Monday, February 26, 2018

FemDomme days of the year

Welcome to the diversely perverse world of Goddess Sydney

Do you know what time it is?  Odd question to ask online yes? I agree, but I am not asking you to look at your watch, or peek at your phone for the time of day, what I am asking, is do you keep track of time? 

Do you know that Valentine's Day comes once a year? Do you know that Christmas arrives on the same day, every year? Have you noticed that your birthday announces itself on that one special day, the exact same special day, every year? 

I bet that you have noticed these annual events. You would have to be beyond obtuse not to. What am I getting at? No it is not my birthday, or Christmas, or even Valentine's day. My point being, that these holidays come once a year, year in, year out. Decade after decade, they keep on coming, have an entire year to plan around these things.

You have a year to figure out what to buy that special someone in your life, which means that there is absolutely no good reason to ever say "oh I forgot". To excuse negligence is insulting. 

Part of showing a woman that she matters to you, is acknowledging your appreciation of her existence. This means remembering special days, and gifts to go along with them. Did you know that women love gifts? A wise man knows that women are the center of the universe, well atleast his anyway.

Women are the central figure in a male's life from birth. You are born from a woman, and you will spend your lifetime trying to get back into a woman. Ironic yes?

There is a saying that goes, "If Momma is not happy, than no one is happy". Do you understand that concept? If not, well allow me to explain it to you. When a woman is not happy, she will make it known. There will be no smiles, no kind words, no laughter, and no joy in how she goes about her day. This is a tragedy! Women deserve happiness, and you as a man should be ensuring that happiness through your words, and most importantly through your actions. You have an obligation towards it. 

Believe it or not, women are the backbone of any society. They are strength, they are compassion, they are human kindness personified. They deserve your very best efforts, not your lukewarm leftovers. 

Today, this day, I want you to make a commitment, a promise to always do the utmost possible to provide for the happiness of that special woman in your life. If you are not quite following my words, than I will be quite clear! Your Domina should be your first priority, your center, the concrete upon which your life is built. Your obligations begin with her. She is the leader you will follow, and the icon you will worship, so her happiness will be paramount to your own. Do you understand? I sincerely hope so. 

Make that commitment, and I promise that your life in submission will sail that much smoother :) 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Don't let your mouth write checks your ass can't cash

Welcome to the fabulous Femdom world of Goddess Sydney

Yesterday I read a tweet that really chapped my ass, and led me to typing up this post, because it indicated to me that some of y'all males need some schooling!

What I seen, was 1 "owned" male bitching on behalf of another male over the amount of tribute that a female required in order to converse. This instance of poor behavior popped questions into my head, such as:

1)Why was an "owned" male calling a female a bitch due to her requirements? (This brings shame to him, and to his supposed owner) 
2)How was it any of his business to begin with? (If a male is in service, than his attention should be solely focused upon his owner, and making her happy, rather than sticking his nose in an unknown woman's business)
3)Why wasn't the male's "owner" publicly taking his ass down over his behavior? (Ladies need to understand that when a male wears your collar, that he can ruin your rep in an instant of stupidity)  

**Males in the femdom/findom fetish scene NEED to realize that their behavior does reflect upon whomever they are serving, because if a female cannot, or will not control the behavior of her property, than she is a piss poor dominant, and fellow females will be quick to take note of it, and cut ties real quick.*

Important lessons for males:

1)Never ever think that it is ok to spew out misogynistic statements. It can and will bite you on the ass quicker than a gator who hasn't eaten in a month.
2)Keep your focus on serving your owner. 
3)Other Domme's expectations for tribute, does NOT affect you, so keep your mouth shut. 

Does this make sense? I personally have no use for any male who bashes my fellow femmes, nor will I tolerate the presence of any female who allows her submissive to perpetrate such a lowly act. Regardless if it is online or real time submission, this behavior must be stomped out post haste, cause there is NO room for misogyny in femdom. 

Now, I do not even know, nor have I ever interacted with the female that was called to the carpet for demanding that her self-determined worth be honored, but I do damn well know that it was not right for a male to call her out as a bitch over it. 

Some seem to think that, "oh well he didn't insult me, and he is paying me, so I will let it slide" FUCK that mindset! If women are to succeed, than we must stand up and say something when we see this type of vile behavior. It can and will affect you as the scene is slowly poisoned by it. 

