Tuesday, December 24, 2013

best boy's Christmas gift to me.

You may think that he remains my best boy due to his frequent tributes,but that is not the reason. Yes he lays his offerings at my feet,but he does so with a humble generous spirit that seeks only my happiness as his goal. He is devoid of a self serving agenda,and has proven to me time and again over this last year that he is worthy of being called mine. he is one of the rare beings that truly understand what it is to be submissive.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Just wanted to post a few pics,not that you deserve to see any of my tithes if you aren't pleasing me $$$

Thursday, December 19, 2013


As human beings we are all prone to experiencing issues whether they be related to our past or present occurrences and circumstances. The one thing that I try never to do is place mine on someone else. It can be difficult to do so,but part of being a soundly mature individual relies upon us being able to separate our problems from others. I belong to multiple forums and sites,so daily I read read and read posts,tweets and the like. Now if I were like some,then I would take personal those that touch upon my own issues,yet I do not do that. I wonder if people even realize that when someone posts something that offends you that they are most likely not even thinking about you when they do so,and your issue is yours alone,so do not attempt to contribute it to another. Own your own hang ups,and work to resolve them,for I guarantee that the person you are attributing your angst to is not thinking one bit about you. This will greatly reduce your stress. Believe me when I say that the only one bothered is you,so why do that to yourself.

Another error I see is the assumptions that are commonly made when it comes to the words of another. It is difficult to accurately convey the feelings and intentions behind our words on an internet post,and by knowing this you can save yourself the aggravation of ASSuming that you know exactly what the other person means,especially if it is something that angers or irritates you. One of the plus sides to being on the net is that you are free to bypass reading material from those that irk you,you can even go so far as to block them from your view,so if you continue to peruse their statements beyond that,then it is on YOU,not them. Personally I have encountered people whom I would not piss on to put out a fire,so I take the high road and refuse to interact with them in any manner,which is what maturity allows you to opt for.

Basically what it all boils down to is that if you abhor my views and words,then bring down the blocking ban,cause I am always going to voice my full strength opinion. No watered down playing to everyone's sensitivities ploys for me. There is no going along to get along in my world. I will always be bluntly honest which means that I will not pretty up my speech for anyone. That also means that you will know exactly how I feel sans the deceit that some mask themselves with. Best advice I can offer is to keep it real,and keep away from those whose realities that you cannot handle.
I seen this on a site today,and to be honest it would do you boys a world of good to read it.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


I have an innate and deep seated dislike of males such as this. We all see these little pecker gnats everyday on the sites. How do we come to recognize them? Well let's see...they are the ones that like your posts,comment on your photos,favorite your tweets,and kiss your glorious all to the tune of not a wooden nickel. Why is this....yup they are broke bitches trying to hustle you for your time and attention with actions that benefit you not at all.

I have never and still do not understand why any lady would tolerate such a male in their presence,much less befriend them. Findom is based on finances and domination. One aspect does not stand alone,so ladies if that boy ain't paying he ain't staying.

I apply this as well to owned or under consideration males. Why would a lady waste,and yes I said waste her time conversing with them at all?? Ya I know that I am going to catch flack with that last one,but I really do not care since it is my opinion,and just that. Owned boys are of absolutely no benefit to anyone other than their owner plain and simple. Yes as dominants we are to be teachers,mentors and such...part of a community,but an owned or under consideration male should be taught and mentored by his OWNER. It is not the position of anyone other than her to fulfill those duties. As to the argument that we can be friends with an owned or under consideration male...what is the point? I enjoy friendships with fellow ladies,and that is the continuity I would think that all ladies seek.

Some would say that we have much to learn from the males of the community,and that can indeed be accurate,but the majority of the useful knowledge out there comes from our fellow Dommes.

I honestly detest seeing any female taken advantage of,whether it be her time to wasters,or her energy to the soul sucking leeches whom have embedded themselves within our communities. Always try to keep in mind that if a male is of no use to you,then he is of no use period. This applies to all males.

I do not expect everyone to like my post since my opinions do not coincide with most,but then just like a**holes we all have one :D

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

My cm profile post

The world as we know it is flush with an over abundance of individuals with hidden agendas, and less than transparent motivations, therefor I personally see no need nor do I have any desire to compound that issue. That is why I am clear and concise about that which I desire and demand from those that serve me. I purposely leave no gray areas of confusion to center or place blame upon.

To last in my world your motivation must be pure, meaning that if your focus is set upon yourself and self serving gratification, then you shall not be welcomed by me. My pleasure, my gratification, my happiness will be all that matters in service. Release your over inflated ego and opinion of entitlement. Your only worth is derived from how well you serve me, and just as the world at large owes you nothing, neither do I. Accept this as a fact.

