Thursday, August 29, 2019

Anger is useless in the face of facts

Good Morning to all of you wonderful people who have found your way here to my slice of fetish spice :)

I read a tweet this morning (if you care to see it, you can search up my response to it) that I really feel needs to be addressed in depth, so let's go there shall we :)

Clip sites. Know them? Have you ever checked one out? Most of you probably have. What stands out about the featured front page models? 

1)They are young
2)They are white
3)They are thin to fit
4)They are amply endowed in breast tissue

Is there a reason why this specific type is promoted heavily? Yes. Clip sites are a business, and big money making ones at that. They are successful for a reason. They are heavily invested in knowing the demographics of their customers, and their buying habits.

They have crunched the numbers over and over, along with recognizing the patterns of sales. They know which types of clips are best sellers, and which clip artists bring home the bacon to their table so to speak. Their business modal's success depends on them obtaining this information, and employing it to their benefit. 

The mindset of clip sites is not personal. It is business, and the bottom line is revenue. They exist to make money, so it only makes sense that they are going to promote the hell out of the clip artists who insure the company's continuing financial future. 

Is this fair to the women who do not meet the defined criteria...hell to the no, but it is what it is, and you nor I are going to change that anytime soon. Do you know why? Men are the target market, which means that they in essence are the deciding factor in who gets to be the artist featured front page, and the the type of female I outlined, is the one who the majority of men are attracted to. It is no inside secret that men are ruled by their cocks, so is it really so very shocking to see their physically ideal woman as the main page visual attraction? 

Does this conclude that women who do not fit the mold cannot find financial success in selling clips, NO, but it does indicate that they will have to work harder to promote themselves. This is where social media outlets come into play. They will be your playground. A place where you control what you share, and who you promote in your personal space. 

Social media accords you the ability to showcase your personality, and unique style. Take advantage of the opportunity!  You are the virtual star of your account, so embrace it and shine bright like a diamond :)  

In conclusion, what I am trying to convey is that allowing yourself to become angered due to what you declare unfair practice is only going to affect you. Clip sites are not going to rock the money boat for you or me. They are going to stick with what sells, and whether you or I like it, that is the way it is.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Kinky Connections

Good evening guys and gals..

Welcome to my spliced slice of the femdom sphere!

I am your host and most beloved Goddess, Sydney Claire

As the title of this post denotes, we (meaning I) am going to talk about how to make kinky connections. Now the connections I am referring to are not networking connections. I am speaking to the connections between Dominants and submissives. 

Connections require time, effort, and trust. Ya ya ya, I know that some of you gents will loudly proclaim that you felt an instant connection with a Dominant, but that my poppets was lust. A lust to serve, to belong, even a lust to cum. It is most definitely not the type of connection which endures and deepens into a long term bond. This type of connection can be felt with numerous Dominants a day, ergo nullifying any significance.

Many a D's relationship will begin in the flames of cock wrenching lust, but the majority will sizzle and fizzle out like a cock snuffed of semen. It is what it is. Your intentions and focus determine whether or not something meaningful evolves from the exchange. If your goal is to get off and get going, than that is exactly what you shall do, regardless if the Dominant is predisposed towards erecting ties that bind you two. You do maintain a degree of control as to which way it all shall go. You can opt to do more, to be more. How? By reigning in control of the greedy instantaneous pleasure seeking skin sac bulging in your groin. Cut off power to it's circuitry, and open up dialogue which spotlights the Dominant as the focus of your full attention.

Take the time to get to know your prospective Dominant as a human being, rather than as the fetish dispenser most submissives view them as. Ground yourself with the truth that good things do come to those who possess patience. Patience is a powerful tool. Cultivate it carefully.

Meaningful relationships are not created within a night, or with a solitary tribute. You must be willing to invest your time and energy if you desire the intimacy of a Female Led Relationship. Just remember that if it comes easy, than it will dissolve as quickly as it came. The submissive you imagine as "lucky" is actually the submissive who has spent months, even years proving his intentions and supplying his unwavering devotion to a Dominant. I promise you that luck had nothing to do with his situation. He earned his current position through hard work. Are you prepared to do the same?

Locating a Dominant that is a good fit is difficult, and it should be. Yes little doves, you can wink your one eyed monster and find a woman to sate the demands of your mystery manmeat, but the emptiness of such an exchange leaves more than your balls depleted. 

