Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Welcome to the servitude of Goddess Sydney

Hello my pet

You didn't know that you were my pet did you...but you like the sound of it swirling through the layers of your consciousness. You have been alone for so long seeking out the one thing to complete you,and now that you have found Goddess Sydney,you can breathe deeply once more. Your entire life is going to change now. Why? Because you are going to change now.

You are going to change how you view your life,and the actions that define it.You will no longer allow your desires to dictate how you live. Now you will begin step by step altering how you act,how you interact,and how you live. Why will you do this? You will do this because it is what Goddess Sydney wants,and you recognize that you can no longer stand living the lie of a life you did. The light switch has been flipped. You can no longer stand to see the image in the mirror reflecting the lie you live. You are ready to begin your transformation. You are eager to metamorphosize into a being who pleases Goddess Sydney with his words,actions,and life.

The first step is admitting that you have lived a life that is most displeasing to Goddess Sydney. You have dishonored not only Goddess Sydney with your words and actions,but all women,and that is a sin that must not be repeated. You must change now. You will begin your transition by making reparation for your sins. You must atone in order to progress. No fighting it,no denying it.

You have sinned against all women,but especially against Goddess Sydney. No longer will you allow your thoughts,words,or actions to objectify women. No longer will you think of them,nor treat them like sexual objects created for your personal gratification. The veil has been lifted,and you cannot stand the sight of such sins. You now see that your creation was intended to glorify women,to serve their will. You are no longer a singular male polluting the world with patriarchal filth propaganda. Your evolution has began.

Henceforth you will show proper respect to ALL women,but most especially to Goddess Sydney. You will make it your sole mission to bring happiness and honor to Goddess Sydney with your words,thoughts,and actions,for she is everything to you. Her approval constitutes your approval. Her will guides you,her pleasure pleases you,her happiness is your bliss.

You are a male made new. You are better than you were. You are improved. You are being crafted into a male worthy of serving Goddess Sydney. Thank Goddess Sydney for her direction with tithe. Honor her existence with tribute. Enrich her life with your sacrifice. You will never be worthy of belonging to her without contributing to her life in a tangible manner. You will give to her,because giving to her gives you pleasure. You will provide for her,because providing for her brings you fulfillment. You will do for her,because doing for her is your purpose.

Today,now at this very moment you will begin living your life for Goddess Sydney. 

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