I am a superior woman whom expects nothing less than the best from her pets, providers, gents, and boys. As such you are expected to suffer and sacrifice for me in all ways, and yes financially is part of that. Offerings are not optional, they are mandatory. Your generous nature affords you the rare opportunity to become a part of my life, irregardless of how insignificant that role may be, and for that you should be grateful.

Aside from pleasing gifts, I take pleasure in locking the cocks that bow before me, joy in your humiliation and degradation when you entertain me with any acts of perversity I assign you. My amusement is untold when you comply with spoiling my dates as my pantied puss cuck. My laughter overflows as I share your secrets with the men I date, and my closest friends. These are just a handful of my favorite things.

Strike the word force from your vocabulary, as I have mine. Willing and compliant are how I desire the males of my acquaintance. On bended knee with a supplicant giving nature is the only way to beg for my notice.

is your reward.Earn it. is your duty.Provide it. is your purpose Live it. is your mantra. Embrace it.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Appreciation for my best,and disdain for the rest

Goddess woke this morning not feeling well at all,and my best boy decided to put a smile on my face by purchasing an item that I had mentioned that I wanted.
Not only did he go out of his way to make me happy,he will be delivering and assembling it himself this evening while I relax and rest. This is the type of behavior that pleases me most. My best boy knows that his sacrifice is appreciated,and he derives his pleasure from doing for me. This is an integral aspect of any bdsm relationship. Selfless service.
This seems to be a concept that the majority of you "sub" males FAILS to comprehend.

How other ladies train or operate does not affect nor matter to me,so to come before me you must first recognize that your previous experience has no bearing...ie I could not give a flying fig that your last owner allowed you to call the shots,or if she did cam shows,or even filmed clips for you. This is not how I train. Too many times to count I have had people explain to me that I could make more money if I just offered cam shows or opened a nf account as well as filming clips...well little lackeys I shall explain one last time why I shall NOT be going this route.
1)Clips are for clients,and I do not work in sales sooooo ya I am not here to please others or build a clientele base.
2)I am a slave trainer,not an entertainer ergo I do not offer cam shows. There are tons of sites that cater to males whom desire nothing more than to watch females perform on cam as well as plenty of ladies that will watch you perform foul acts for them...I am not nor will I ever perform for the viewing pleasure of any male,nor do I care to watch y chromosome beings shove shite up their arse for free.
3)I do not have a nf account which I gather is odd these days,but then I have never sought to conform to the "norm" expectations,not to mention that phone sex with a beta male would seriously sicken me. I am all about the alpha man when it comes to anything sexual.
As I said,how other ladies do their thing is their business,and power to them always,but NEVER bring those same expectations to my door. I do what I do,and how I do....MY WAY,and only my way.

As esoteric as it sounds I require males at my feet to earn that honored and coveted position. Tossing bills my way will not secure you a stall in my stable. Ya I see alot of the velcro collars going on,but I for one do not offer them. If you want my collar,then plan on expending an inordinate amount of time,energy,and $ to receive it. "Rome was not built in a day",and neither is a successfully functioning D's relationship. Any preconceived ideas that service is effortless and pain free are lazy and unrealistic. Lets be bluntly honest here boys,if you are given things sans earning them,then they are worthless whether it be praise,consideration,or even ownership. You will never have things your way when serving,and if you are looking for fast and ready,then you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

It boils down to one simple edict...feed my greed or fark off.

Friday, November 29, 2013

You were created to suffer and serve...to pay and obey.....ME.

    You were born to belong to ME

         Bring your offering to my altar...or darken my presence with yourself no longer.

I came home last night to a sweet lil gift from mona sitting in my inbox waiting for me.
Now that is the type of thoughtfulness that all of you boys should be displaying for your Goddess. Thank goodness for good boys. Speaking of good boys,a knock on my door this morning greeted me with a box of goodies from a gc that my pet gifted me with for my birthday....3 new sweaters,and 3 new tops from Kohls!!! I am elated as they are exactly as I wished,and they are proof that males do exist whom thrive on nothing other than pleasing me. In fact my pet is once more locked up as it should be. Chastity is one of my favorite fetishes,and my pet anticipates that the longer and more often that his cock is caged,then the happier his Goddess shall be :D

That is all for the day dear readers,and remember that if you are not serving Goddess,then you are beneath her notice,and a disgrace for your selfish ways.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Today is a day to give thanks for the divine Goddess in your life. If you are not doing so,then pull your head out of your ass and begin doing so.

A couple of things I have to be thankful for today from my boys is a lovely selfless gift from les to spoil my fav nephews with.
As well as a couple of gifts from my toy drive wish list that my brat purchased to show his appreciation for my presence in his life.
The rest of you lackeys need to snap to it and clear that wish list for me. 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

limelight shadows

I am most often observing from the background rather than hovering in the spotlight. This may seem contradictory to the actions which propel a lady into findom fortune and fame 500, but sometimes it is the turtle whom wins the race now is it not? By opting to play down key I am in a position to see so much more than if I were constantly fretting about how best to keep my name on everyone's lips. I read, research, and learn every single day. One should never allow an opportunity to bypass them to expand their base of knowledge. This is not the only reason that I step into the limelight shadows, but it is definitely a motivation.

