Saturday, May 30, 2015

Be not needy for my time

Many a time I have advised males against being needy as it deters you from being an attractive applicant for service,but apparently some do not care to heed my sage words,which does not end well for them with me. To prove my point,I am going to share with you a non-fiction story about the last little needy male who attempted to ingratiate himself into my service.

It all began with the usual entreaties to serve me in any manner I desired,nothing atypical here yet. Now this male proclaimed to be a poor boy,with a girlfriend,so he required discretion with tasks and time,and I condescended to set him on a trial period.

His hope was to be an assistant of sorts to me,to construct a website for me,and even supplied a link to one he had made for another female,which I found to be of poor quality,so I vetoed that idea immediately. This led to him attempting to configure ways to enrich my life by drawing in servants of my desired caliber=fail. How this fails is laughable. A male promoting me on twitter works right??? Hell to the no it does not. The followers of males,are females,and that achieves nothing for me. I follow plenty of females as it is,and believe me when I say that telling them how awesome I am does not gain me riches of any sort lol

We progress,now I charge him with researching topics of interest for me...mind you this is all over a 3 day period,and during this time he has gifted me with a single measly $25 tribute(yup pathetic). With this single tribute he asks daily when he can have cam with me,and expects continuous interactions day in day out. Do you see where this is going?? His neediness is wearing out my tolerance.

After the completion of a piss pouring task over his head,I agree to speak with him via skype in one week from that day. You would think that he would be overjoyed yes? Oh no,he continues with the email after email,which I tend to disregard if I am busy actually having a life. How utterly selfish of me.. An entire day goes by,and suddenly he is going back to the female he was previously serving. I of course bid hm well,and forget about him entirely.

Fast forward a month...lo and behold there is an email in my inbox begging to return,which I let sit for a couple of days. I then proceeded to inform him that he could not gain my attention with a paltry $25,so he sent $50,and once again the entire saga starts over with continous emails,and expecting cam,even though I explained that I had family visiting for the week,and what do you dear audience think happened? Oh yes you guessed it,he once again begged leave to serve elsewhere. This time though,I relayed to him that he is now banned from my presence. Does that seem cruel?? I do not think so....neediness and poor are not qualities which make a servant worthwhile in my fare thee well I say,and please do find a shite filled toilet to drown your sorrows in :)

This is what happens to the needy. Do not allow yourself or your actions to emulate this loser,if you want to serve me.

More real time play

As of late I have been pontificating some changes in my life in regards to domination,which is a plus for some of you. The decision has been reached that I would like to incorporate more real time play. My best boy is hard at work,and unable to quench my insatiable desire for inflicting pain upon submissive flesh,so this is your chance to feel the burn for MY pleasure :)

I know that this news has some of you poking in your pants already,but before you dash one off,I want you to pay attention to the ground rules for real time with me.

1)Absolutely no penetration of any kind ie no pegging,or fisting that cock sucking abyss of yours.
2)You will NOT see me nude,nor will any part of you be touching my divine feminine aspects. The closest you will get is my foot shoved down your throat.
3)You will supply the location(plan on coming to my city,for I will not travel to you),and of course playtime is NOT free.
4)You will be bathed before coming into my presence(personal hygiene is a MUST). You may yearn to be a filthy pig,but you best not smell like one.
5)No scat play(a hard limit for me)
6)You must be over 21,and actually I prefer males in their 40's.
7)No attempts to top from the bottom. Of course you can politely inform me as to your fetishes,but I will be the one who decides.
8)A deposit must be paid upfront(this effectively weeds out 95% of wankers)

Some activities which I enjoy are paddling,flogging,humiliating you with my spit or golden pulling,face slapping,and the list goes on...

Now is the time to beg for acceptance :) Send your most polite inquiry to ,and no I will not describe a session for you,or respond if you ask me to tell you how I will dominate you(that type of ploy is played out).

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Good morning,afternoon,or evening to all.

I have not forgotten you,or even disappeared,but instead have been living my life for me,which means experiencing rather than explaining.

Some parts of my life I maintain utmost privacy in regards to,and you my audience are not subject to the know all,but for those who simply must hear from me day in and day...well then I suggest you become more than a blip on my radar,if even that.

It takes more than a passing hello to gain entrance into my inner sanctum,so unless you are prepared to make an impact and a positive impression,then you can and will be left by the wayside like someone's discarded litter.