Keep my words in mind gents the next time you are tempted to butt your big nose into business not your own.

Monday, February 19, 2018

FemDomme window shopping

Welcome to my world, fetish pet....

Are you a window shopper of FemDommes? Many of you start out this way, and some never depart from this approach. 

Why are you always shopping, but never making a commitment to serving one single solitary FemDomme? 

Is it because

1)You are an eternal slut
2)You suffer from FOC

Inquiring minds want to know.

Everyone is new to the scene at one point and time, but to lurk around the fringes for months, perhaps even years, is going to get you no where near the blessed experience of serving a dominant woman.

If fear is holding you back, than you might need to reassess. I mean, how badly do you want to submit? Are you willing to come outside your comfort zone to achieve your goal? I am not telling you to commit to the very first Domme you speak to, or even the second, but you do need to get your toes in the water if you are going to progress beyond sitting on the bench.  

It is ok to be nervous, and unsure of how to go about finding the woman you want to serve, and there is nothing wrong with waiting to find someone that you can see yourself happily serving, but you do reach a point where ya gotta piss or get off the pot, cause all you end up doing is wasting your own time. Are you here to kill time? Are you just that bored with life, that you feel it is better to stagnate like a feces filled pool, than to take a chance? If so, I pity you truly.

Now if your driving force is to connect with as many women as possible (community slut), well you are missing out as well. Sure you are getting your rocks off, but that is all that you are doing. You may have it in your head that it is a win win situation, cause you pop off a tiny tribute here and there, plus you get to wank off each time, but you are depriving yourself of something which goes beyond the physical. I am referring to the transcending psychological experience of making a deeper lasting connection with a dominant woman, and isn't that the entire point behind submission? 

Life is meant to be lived, not to be squandered sitting on the sidelines.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Financial Sacrifice makes you a better man

Welcome sycophants, and servants of Goddess Sydney

The more you suffer for Goddess Sydney, the closer you come to divinity of purpose.
The more you sacrifice for Goddess Sydney, the more enlightened you become as to your destiny.

Suffering for Goddess is divine and just. Sacrificing for Goddess makes you a better man.

Suffering and Sacrifice are sacred actions undertaken for the holiness of Goddess Sydney. They sanctify your thoughts, and bring you one step closer to being worthy of belonging to Goddess.

Suffering and Sacrifice cleanse you of your selfish nature. They break you down, and remake you into something pleasing to the eyes of Goddess Sydney.

Your suffering and sacrifice are a negligible loss in the scheme of all that you gain in her happiness. They are a tangible expression of your love for Goddess, your admiration of her person, and your appreciation of her existence. 

Suffering and sacrifice allow you to grow into your potential as a servant of Goddess Sydney. They guide you into dependence upon the one truth you know to be evident, and that is, that Goddess Sydney is all that matters in your life.

Goddess Sydney is your everything. You are filled with joy knowing that the fruits of your hard labor enrich her life in a beneficial manner. You love being fruitful for her. You push yourself to sacrifice more and more, and see it as your sacred duty to do so. Work hard, work long, and make Goddess Sydney proud of you. 

Contributing financially to the life of Goddess Sydney brings fulfillment to you. Paying tribute through your wallet arouses you more than sex ever has, or ever will. You no longer even crave sex. Sending Goddess Sydney has become your sex. You need to serve her. You want to honor her. You must obey her will. 

Her wants are your needs, and they take priority over everything else. Her wants, her needs, her happiness, and her pleasure rule you. You know where you belong, and you will allow nothing to interfere in your service to Goddess Sydney. She is all you need, and all you want.

Contribute to her happiness today, by sending an amazon gift card to

Friday, February 16, 2018

Does the male version of Femdom utopia exist

Welcome to the divine sphere is Goddess Sydney

Do you believe in the existence of a Femdom utopia? A place where Female Dominants either laze around all day in a velvet chaise being waited on hand and foot by submissive bitch boys, or a deep dark wet walled dungeon where males are caged, and beat all day long? Sounds more like a fantasy doesn't it, or a delusion which wankers jack off thinking about.

Y'all need to get real about Femdom, and let off taking your education of the reality of it from porn. There are all types of Femdom exchanges, and please do believe me when I state that none of them resemble the above mentioned scenarios.