Looking in, one of the biggest detractors I view from always pushing yourself to the forefront is that you in a way invite others to critique and judge you, which unfortunately leads you to being the object of jealousy and hateful bashing, and who in their right mind would desire that? In a perfect world there would be no such thing as hating nor vindictive coveting, but until such a nirvana is created, I for one will steer clear of the negative drama. Life is finite, so why waste it right?

On the up side there is a positive note to maintaining a somewhat distanced approach, it forces males whom wish to serve me to actually work for the honor of speaking with me. Since I am not online 24/7 nor offer cam services I am less likely to deal with the coddled and catered to boys in the scene, for they possess no leverage $ to dangle before me, and for that I am thankful. This keeps the power exactly where it belongs, in my hands. It always reminds me of that old saying about people not appreciating anything that they did not have to work for, which is why you will never see me chasing after males in any manner especially on the sites I frequent. I do not just message unknown males in the hopes that it shall lead them to serving me, nor do I send out random friend requests, much less accept them. If a male respects that my time and attention are important to him, then he will have to come to me, NEVER vice versa. Of course this is not how everyone operates, and I am cool with that, for if we were all the same, then how droll and unimaginative this life would be yes?

Most of what I am saying contradicts alot of what we see posted and enacted, but I wholeheartedly endorse the philosophy of " to each their own." I myself have posted before about how you will be happier and more successful by being true to you rather than playing a role which does not suit. It is better to be real than to have a million fans and followers on twitter, or thousands of unknown names on your friends or im list right? This way those that do find their way to you do so knowing whom you are and how valuable it is to be known to you.

Friday, November 22, 2013

A couple of gifts that I received this week from les and mona...now I ask you,what have you done for me lately????

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Are you looking to serve,or to be served?

How sad it is to see males treat the lifestyle like a fast food establishment. Why is it that one would believe that they should and could have things their way when they are supposedly submissive. If you are seeking out the means and way to your own personal gratification,then you are submissive to none other than your own sex. It is extremely frustrating to anyone to feel as if they have wasted their time on misrepresentations. The very first thing any submissive should bear knowledge of is exactly what they are. Never attempt to establish yourself as something you clearly are not. A submissive does not come before a dominant with the expectation that they are the prime motivator of the exchange. Of course all individuals possess desires,yet one that is inherently submissive will seek only to sate and satisfy the one whom they offer their submission to. They are able to convert their pleasure into somewhat of a vicarious based life. Happiness experienced when they have provided the means of joy to another. Gratification reached when they have brought forth the blissful peak of the one they serve. The simple truth is that if you cannot set aside self serving agendas,then you are worthless in a power exchange,and should acknowledge and embrace the reality that you are selfish,and do not deserve the title of submissive.

We have all seen posts relaying that it is all about the dominant,and that the submissive is secondary,yet if you read certain materials publishing that the exchange is based upon the submissive,and this confliction of data leads to confusing areas of grey matter. I understand how it would lead to misunderstandings,but they can be avoided if you take your time and figure exactly what type of dominant you are dealing with.

There are some women that in a way allow the submissive to lead,such as pro-Dommes in a paid session. These ladies provide a service,which means that the client is entitled to having their desires met as they wish,for they have paid for that very thing. Now we have purely lifestyle Dominas as well which is entirely different. Most lifestyle ladies are seeking a personal submissive,perhaps even a spouse. In this situation the submissives desires must align with the dominant's wishes as well,for they will have a 24/7 relationship with aspects reflecting those of any vanilla relationship. This is not to say that there is no overlap. There are pros which engage in lifestyle as well,and surely the rules will differ in each individual exchange. Onto the strictly online Dommes. In regards to online domination,it most times incorporates findom,as how else can you serve online? I mean seriously any lady that has been around for longer than a week has seen all of the cock pics that she can tolerate in a lifetime,and you can bank on the fact that she would rather you buy her an outfit then to watch you model one you bought for yourself.

The point of my post is to share valuable information which will aid males in the scene in making informed decisions. To be blunt my words are not new found nuggets of wisdom,they are common sense which apparently is lacking nowadays.