Social media, and risky even the not so risky news outlets publish pieces on how the casual connection is so much more fun, and sexy. That you should be the butterfly flitting around flower to flower depositing your nectar, but in the end, where does that leave you? It definitely does not bring a sense of fulfillment. It doesn't serve a higher purpose. It brings no lasting meaning at all.

What casual will do, is turn you into an empty shell that eventually will crumble and scatter in the wind. Anxiety and depression are the bedfellows of casual. Why would anyone want such a future for themselves?

My intent is not to rag on you, or make you feel bad, but do I think that this type of behavior is bad for you, YES. Human beings need connections. They need to feel a sense of belonging, and acceptance. They need the meaningful. Without meaning, a life serves no purpose. It becomes a wasted story best untold. Does that sound sexy? Does it sound like the recipe for happiness and success?

Perhaps you are not yet in a place upon your journey where maturity has bit you on the caboose, but fear not, you shall someday get there. Once there you will see that casual is cold and soul sucking worthless. It is then that you shall seek out only those whom have the possibility to mean more than a momentary erectile eruption.

I myself am way past the point of entertaining the wastrels of meaning. This means that I hold myself above the game playing BS that youth tend to engage in (and yes I see those of you who are middle aged still living that life). I have no aid, nor hope to offer those who will not see truth, but I do open my proverbial door to those whom possess the potential to become a worthy submissive to me. You games and burn out, or grow up and get to serving your purpose in this lifetime.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

When size is meaningless

Good evening pervy pets and poppets...

You have officially entered into the domain of the fatalistic Femdom Goddess Sydney Claire 

Once again here you are waiting to absorb the words that fall from my fingertips. Ready? 

Are you a member of social media? No doubt you are, else you would not have likely found your way here lol. Social media has what they dub influencers. Influencers are those who possess a rather large following of 30,000 or more. Are you an influencer? Doubtful, and quite honestly would you want to be?

Why am I talking about this subject? Well, many operate under the assumption that a large follower count is equatable with social success, and that is not always correct. Sure there are people who have earned their full to bursting follower count via sharing or imparting content that people want, need, or are desperate to know or see, but that is not always the truth of the matter.

Were you aware that followers can and are purchased? Kinda weird huh? I mean why would someone buy followers in the first place. Could it be due to that assumption I referred to? Do you yourself automatically conclude that anyone with a high follower count is an expert in a field, or a semi-celebrity figure? If you responded in the affirmative, than you are not alone. 

How does this even apply to fetish? Take a seat mate, cause I am going to get to that.

You can identify numerous profiles of women who maintain sizable social media followers lists. Even those women in fetish fields. 

What does it take to reach that magical pinnacle? Not much actually. Experiments have been undertaken where an account has been created with semi dressed feminine visuals uploaded to said account, and guess what?? These accounts instantly begin to accumulate followers. Majority male followers. Why? Old story which remains sells, and men chase tail. This entirely explains why catfish accounts are so successful. A bra with overflowing cleavage displayed, or string bikini butt imagery are instant hits with the male population, which makes for overnight success stories. Doubt me? Give it a whirl yourself. Now I am in no way advising anyone to catfish, merely open an account, post what I described, then set back and watch quietly for the results. 

I did tell you that there is of course another way to gain a large following. This method will take time and effort though. It involves growing your target audience organically. Posting relevant and thought engaging content. Sharing sentiments which people find valuable. Snippets that encourage interactive dialogue, or even ones that just have folks shaking their head in agreement, ergo earning you a like or a sharing of your words. As I said though, this methodology will require an investment of your time.

Can you merge the 2 methods successfully? Absolutely!

This applies to males and females alike. Warning to you gents though, posting dick pics is not the way to go. Sorry to bust your balls boys, but dick pics disgust rather than attract, so it might be best for you to keep your pics pg.  

The entire point I am undertaking to convey, is that a large following does not always correlate with experience in domination. I have seen women with relatively small audiences, yet rocked at ruling men from their raised platform, and as well I have seen women with huge audiences who appear to know absolutely nothing in regards to domination. Just keep in mind that quality is not always quantified by a number.