Femdom boils down to a female dominating a submissive or slave in the manner which suits HER needs best. Some of you get downright ridiculous in your notions of how Femdom plays out. Wake up, and smell of the sweat of effort expended in service.

The odds are not great that you are ever going to end up locked in a dungeon as a treasured bound gimp, nor is it likely that a female dominant is going to want to bind you as her sex slave. Unlike males, most women are not turned on by the thought or reality of having an absolute stranger in their home, or eating their pussy. You must and I mean, MUST learn to distinguish between your wet dreams, and reality. 

Neither are you going to be receiving a notification that a dominant female is seeking you out to show up at her home in your faux maid outfit to play at cleaning her house. That scenario suits and serves your purpose only. 

What female dominants want most is

1)submissves (real ones, not the type who play at it) 
2)submissives who see a dominants wants, as their needs
3)submissives who respect the authority, and existence of dominant women
4)submissives who actually serve out of a desire to please women
5)submissives who harbor no misogynistic motivations 
6)Submissives who enrich the life of a dominant woman through their actions

What I listed is fairly simple, yet it becomes the most rare when sifting through submissives who contact female dominants. Do you know what we see the most of?

1)males who are not submissives
2)males who want their wants granted, and disregard the wants of the dominant
3)males who view women as objects
4)males who possess an underlying or blatant hatred of women
5)males who act as if they are entitled via patriarchy to the time and attention of women

Can you see how this creates an endless cycle of woe on both sides? If the end goal is not the same (pleasing the dominant), than you are just pedaling in place, which leaves no one satisfied.  

I want males to succeed in service to Femdoms, but that means change is required. Change that shifts your focus from self to selfless. Can you, and are you willing to change? If not, strap in for the roller coaster ride of failure.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

FinDommes are not real Dommes

Welcome,welcome,welcome to the domain of Goddess Sydney

I am a betting woman, and I bet that many of you ended up here, thinking that I was going to rant about FinDommes not being "real" Dommes, but you were mistaken. 

FinDommes get trashed a hella lot in the bdsm arena. By who?

1)"lifestyle" submissives
2)Lifestyle Dommes
3)"Dominant" males
5)Site owners
6)Vanilla folks
7)broke males
8)entitled dudes
9)Even Pro-Dommes sometimes do it

You get the gist yes?

Tons of people have entered into online fetish play over the last few of years, and continue to keep coming like a tidal wave, sweeping clean away what once was, and redefining it by their desires, regardless if it is safe, sane, or correct. The prevailing thought, is that bdsm = sex. It is all about being tied up, tied down, and jacking, sucking, or fucking a dick. The scene always ends the same as a porn flick. Yup yup, bdsm is all about getting off.

Now I want you to add MONEY into the equation. Hmm this is gonna muddy things up a bit, so let's shine some light on it shall we? 

These are the opinions, and accusations hurled...

1)If money is involved, you ARE a prostitute
2)If money is involved, you are not doing it for fun, cause fun=free
3)If money is involved, you are NOT a real Domme, cause Dommes dominate for the fun of getting random dudes dicks off
4)If money is involved, than they better get their money's worth from a woman, or else!

Did you know that money rules the world? I realize that we all would like to believe that fairy tale about love overcoming all, but let's get real. Money makes the world go round. Money ensures that you have a roof over your head, food in your belly, and a pot to piss in. Money provides you the power to do the things you want to do. Money allows you to enjoy luxuries. Money is life, and without it, you would be homeless, hungry, and shitting on the sidewalk. Think about it, how desperate would you become to acquire money to feed, clothe, and house yourself? I can imagine the depths you would go to!

Do you see now, how important money is? This is exactly why money is so very powerful. You cannot live without it. You need it as much as the air you breathe, or the food you eat. So, sure you wanna offer up your dick for cbt, or your ass for a pegging good time, but when it comes to relinquishing something that equates to a true power exchange, you balk, and you bitch, cause for you, it all becomes very farking real when you have to sacrifice something of real worth. FYI (no one wants your dick or ass).

Most of you don't really want to be dominated, and are the furthest thing from submissive, and yes we all know it, which means that you should be the very first one to offer up tribute, cause paying for your pleasure has always been, and always will be the decent thing to do, and if you cannot stomach being a proper male, than I advise you to straighten up, and find a kinky girlfriend who will get your rocks off for free, but we all know that it is going to cost you one way or another lol!