So here ya go,and yes you can thank me for taking my time to spoon feed you what you should already know. 1)If you do not want to sacrifice financially,then do NOT seek out a pro. 2)If you feel that your needs and wants are the focus,seek out a pro,but be prepared to pay for the service. 3)If your only desire is to get your dick beaters sticky for free,then locate free porn on the net *hint* it is all over the place. 4)If you want only to have your kinks played out and do not mind a small investment in having them met,then purchase clips,or buy cam time 5)If you possess an altruistic motivation towards service,then you are worthy of serving either pro or lifestyle or a combination of both.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Very pleased with my boys today whom sent birthday wishes especially my pet les whom gifted me with a $100 gc from my wl in addition to the other 2 he purchased for me Monday. He has shown me absolute devotion and adoration by always placing my happiness as his priority!
The rest of you are not even worthy of kissing my gloriously divine ass,so all I have to impart to you is SUCK IT :D
Absolutely loved this pic posted on twitter for my b-day from Goddess Arrion's boy,all credit for the pic to Arrispetcucky.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

New gurl knows the importance of gifting Goddess...the rest of you SUCK

Monday, November 11, 2013

Changed up my hair color to reflect the darker season,not sure just yet if I love it..but that which does not change simply stagnates.

4 days til the celebration of my sacred birthday,NOW is the time to gift me with amazon gift cards thereby providing me with the pleasure of purchasing whatever catches my fancy that day. Oh and a note to take mind of little ones is that I do keep score,and those that claim to worship me yet fail to spoil me on my special day will be banned and forgotten from my empire.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

It seems as if it has been forever since last I posted a blog piece sharing my views and thoughts,and alas it shall not be today either,but I did want to share a lovely initial display of admiration gift I received this evening.


Friday, November 8, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Grateful new boi makes his first tribute :D

Another lovely donation for my Christmas charity fund from brian!!! The rest of you lackeys need to step it up and make me a happy Goddess.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

The trick is you thinking that I actually care about your suffering...now send me my treat in the form of an amazon gift card to mzsydney34@yahoo.com

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lovin my life today! Positive actions=positive reactions.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Woot woot!! UPS just left a box on my deck with bling inside from my biggest admirers. Happy happy Goddess...the rest of you lurking,non-committal pricks SUCK.

Felt like it

Mail call today,gift from les to dress me for sexy success date night ;D

Monday, October 21, 2013

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Peer into my eyes,then beg and plead to feed my greedy desires.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

You were born to belong to me

I know you. You are a successful man in the prime of your career. You hold power in your hand with your decisions affecting others lives and livelihoods. Always burdened with responsibility and obligations,unable to release the side of you that is hidden else it betray your secret to others. These are the reasons why you seek out me out. The need to share who you truly are is overwhelming. The desire to be accepted,to be lauded for your worthy sacrifice.
With me there is no shame in displaying that your darkest desire is to be upon your knees in worship,freely relinquishing your supposed power. Craving nothing more than to give all that you are to me. There is nothing so pleasurable than pleasing me. You want,you need,you must have me in your life. I am your focus,your driving ambition. Your primary goal the edification of my life. There are no ends you will not go to,the word no ceases to exist in your vocabulary when it comes to me,my desires,my wants,my whims are all that matter. At last you are free once you become one of my own. Your gratitude without limit. The only peace you now know is when you are pleasing me. You wake from dreams filled with my presence,and the first cognizant exhalation my name. Your life now has meaning because of me. Your career has justification as it provides you with the means to enhance my life,and in the end that is all that is of importance. Come now my little ones lurk no more,lay down your worldly pride,and breathe away that unfounded fear which has held you back from making yourself known to my presence with your generous gifts of gratification.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Debunking findom myths part 1

So many inaccuracies are held within the thoughts and opinions of those peering in,which beg to be eradicated.

The most erroneous myth which comes to mind is that FinDommes are nothing more than prostitutes. By sheer definition a prostitute is an individual whom exchanges sexual favors for payment. A FinDomme does not offer sexual services ie hands on stroke off,anal,vaginal or oral penetration,and if you do come across a female claiming to perform such actions,well then dear reader they are playing a game which is not legal in most states,nor within the realm of findom. I recognize that it offends some to the core of their selfish being that money is involved in a fetish,and in my experience the individuals whom display such open ended verbal attacks and bashing towards ladies whom employ findom are those that lack the means to have their kink fantasies played out unless it is free. I cannot comprehend otherwise why it would evoke such actions and feelings of animosity unless one has a personal stake in the matter.What I do find rather ironic though is that I am seeing a trend where even proclaimed lifestyle Dominas are commanding tribute as well,which means that all of you broke self entitled misogynist fucks are shit out of luck LMAO.

Venturing on. Any male whom pays for domination is an idiot too stupid to realize that he is being taken for a ride. Once again a fallacy. Gentlemen that have findom service experience under their belt know exactly what is entailed including the risks involved. Most even possess an above average intelligence quotient. They are quite capable of appreciating that quality is paid for,and that such an intimate fetish relationship is valued more than their salary,ergo spoiling a lady displays respect and devotion,which freeloaders have no concept of. This is why he whom pays will stay,and he who does not will be forgot. Sounds like a smart man to me eh?

We progress forward. Most FinDommes are males masquerading as females to get your money. It is a well known fact that there is a grain of truth in this statement,for indeed there have been and most likely are males whom perpetrate this heinous behavior,but to blanket us all with the assumption is asinine. I mean that is like saying that most males whom contact a FinDomme are looking for freebie thrills,but then again there is validity within those words.