As always, feel free to follow me on twitter (@MizSydney) or any of the wonderful women I follow :)

Thursday, August 8, 2019

PP is never an option

Whoever you are, and wherever you may be...Welcome

Welcome to the femdom world of Sydney Claire

I am who I am, and you are who you are, so let's get down to the basic of what this post is geared towards today. know what paypal is yes? Paypal is a US based payment processor. It is a powerful and far reaching company. The main thing to take note of with pp, is that they are NOT fetish friendly, so if you are looking to pay or receive tribute, look elsewhere. They will not tolerate your business. In fact, they will shut your account down, and hold your funds for an indefinite period.

I realize that some do indeed still use pp for receiving tribute, but the majority of those who do, will tell you that they do so only with trusted contributors. What this should tell you straight away, is that if you are unknown to a Domme, than she is NOT going to offer up her pp addy for tribute. Yes there are exceptions, but the only females I have seen posting their addy's are newbie women who have no clue that this is a massive mistake. I am not one, so for the male who messaged me asking about you know, and either you are new, or you thought foolishly that I was. Sydney Claire is not a fool, doll, so try again by sending an amazon gift card to

Do you know who tries to send pp tributes? Scammers. Yup I said the S word. I have lost count of the number of women who trusted a male to send via that method, only to either have the charges disputed, cancelled, or even sickeningly find out that the male in question had reported them to pp to have their account locked. This is why a huge red flag pops up before my eyes when any male suggests this avenue of tribute. You do not want me believing that you are a lowlife scammer do you? Of course not, so forget you ever thought to bring pp up to me :)

Amazon gift cards are always going to be the required route of tribute when it comes to gifting me! In the past I allowed males to purchase from a WL for me, but those days are gone. Why? Well for a couple of reasons. 1)Amazon now provides the sender with photo proof of delivery, which often displays an address. 2)Amazon WL gifts can be cancelled right after purchase, and up to shipping date. Have I ever had this happen to me, NO, but neither will I take the chance, so just be the bestest boy and send the gift card ;)

In fact, you should send lots and lots of gift cards, because you and I both know that I deserve them, and you exist to please me. Isn't it wonderful that you serve a gloriously divine purpose in my life?? Yay you!! Now get on giving meaning to your life by serving Sydney Claire :)

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Living your best life

Welcome to my femdom world :)

Ya know, it has been a hot minute since I posted a new blog, but as usual life is a busy rat race at times lol

I am going to be a doll though, and post up some of my vacation photos just for you!!

If you were one of the good boys who contributed towards my vacation fun expenses, than you already received personal photos ;)

I really enjoyed my time away. Did you miss me?

It used to be that I would push myself to do do do, but a wake up call smacked me right dab in the eyes, and that got me to really thinking hard about some of my own choices over the last few years. Introspection is a pretty awesome thing.

I spent way too much time fretting about things that did not matter in the long run and not enough time focusing on what matters the most. What takes priority now?

1)My family
2)My happiness
3)My goals for the future

Online domination can be an absolute bitch. Did you know that? It is competitive. It is catty. It is brutal. It is full of betrayal. It is inhabited by men who could not care less about whether a woman is happy, healthy, or even alive, and women who will beat you down to get ahead in findom. Sound fun?

The upside is that it is also full of women who will build you up when the world has knocked you flat on your ass. Women who will encourage you, and listen to your woes. Women who don't unfollow you when you post about the unsexy aspects of life, or refuse to offer up revealing fetish pics. That is a definite positive!

There have been so many wonderful women to have graced my TL with their level of awesomeness..ya no I am not going to say the same about men. The few males who have earned my regard, have no need for me to applaud them in a blog post, for they already know how much I appreciate them.

In my roundabout way, I am relaying that I am going to change things up. No more concern about whether I have males lining up to serve me (told you long ago that I did not need the money) and more on developing long term devoted relationships with the worthy males who meet my requirements. Quality over quantity has always been the key to my success in findom relationships. I do not desire trash at my feet. It reeks, and holds no worth.

You will see me being more open to interactions albeit with my somewhat snarky sense of humor, but as always I will not chase anyone down. Tonight I even went so far as to open my DM's back up to the public, but mind you that the only messages I will respond to are those from males who are contributing to my financial success. The plus side of my action is that it affords sincere males the opportunity to contact me more intimately. Yay for them :)

I am debating on opening a kik account once more. Thoughts? Please do not ask about discord though, for I have heard about entirely too many negative issues in regards to them.

As always, keep your eye on the prize (btw the prize is being in service to Sydney ;)