Back to FinDommes. Do you know that it takes effort, drive, and determination to last in findom? Did you get the memo detailing that we are real human beings with morals and everything. Did you hear the whisper that FinDommes care about their submissives, and that they train them to their preferred style of service just like free Dommes do? Had you ever read that tributing is a form of appreciation for the time and attention that FinDommes bestow upon submissives? Can you imagine wanting to make a woman smile by giving her a gift, just as she gifts you with her dominance? Pretty freaky huh?

No matter what you have heard, or been led to believe, FinDommes do dominate their submissives. In fact,  I have seen some awesome, and even some holy shit videos of finsubs being dominated by their owners. The only difference between lifestyle Dominas, and FinDommes is the MONEY. Well that, and most lifestyle Dominas are seeking out a life partner, a kinky bf, a fetish lovin hubby, whereas very few FinDommes are looking for that type of 24/7, but I highly doubt that the majority of you males are even hoping to plunge into that depth of commitment. So, if you are calling a FinDomme a faux Domme  because of MONEY, well you would be 100% farked up. It is just another form of power exchange, and believe me when I say that money means more to a woman than your dick or ass.

Now that you have been schooled, let's can all the BS please. A Domme is a Domme is a Domme, and all are real in the eyes of the males they own, so if you cannot be nice, stay in your own lane, and staple that mouth :)

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Being dependable in your service to a FemDomme

Welcome to the realm of Goddess Sydney...where her desires become your bidding.
Dependability. Do you know this word? The dictionary defines it as such:

"Dependability is defined as the quality of being able to be counted on or relied upon. When you always do everything that you say you will and never make promises you cannot keep, this is an example of dependability."

Does this sound like a quality which you yourself possess? Are you the type of sterling submissive that a Goddess can always count on to be reliable, and honest in your words and deeds? If not, than are you a submissive worth having? I would respond in the negative.

One of the very first things new Dommes are told, is that you must never ever ever depend upon a submissive to stick around, and most often not even to keep his promises, for the majority of so called males the the fetish scene will play a woman false in order to achieve their objective of self gratification. How sad is it that women must warn fellow women in regards to the likelihood of such perfidy perpetrated by males who are supposedly servile to the will of women?

The most prized male in my stable is one whom I know without doubt that I can rely upon. I know as sure as the sun sets and rises, that he will do all within his abilities to make me happy. For example, today I posted on twitter in regards to an item that I dearly wanted on amazon, and gave you males the opportunity to prove to me that my desires mattered to you. Mind you that this was not even an expensive gift, but each and every one of you failed to care for my wishes. How selfish is that? Thankfully though, my brat stepped up, and purchased the item straight away when he seen my tweet. He has proven many many times over, that his concern is for my happiness.

You on the other hand have not, and doing nothing will not bring you any closer to serving me. I abhor repeating myself when I have made my wants known, and it is your duty and honor to provide for them. 

Too long now, males have been catered to, and feted in the findom scene. We all know why that is, now don't we? Findom is infamous for attracting users, and abusers of trust. It brings in females whose only intent is to chase down the dollar, and males who are jerking off to all of the freebies they receive. I do not believe that any other side of bdsm is as flagrantly filled with actual real life losers such as findom is, and no I am not referring to males who possess a fetish for being called a loser.

In my judgement book, a loser is a liar, whose only piece of dependability is that you can be assured that they are lying to you. Is this really who you want to be? I sincerely hope not, cause if you are, than you are racing down a dead end road, seat belt off, with your dick in your hand. Not exactly a pretty picture. 

I would say with certainty, that almost every single Domme I know, is looking for males who can be depended upon. Women want males whom they can trust, rely upon, and believe in their integrity. What does that tell you?

You will most definitely go further in femdom service if you can be depended upon, in good times, AND bad times. Don't bail when the going gets tough. That is what pussy ass soy boys do. You can, and you must be better than that. You need to set the example of how a submissive should, and is expected to behave &  serve. Being a better submissive, makes for a happy Domme, and a happy Domme makes for a happy submissive!


Friday, February 9, 2018

The lost are found in service to FemDomme Goddess Sydney

Welcome my little wanderers, to the kingdom of Goddess Sydney

Your life begins to take on purpose and meaning when you first acknowledge that Goddess Sydney is your divine ruler. 

