Sunday, July 30, 2017

BBW Goddess Worship

Welcome my pets,

As of right this very moment you are on the outside..barred access to the Fempire of Goddess Sydney. You are alone and adrift in a world that cares nothing about your need to submit yourself to a higher authority.
In fact,the world would laugh and mock you if they knew what you truly are. You know that though don't you? You know that the only safe haven available to you is on your knees at the altar of Goddess Sydney.

Only Goddess Sydney understands. Only she possesses the power. You want to belong don't you pet? You want to be a part of something more profound than what your dick drives you to do. You want to be proud of your accomplishments in serving Goddess Sydney to the very best of your ability. 

Right now in this very moment I want you to repeat after me..I will be willfully obedient to the will of Goddess Sydney. I will serve her faithfully,and loyally. I will put her first in all things,and think of her more,and myself less. Her happiness is my happiness,and that is my goal.

You want to be happy don't you pet? You want to feel worthwhile,as if your actions really do matter. You want to become the submissive that Goddess Sydney never doubts,and is never disappointed in. Yes that is what you want. You know that you have it in you to become her good boy..her perfect pet. All you have to do to achieve your aspiration is work for it. Work for Goddess Sydney. Labor for her praise,and beg for her attention with your actions,not your words.

Kneel before Goddess Sydney in reverence and awe.
Offer her all that you are,and all that you have. Tithe and tribute your Goddess Sydney,for she is your everything. She is the deity you adore,the one you cannot be without. Her presence is your inspiration,and her pleasure is your fulfillment. She is all that you need. You want to relinquish everything to me don't you pet?
You do not need fancy cars,clothes,or cash. All you need is Goddess Sydney. Say it pet..say that Goddess Sydney is all that you need or want! 

You want to sacrifice for Goddess Sydney. You need to sacrifice for Goddess Sydney. I give you permission to sacrifice for me. I give you permission to make me the focus of your existence. Do you feel it you feel the euphoria of letting go of all of that negativity you created by only caring for yourself,and what you wanted? You never want to go back to that barren life! You want to hold the joy of serving Goddess Sydney close to your heart,and never lose that feeling of being of use..of fulfilling your purpose..of being her good boy. 

Be a good boy for Goddess Sydney now in this very of use to obedient to her will,and send an amazon gift card conveying your deepest appreciation to

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