going to encounter a very difficult  time getting past it,til you are willing to admit that you are not meant to serve your will be lost to the bliss and fulfillment of Femdom. How sad is that?  Now on the other hand,if it is your poison stick that rules your are even worse off,for we both know that it is pure evil. Your penis does not care whether it is ruining your life,and that is exactly what it does. I highly suggest locking it in a cock cage. Doing so will open your mind,and work wonders in your me.

4)The fight or flight issue is a bit easier to get past. It is fear which is holding you back,and that can be conquered with small steps. What do you fear? Is it the loss of control which paralyzes you? Is it the fear of being exposed to other members of society? Does it make you feel less of a man to submit? The thing to remember here is that it is your purpose to serve women. You are born of a woman,and therefore should possess the utmost respect for them,else you are a piece of stinking offal. Is that what you are? Surely not! There can be no pride in being a misogynist due to fearing your destined fate. You can do this. Learn to love women more than you love yourself,and more than you fear the opinions of those that would judge you for submitting to a woman..after all they will not be the one living with your will..and life can feel as if it is a never ending cesspool of disappointment when you are not serving a purpose.   

* If you still have questions or would like to offer further insight..feel free to comment*

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Who is ready to serve a Femdom?

Hello my pets..

Yes I am talking to you..

Have you had enough? Are you frustrated and fed up with searching for the perfect Femdom only to find yourself floundering along all alone? Are you ready to actively do something to change that scenario? You want to make that change don't you..of course you do,because no one wants to feel as if their life serves no purpose. An aimless life is a wasted life. 

I can see that you are no longer content to drift along directionless. You tire of the repetition with no results. Goddess Sydney is going to share with you exactly what you need to do to overcome failure. You want to succeed don't you? Yes that is exactly what you want. You want to be proudly in service to a Femdom don't you..that is the only reason why you keep logging in day in day out.  

1)You are going to alter how you perceive service. Why? Because continuing with the same tired modus operandi will certainly fail you again,and you tire of failing. You want to serve! Changing your perception is perhaps the most difficult task,for you must change you. You need to recognize that serving a woman is in no way a correlation between her happiness,and your penis. You should cut him entirely out of the equation. He is your greatest enemy. You must defeat him..scorn him..wrest the power away from him now. He has forced you into being a selfish son of a bitch,and that is not who you want to be. Once you have overcame the obstacles he created,you will be open to the metamorphosis of change. You will be ready to serve for her,not for you. This is what you want..this is what you need. Now you are to be the submissive you long to be.

2)Now that your chains are gone,you are free to begin your search anew..remade as a new man. You will learn to be humble. Do you know that humility is one of the most attractive traits a human being can possess aside from integrity? Now you know pet:) You will be humble by thinking of yourself less,and of the one you want to serve,MORE. Your words,and your deeds will revolve around what makes her happy..that is going to open up the Femdom world to you in one step. Your eyes will be opened to what Femdom is truly meant to be. No longer will you view it as an opportunity to receive,but instead the honor of giving. You want to be a generous human being don't you..of course you do. Imagine how wonderful it will be when you are finally found worthy of kneeling at the feet of your Goddess!

Your heart pounding..the sweat trickling down your bowed back..the overwhelming ecstasy of at last being where you dreamed of being..blessed is what you will be. You want that feeling don't need that have to have that feeling! It is there just outside your bold..and make it your reality.