Right now, you are drifting through life without a visible destination. What you have yet to grasp, is that your path has been predestined. 

Your fate is to serve at the feet of your one true Goddess.

The journey awaits you. Your mind automatically tunes to the will of Goddess Sydney. You know that your life will have been lived in vain, if you do not follow kismet.

Life becomes simpler when you allow Goddess to guide it. Goddess knows what is right, and good for you. You need only obey Goddess. 

Once you accept Goddess as your divine ruler, your life will finally be worth living. You will no longer seek to serve yourself, for you will be conditioned to serve greatness. 

Goddess eclipses all others in your life. She alone comes first. She is your priority, your sanity, your salvation. 

She shall lead you, and save you from your selfish self. You want to be saved don't you? You want to change your life, don't you? You are so very tired of being the one in control of your life. You need Goddess to take the reins. You want Goddess to show you the way.

Breathe in her name, breathe out her praise.

Bow down, and yield yourself to Goddess Sydney.


Friday, February 2, 2018

Being a Dominant woman in a patriarchal world

Welcome to the realm where my fantasies become your reality

I have been declared a bitch,an arrogant cunt..and the entire plethora of ill descriptors by males at one point in time or another,but it ceased having an impact long ago. 

The number 1 reason why males resort to insults is
*They cannot get their way*

Am I inferring that males are infantile in their response to being told no,why yes,yes I am. Why else would a grown ass human being sling mud rather than approach the situation with reason? There is no further explanations which come to my mind. Feel free to share if you have a more logical explanation.

Moving on to why males cannot get their way with me.

1)I am a dominant female.
2)My self-esteem is not derived from outside influences,so attempts to sugar me up with compliments will fail each and every time. 
3)I am in control of my sexual urges,therefore they do not possess the power to force me to act against my own best interests. 

Some people have even titled me a misandrist,and that sincerely is inaccurate. I do not hate males. I simply do not hold them in the same regards as I do females. 

In my eyes,males are the weaker sex. Not physically mind you,but of course I have encountered some women who could definitely kick mens' asses. The weakness I refer to resides in a male's pants. Point blank,your dick is your weakness. It whistles,and you dance to it's tune. This is what makes you inferior to women,and this enfeeblement is what opens males up to become prey to women.

Women are infinitely more intelligent than men give them credit for,and a great many are willing and able to capitalize upon the shortcomings of men. Your deficiency ie your cock is what keeps porn profitable,strip clubs cashing in,and fetish afloat. 

Do you honestly believe that women do not see your agendas for what they truly are? Your words,and actions dedicated to a sole purpose...arousing and pleasing your cock. Pretty plain and simple isn't it? Have you ever done anything for a woman unrelated to you,without hoping to gain in some way from that action? Think about it.

Serving a woman is serious business. It is not all fun and games,or arousing interludes of stroking your dick.  Most times it is not even about performing actions that you want to enact. It really does take a special breed of man to serve women without conflict of interests,and that is the type of man I respect. 

This is just one of the reasons why I am selective about who serves me,cause if they do not have my happiness as their main motivation,than they will do a piss poor job,and who honestly wants lackluster,lukewarm service? I don't,so let's get real gents...serve because it pleases her,and not because you are trying to please yourself.

Be selfless,be worthy,and worship your Goddess!


Thursday, February 1, 2018

Face of Femdom Infatuation

Welcome to the wonderful wide world of Goddess Sydney

A place where the face of Goddess immediately becomes your lifelong infatuation

 I simply adore when males cannot help but to fall in love with me! Note I did not say lust,for lust is a fleeting infatuation..quickly dispelled with the squirt of semen.

I want your thoughts centered upon me..always ME. You live,breathe,eat,sleep,and work..all for Goddess Sydney. I am your reason for being.

You cannot imagine a life worth living if I am not a part of it. Your waking thoughts are consumed by ME. Your dreams revolve around ME

I am all that you can see. You strive to be worthy of ME. You will push yourself to the limit of your endurance,just to see me smile.

You will toil,and suffer to mold yourself into something of value in my life. To be accepted as a submissive to Goddess Sydney is all the honor you desire. You want to belong to me. You would do anything,be anything,to be mine.

The moment you first seen ME,your life began to change. You began to change. Your breath stilled,your heart seized,and you began to tremble. You recognized that your purpose in life was to become a servant to Goddess Sydney.

Destiny awaits you.