At this time I am allowing of only 1 additional servant the opportunity to earn the honor of being considered by I suggest you bring your best,and leave any ego or entitled bullshit for the rest.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Passing muster

Will you pass muster? The odds are NOT in your favor. By passing muster I am referring to making it to the point of falling under my consideration. A single tribute will not get you there,nor will compliments. In fact,compliments of a physical nature will harm you more than help you. Words simply do not move me. You have to do better than the usual spiel. You must be better than average.

This week alone 10 males who contacted me have failed before they got one step forward. Sounds depressing yes? MY words are not meant to deter the worthy,but I do mean it when I say that MY standards are set high for service,and it would not do me credit to accept any servant not worthy of me.

So how is it that you can stand out as cream of the crop?
1)Read the entirety of my profile(upon whichever site you found me).
2)Think with your big head when you contact me,which means do not convey thoughts that are based upon what makes your dick hard.
3)Be prepared to prove your sincerity with tribute. If you are not prepared to tribute,then do us both a favor,and admire me from the shadows instead.

It truly is not that difficult to make a positive impression. You wouldn't know it from reading the messages I receive though. Why is that?
1)You are too lazy to read my profile,and they all state that I am NOT seeking a domestic,live in,boyfriend,husband,lover,or sex slave.
2)You make sexual comments,or relay what you would like done sexually to you.
3)You refuse to tithe.

I have been around long enough to know how to read between the lines,so do not discredit my intelligence by attempting to slip past me with bullshit. Your words tell me so much more than what you think. I can see when one is focused on themselves rather than me. I know who is in the scene to be served,rather than to serve,and you will not pass go.

Those that I desire drawn to my service know,accept,and embrace their lot as a beta male for ME,and perhaps even to me in life alone. They have long since set aside foolish notions of personal gain from a woman. They respect all women regardless of station,and display such manners accordingly. They are generous with their time,and gifts to ME. They would never,even internally question what is in it for them,for the reward of service,is service itself. They crave my presence,attention,and guidance in their lives,and long for nothing more than to worship at my altar. If this resounds within you,then come forward,and if not,well then,nice not knowing you.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Jerking is for jokers

The title is misleading,as I am in no way referring to jerking in the masturbatory sense,but rather discussing the behavior of being a jerk.

In the online realm as well as real time,relationships do not always go smooth,or even last. Some are even fated to fail from the get go,but that does not mean that they need to end with sour thoughts and hard feelings.

One of the defining qualities of being an adult is maturity. Now I know that everyone has heard that word at one point and time,but,and that is a big but,not everyone is capable of handling situations with maturity,especially ones that have the potential for uncomfortable emotional outbursts.

How you deal with such situations is up to you,but always be prepared for the repercussions if you do so with a juvenile approach. There are right ways,and wrong ways to break off a relationship,even a bdsm one.

The most common action for dissolution I have seen is the magical act of disappearing. In this scenario,the servant simply fades from existence(just like a deserter from the armed services). They may cease logging into the site where they met the other person,or even going so far as to block the one they served or close out their account,and make up a new one entirely. Now these are the juvenile actions I referred to. It is akin to closing the closet door,and pretending that the monster(problem) is no longer there,but where this will bite you in the ass,is that eventually you will run out of closet space,and all of your junk will be visible to the world(community)...then what shall you do? Believe it or not,dominants do speak with one another,even warn each other about the undesirable proclivities of certain males. You may even find yourself credited with a poor reputation,which will deter you from being taken seriously,or even considered for service at all,and that equates to game over for you.

I realize that it is a difficult feat relaying to a dominant that you no longer desire to serve them,but this is what separates the men from the boys. Men do not run from possible verbal confrontation. I mean seriously,what can someone actually do to you from the other side of a monitor,virtually nothing other than pointing out you are acting like a douche,and let's be honest,it most likely is not the first time you have been described as such,so man up.

There have been plenty of males that just did not work out when it came to serving me,for one reason or another,but the ones that hold my respect are those that came to me directly and stated in a polite and deferential manner why they felt that it was not working,and asked for release. By being honest,I had absolutely no reason to be angry,or whip them with a tirade of backlash. This type of behavior,also leaves the door open for a return to my feet if they are able to work through their issues.

The ones that behaved like asshats though by running without saying a word,are the ones I block permanently. As the saying goes "never burn your bridges",because then it is too late for reconciliation of your transgressions,and yes there have been quite a few who regretted jumping ship,but there was no way back for them,and no amount of tribute could alter my decision.

I am not saying that all dominants will accept an application to sever ties in such a manner(there are always exceptions),but you will never find out,especially if your modus operandi is tucking tail and burrowing out a hidey hole til the storm blows over,so in conclusion I will end this post with a spongebob quote "don't be a jerk".