FinDommes only care about the money. I will not mislead any by denying that indeed some females are in it for the fast cash,but if you take a moment to clearly assess the situation,then it is apparent who is filled with need,and whom possesses the greed. One thing that should be noted is that there are some boys that take pleasure in the dark desire of being used as a source of income. Their entire delight bundled into the stereotype of a cold sadistic woman whose only use of them is their bank balance. Take a moment to take a look around at some of the Dommes who have a stable of males that have served them long term...you tell me why they would endure if they thought that the lady in question did not give a flying fig for them,or if a bond of trust beyond finances had not been cultivated?

FinDommes are like lazy bloated ticks waiting for unsuspecting prey that happens along. Unfortunately I think that some of the PR put out there perpetuates this one. I mean for the uninformed peeking in at tweets and posts of ladies lazing around,or vacationing here or there all of the time,it could appear to be that way,but what goes on behind the scene may never make it center stage,such as the effort which goes into the appearance of a lackadaisical lifestyle. If any think that Dommes sit around all day with their feet up doing absolutely nothing while the tributes roll in is absurd. Yes I know that there are males whom thrive upon this thought as part of their fantasy,but it is far from accurate. It takes work to remain in the scene. It requires time being spent posting,tweeting,taking photos,and communicating with applicants,and those already serving. Not to mention that many ladies have an vanilla career,or are students pursuing opportunities outside of kink,so for them,the idea of their ass warming a seat all day is laughable.

All FinDommes are spoiled egomaniacal manipulative man hating bitches. Here we go. Once again I will not deny that appearances can be deceiving when you have no actual knowledge to base an opinion upon,but by assuming this about all women of findom would be showing that you are an ass. A great many of the ladies I have had the privilege of interacting with are down to earth individuals believe it or not. No doubt that some adopt a facade,but like with any stranger you meet,if you take the time to get to know them then you will see that your first impressions are not always a  true reflection.

So to quote porky pig “Ble, ble, ble, that’s all folks!” for today anyway...tbc

Thursday, October 3, 2013

No hidden agendas

The world is as we know it is flush with an over abundance of individuals with hidden agendas, and less than transparent motivations, therefor I personally see no need nor do I have any desire to compound that issue. That is why I am clear and concise about that which I desire and demand from those that serve me. I purposely leave no gray areas of confusion to center or place blame upon.

To last in my world your motivation must be pure, meaning that if your focus is set upon yourself and your self serving gratification, then you shall not be welcomed by me. My pleasure, my gratification, my happiness will be all that matters in service. Release your over inflated ego and opinion of entitlement. Your only worth is derived from how well you serve me, and just as the world at large owes you nothing, neither do I. Accept this as a fact.
I am a superior woman whom expects nothing less than the best from her pets, providers, gents, and boys. As such you are expected to suffer and sacrifice for me in all ways, and yes financially is part of that. Offerings are not optional, they are mandatory. Your generous nature affords you the rare opportunity to become a part of my life, irregardless of how insignificant that role may be, and for that you should be grateful.

Aside from pleasing gifts, I take pleasure in locking the cocks that bow before me, joy in your humiliation and degradation when you entertain me with any acts of perversity I assign you. My amusement is untold when you comply with spoiling my dates as my pantied puss cuck. My laughter overflows as I share your secrets with the men I date, and my closest friends. These are just a handful of my favorite things.

Strike the word force from your vocabulary, as I have mine. Willing and compliant are how I desire the males of my acquaintance. On bended knee with a supplicant giving nature is the only way to beg for my notice.

Service is your reward.Earn it.Devotion is your duty.Provide it.Submission is your purpose Live it.Sacrifice is your mantra. Embrace it.

Always provide the reasons for my smile.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The natural order in life decrees that your face belongs beneath my feet.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Drama bashing&hater smashing

It seems like every single day I read some torrid trite composed of bashing and trashing of a fellow Domina,and I ask myself what is the point of perpetrating this type of behavior?? Does the writer believe that it empowers them,or furthers their own reputation by engaging in juvenile antics such as this? Do they recognize that cyber bullying is not acceptable in any form? If this is how you conduct yourself and your affairs,then seriously you need to grow the fuck up. This is and never will be how a mature individual handles themselves. Adults recognize and accept that they shall not like everyone,nor that all will like them.

How one deals with confrontation and criticism is a defining part of their character as a human being. If you cannot handle being put down,then obviously you have never lived in the real world. If you expect everyone to agree with you,then you are suffering from delusional thoughts as well. Trashing a person on the basis that they do not kiss your "perfect" ass is plain old BS period. What the hell are you doing on any media forum if your mentality is no greater that a high school student?? Take my advice and get out now before you reveal to all your level of immaturity. Do not mistake me when I say that this is not directed exclusively towards the younger ladies in the scene,for I have seen older females engaging in this behavior as well. It is not attractive irregardless of age,nor does it attract sincere gents to your service,which is the ultimate agenda for any Domina is it not?

