Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Atypical FLR

FLR is something you see on tons of profiles,and for those of you not up on the terminology it stands for Female Led Relationship. Now I for one am all for FLR's,but not what one would deign to title a typical one.

I am always the dominant leader in all of my relationships,and forever shall be. I command and males obey. Here is where it deviates from the "norm"..I will NEVER allow a beta male to dwell with me,nor will he ever be legally attached to me (as in matrimonial)..not even labelled publicly as a BF or SO,for that is not the role a beta male will ever play in my life. So for those expecting me to love them,and treat them in a loving manner,umm ya that is not going to happen in the waking world.

That is not to say that I will not grow to appreciate a beta male serving me (I am human ya know),but it will not pass beyond fondness like one would possess towards a pet. My longest serving boi has been living under my dictates for ages,and even he will never be considered for anything other than the position of servant..although he is honored as my owned boi. Through service to me he has evolved from a wanking porn addict,into a decent caring responsible member of the human race,and that fact alone tells me that I have led him well,without ever having lived with him,had sex with him,married,or dated him...WOW! Must be doing something right huh?

Regardless of differing locations,I shall yet rule your world,and lead you to becoming a better person,and the best possible servant in service to me,so you see,it is still a FLR,just not the one that Elise Sutton writes about.

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