Monday, July 24, 2017

Don't lie to a FemDomme,Don't lie to a FinDomme,Don't lie to a woman

Welcome pets..welcome to the sanctum of Mz Sydney

Do you know what the ugliest words ever spoken in the English language are? Lies..lies are ugly,profane,and abhorrent. Do you know why they are so very offensive to the recipient?
Honesty is a free of charge commodity. It will not cost you even one shiny nickel to gift someone with a grain of truth,so why go to the expense of wasting time (most valuable commodity) thinking up,and conveying a lie instead? It is senseless and insulting to do so. 

I have always wondered if perhaps that the males who have attempted (note that I employed the word attempted) to lie to me are just that ignorant,or thought me that ignorant. I guarantee you that at my mature age I am not  prone to swallowing BS. It does not go down well,nor taste no,no I will not take a spoonful.

I have been told so many useless lies that I could pen a book full of them. Is that not horrid? I think so. As a woman I am subjected to a FemDomme I am the receiver of a FinDomme I am the designated heir to lies. Differing scenarios,and a multitude of untruths.

One of the most sacred rules of serving me is that the prospective servant be honest. Honesty is highly valued by me. Honesty with me,and with yourself is a gift,for it is selfishly hoarded in most relationships sadly. A single lie possesses the power to ruin any chance one has of serving me in any capacity for
The reasons behind lies are selfish ones. They are always self-serving,and that is not the behavior of a desired submissive. The world is chalk full of not allow yourself to emulate them. It dishonors you,and the one you hope to serve.

An example from today's list of lies
1)I am too poor to serve you financially,but I would love to serve you for free. 
Now sure you may be saying "he really could be too poor to serve",but allow me to ask you a few questions. a)how can he afford internet service? b)Why would he come to me knowing that I am a FinDomme if he has no intentions of serving me financially? c)Why does he admit with his statement that he is a lazy fuck unwilling to go out and earn the capital to serve me properly?

Of course those peeking in at the Findom mirror might concur that I am being cruelly selfish only considering myself,and my desires for tangible service,but then I would ask you,how can any male who lives on an entirely different continent than I, serve any useful purpose if not tributing? He certainly cannot mow my lawn,run my errands,scrub my toilet basically all he is offering me is that which he wants,and that dear readers is what selfish people do. They take and take,and never give as they should. Would you if you were a Domme want this male serving you? If you answered yes,then I am all too happy to lead you in his direction.

Do you know what really sucks about lies? You get caught in them,and how you respond at that point seriously calls your maturity into question.
I cannot count on fingers and toes how many times I have been verbally abused for calling someone out on their lies. Is it common for most people to act as if it never happened? If so,than I am sadly antiquated,for I believe in calling a spade a spade.

In conclusion pets..never tell a lie,but most of all NEVER tell a lie to a Domme that has been around the block a few times :)

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