All that I see accomplished from this drama is further tarnishing of the findom reputation. Your actions do not affect only you as they reflect poorly upon the community as a whole. For fuck's sake attempt to think before you type,and refuse to allow anger to rule your words and deeds. There are no winners in hate based interactions.

This type of exchange becomes even further exaggerated when gang mentality comes into play,ie someone trashed my "friend,ally etc.." Then we get a whole gaggle of people tossing out insulting verbiage,which accomplishes nothing. For some odd reason the group feels as if they have the right to bash on others while defending their buddy. C'mon now, if your friend cannot handle their own issues,then they have no business calling themselves a dominant.  Your actions compound the situation by pointing out clearly that your comrade is weak in nature and in need of other's strong arm tactics. Is this the picture you truly wish to portray to the online world? Do you want the communities to view you as a bully? Try googling the explanation behind the psychology of bullies...one word comes up again and again(insecure)...is this you??

I can imagine many of you asking,how the hell am I supposed to react then if not with angry words? Try to remember that if you respond with anger,then you have already lost. The best course is to give forth no fuel to fan the flames. There is a reason why sites and forums give you the option to block one another. Use it. All of us have been insulted at one point or another but refuse to allow it to touch us personally. I mean do you really give a shit if a total stranger passes judgement on you? If you do then you are not living your life,someone else is controlling how you view yourself,and by the way that is not the action of a dominant person.

In closing keep in mind that if you do not care for someone,avoid them. If you are offended by their opinions or statements,then do not listen to them,and the most important thing is to keep your mind and your tongue upon your own business.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Time is precious

I have briefly touched upon this subject previously in posts,but now I find it imperative to expound upon my line of thinking in order to relay the thoughts behind my actions. Availability for me is the time I am willing to allot towards interacting with others pertaining to the "getting to know you" preemptive phase, which most times is minimal at best, as it requires mere moments for me to decide whether I desire to delve further. Unfortunately for the prevailing lot of you,first impressions leave lasting memories which means that if you come under my radar as an absolute waste of my time,then you shall not be given any further notice. Considering that I place a self imposed limit of time which I make myself available online,I refuse to spend it willy nilly.

Throughout my advent into the online fetish community I have spent an inordinate amount of time conversing with fellow ladies and soaking up all pertinent information pertaining to online domination, as my fount of knowledge has been fed by the bubbling pool of real time, which does not always equate well to the practices employed within this sphere. The one piece of advice which repeated itself through voices and words was that it requires hours upon hours devoted daily to establishing oneself and making a success of such a venture,and while I have over a year under my belt,my name is not widely known. This is not a fact which evokes despair within me as I am content along my chosen path.

To some my approach would seem puzzling as is not the goal to overflow my accounts with sub cash,and fill every stall in my stable to bursting with slaves? Should I not be trolling the sites and media forums sacrificing sleep in order to glut myself upon the spoils of slaves? Forget not though that all ladies are not created as duplicates,and that their end designs are not twins of each other. Success is subjective,and is measured in differing manners. Irregardless of whether my ambitions are shared with the majority matters not to me,for it is my thoughts and pleasure with them that counts,and it would not bring joy to my life if I were tied down to my computer 24/7 as I have heard it deemed necessary. This alone relays why my time is not wasted in idle chit chat in chat rooms,or logged into messenger day and night. This measure is not meant as a deterrent to those whom hold sincerity within them,and a true desire to come to know and serve me. What it does mean though,is that any male of mine or desirous of becoming so shall be forced to put forth more effort in order to connect with me one on one.

There is a reason that the number of hours in a day are numbered,and I would have that time spent with those and activities which enrich my life,rather than trying my patience,and draining my energy. Online is not a job for me nor my sole source of income,therefore I will not sell pieces of myself attempting to be something or someone other than myself in a pathetic attempt to replicate what others define as SUCCESS.

It may never be that I will rival the radiance of the sun within the fetish community,nor is that my ultimate aspiration,but I do know for a fact that those whom appreciate me for the sadist feminine Goddess that I am shall bow before me and find a place at my feet. Though their numbers may be small per my selection,they are diminished none.

Friday, September 6, 2013

little excursion

Yesterday afternoon was a marvelous time for me! Trekking through the slate creek wetlands an hour before sunset. I am never more at peace than when out in nature. The view was glorious,and I was treated to the sight of deer,doves,and dragonflies galore. Factor in the romance angle of spending precious time with my man=perfect excursion!!

