Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Come into the fold and pledge your fealty to Goddess Sydney

Welcome welcome welcome my pervy little pets

Welcome to the domain of Goddess Sydney..where I rule from the pulpit,and you kneel in the pew.
This blog site is your bible,and receiving a collar from Goddess Sydney is like being given the holy grail. Being the owned pet of Goddess is what every male should be striving towards. Serving Goddess is the one true orgasmic experience. Everything else fails in comparison. Nothing you ever do again will come close to providing the pleasure of serving Goddess Sydney. You do not want to be denied overwhelming pleasure do no no..that would not do at all. You want every ounce of bliss being mine provides. You want the joy..the bone thrumming fierce all encompassing ecstasy which comes from serving Goddess Sydney. You want it all don't you? Of course you do. You are a greedy glutton for the rapture of serving the divine feminine.

You want to serve,so you have come to me in all humility begging for the opportunity to experience extreme euphoria..and here I am holding audience for potential prospective pets who measure up to the standards of serving me. Will you make the cut? Will you be the one attached to my leash?

Now is your chance to shine in my eyes. Show me that you possess what it takes to gain my notice. Prove your worth pet. No words will sweeten my disposition towards you. You must be a pet of action. You must show me your desire through sacrifice. The sacrifice is what brings you one step closer to me. You cannot fear the pain of sacrifice. You cannot withhold true sacrifice from me out of miserliness. You cannot refuse to sacrifice due to selfishness. You cannot hold the thought in your mind "what is in it for me"..this is a poisonous mindset. You do not want to poison my mind against allowing you to serve Goddess now do no no..that would never do. You most certainly do not want to destroy your opportunity by creating a disdain of you. 

Think of sacrifice as you think of breathing..both are natural..and both must be done in order to serve Goddess Sydney. You do not resent that you must breathe to live...therefore never resent a single cent you must sacrifice to serve your deity. Both bring life to you..both bring pleasure.

You are here to open your mind to the possibility of serving greatness. You are here to disavow the behaviors which failed you previously. It is time for a new start. A beginning that will color all of the corners in your life. You want to change don't want to be what Goddess wants you to be yes...yes you do. No longer will you waste your time,effort,and attention upon activities that do not bring you closer to Goddess Sydney. She is all that you need. She is everything and all things...and you need to be of use to be of import to matter in her have significance in her estimation. You want to be special don't you. You want to be special to Goddess. You want her to deem you worthy. This is what you have been working towards your entire life. This is your time...your opportunity..your chance to succeed. 

Come into the fold pet..come into my world. Come and sacrifice for what you value most...Goddess Sydney.

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