I intend to plan more little side trips like this in the coming future as it is quite a calming influence for me when the day to day stress threatens to overwhelm my senses. Now be good little boys and work hard to fund my fun :)

Wham bam scam

A couple of days ago I was reading an article about a mother-daughter duo whom scammed individuals out of money with the ploy of aiding US soldiers which I personally found repulsive, but it did make me think of the correlation between those females and ladies within the scene. Now before anyone gets their knickers twisted I shall explain why I said it.

These females did indeed perpetrate a scam which loosened the purse strings of many people with the intention of benefiting themselves financially, and is this not how we ladies whom employ findom are viewed as well? I cannot count upon my fingers and toes the sheer number of instances where I myself have been belittled and stoned verbally as a scammer due to my requirement of tributes from those that serve me. My treatment not unlike that of a leper within the bdsm community. I did not take to heart the treatment heaped upon me though as I have not forgotten since my entry into the realm of lifestyle bdsm that people by nature shun that which is different and misunderstood. Dommes that have been around the block or two already know that some days you just need to cover your head with an umbrella to avoid the hail from the shit storms which rain down in judgement of our fetishes as expected.

I looked up the definition of scammer at dictionary.com and this is what it says "
a confidence game or other fraudulent scheme, especially for making a quick profit; swindle."
Does this describe anyone that you know? I can honestly see why others are led to categorize FinDommes as such, but then I as well know that we are mislabeled. In my estimation a scam is something that is covertly played out sans the marks knowledge, whereas it is quite transparent when dealing with a FinDomme that finances will be involved. Anyone that does not realize this is either ill informed due to lack of research..or simply an idiot. I know not of a single Domina in the findom scene that does not expect tribute. Can you my readers relay to me the name of one?

The main difference in my eyes between the above mentioned duo and FinDommes is the deceit involved. I do acknowledge that within every group there are some cow patties that do bamboozle the unsuspecting, but for the main part findom ladies are those whom display integrity about their intentions. I mean seriously if you read a few tweets or status updates it is clear anyway ie "I want to drain you dry" "The only thing of interest to me is your wallet" "Fuck you,pay me". How could these statements possibly be interpreted incorrectly? The reader unless a moron can deduce that they are expected to pay.
This is not a cloak and dagger game where we hide who and what we are or even what we demand from our servants while upon twitter, fb, or websites. Mind you I am not saying that some ladies do not keep it separate and secreted away from their personal or professional lives, but never within the scene. Think about it, how are we to acquire what we desire if our designs are not disclosed?

I am by no means deluding myself into believing that I can change the outlook of the majority with my little post, but that does not mean that I cannot attempt to now does it? In closing I remind you ladies and gents to choose wisely whatever insults you opt to lob fit the action lest you betray your own ignorance.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Saturday night session

Running rather behind on this update,but then it is my blog now isn't it lol

Let's see...Saturday night I had a wonderfully ass bruising session with my real time boy..such a stress relief to break out the paddle,flogger,and crop. Unfortunately I do not have any pics to display my work of art since he is a very shy boy that has a hard limit about posting most of our sessions :( , but I am free to share the details :D

I absolutely love playing with my boy. He never comes empty handed,nor does he come with complaints or begging. We have played together for years,so he knows exactly what I expect in the way of protocol and how I like to begin.

We began with an offering, and of course strict eye and speech restrictions are enforced. He knows to then follow behind me by 3 steps until standing in front of my bed then to disrobe down to his pink panties which were once mine,then he went to his knees awaiting my instructions.

Now is when the fun begins as I lay out the toys I intend to use upon his tender flesh. Once the decision has been made I command him to to get up and bend over the edge of the bed with his arms stretched out in front of him and his eyes to remain upon the photo of me that is set upon my pillow with his chin resting on the exact spot where my lover's cum drenched the sheet prior to my boys arrival.

I had opted to warm his ass up with some light slaps of my bare hand,then onto the paddle. It is almost orgasmic for me to see how red he gets so quickly. After 22 swats(the 2 extra were a punishment for him arriving 2 minutes late) I break out the crop to see if I can match the skin tone of his ass to the back of his thighs which is easily accomplished lol,and yes I do tend to laugh when I watch him dance around as I apply it vigorously. The little gasps and cries like the sweetest of arias to me.

I finished up with some light flogging to his upper back and ass...delicious!!!

Of course kindness can be a bit cruel so I applied icy hot to his arse when I was done along with a Good Boy.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Correct and incorrect approaches

Good afternoon perverse miscreants,minions,and mindfucked meat. It appears to me that it is time to revisit a few points as I continue to receive undesirable communications in the form of email and IM,which needs be addressed in order to set straight the errors many of you are committing. Do save yourself from the shame of being deemed an absolutely detested dumbass in my eyes. Take careful note of the do's and do not's listed.

I shall enlighten you with a few examples.

"Hey babe I would luv ta worship dat pussy heres a pic of my cock lemme know when you are down to play"

"I aint got no money but I would do anything for you to serve you good"

"I do not pay to serve but I will clean your home buck nakeed and your pantys with my tongue every day"

"I gots 20 for cam play"

Now fuckfarts do you grasp why I display such marked reserve when speaking with most of you? If those above whom contacted me had taken the time to peruse my FAQ section,then they might not have made asses of themselves contacting me with their chosen sentiments and requests now would they?

"I have enclosed a tribute Goddess for your time,and would enjoy nothing more than learning best how to please you"

"Upon reading your blog Mz Sydney I am floored by your beauty and intellect and wanted to convey my appreciation in the form of an amazon gift card and beg an audience with you at a time of your choosing"

The above males were ones whom were given the opportunity to speak further with me as they displayed respectful sincerity. Which category shall you fall within I wonder?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

"He's a little runaway"

It is phenomenally abyssal when you take the time to add up the number of boys whom bolt when it comes time to commit to serving. I see females asking all of the time "why, why, why?" It tends to knock at the ego if it is a repeating cycle of concurrence. The self doubt will creep in beseeching for an answer in order to alleviate the fear that she is doing something wrong. I mean it is human nature to blame another when possible right, so it could not conceivably be the woman at fault could it? Not entirely accurate, atleast not each and every time.

Reasons and explanations as to why this action occurs vary and merge at times in each case, so in order for me to convey the truth which I myself estimate to be feasible, then the blinds must be raised, and the curtains thrown wide open for public viewing.

Studies and research have proven to us that there is an entire segment of males whom suffer from a commitment phobia, and that my reader is reflected well within the scene by the sheer number of "sluts" and "community whores" which we see daily. They cannot or consciously will not remain under a Domme's thumb when they begin to feel as if they could become attached. The rules for engaging this type of male are a tricky road to tread. The most prudent course of action is to recognize the signs early within the interaction which should be revealed when questioned as to past service length and an accounting as to why their term was severed,and by whom. (hint) They tend to place the disintegration of the relationship squarely upon the Domme's shoulders they were in service to rather than upon their own actions or lack thereof. This class of boy may indeed be fun to play for a limited interim, but beware if you harbor presumptions that you may be the one to change them, for unless you are a therapist, then you are slamming your head against a brick wall (ouch).

Another scenario is the one where things are moving at a speed rival to the arrival of light. I am sure that all know what I am referring to. How easily a male falls in lust, not love mind you (entirely different animal for flogging). Their wank flapper gets riled and we are off to the races so to speak. One minute they are promising eternal devotion,and voila the next day they have flown away with puff the magic dragon. This sort is best handled in a calm and detached manner sans allowing their desires to spiral the situation out of your control, otherwise they will behave in future towards you as they would a blind date their mother sat up (polite, distant, and unequivocally uninterested).

Onto the next type. Hard to believe that a certain set of boys actually seek out a D's relationship which is not based solely upon the "fin" side. This is not to say that they do not tribute or have value to a Domme, but if you are strictly a cash counter, then they are going to run for high ground before falling prey to the quicksand.

Now comes the fantasy fellow. His words speak to his intent to become the epitome of servitude perfection (hint) perfection can be trained, but never attained within a day. His goal exists to his benefit only. You are his fantasy which he spins out until it no longer amuses him to play the role...then guess what!! He sneaks away like a thief in the night with your best silver.

Last but not least are the timid toms which expediently note the realization that a Domme does not fit the jello mold of their expectations, and they lack the balls to relay such information, so they pull a Gregory Hines move, and tap dance with excuses off the stage.

The key note of importance to take to heart is that not all males are created equal.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

                      Accept and embrace your place in this lifetime,at my feet in adoration.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Stand and serve

Obviously it is a normal desire within the human psyche to want to be somebody. To matter to another. To be a part of something bigger than ourselves.

A submissive male carries the same yearnings, yet with a tangible twist. A craving to become lost within the commands and control of a dominant. An abiding need to belong to One. No longer alone, but consumed by the fires of a fierce personality.

To many within the findom world this appears to be an easily accomplished task, yet is it? There comes a time where illusions must be stripped away though to reveal what it really takes to belong, to be owned, to know what it is to truly become submissive to another being. Shall we dispel some of the major misconceptions?

You cannot buy your way into heaven much less into being owned period. If you could, would it be worth it? An empty unearned honor. Of course the fact that finances are involved leads some to this misguided belief. If all findom was based upon was money, then every male with two nickels to rub together would be property, yet we all know this is not factual now don't we? It takes so much more than physical currency to become that which a servile male is meant to be. Expecting to sit upon your dead ass dick in hand while you fork over the cash will never be enough.

Like all things in life worth having, becoming owned is a challenge, no easily paved road. A presence of mind which drives you to your limits physically, mentally, and emotionally. How is any human being to appreciate a relationship which has not been worked towards? They simply will not. The ones that do come easy are most times taken for granted and undervalued which leads to their ultimate destruction.

Success in service is based upon your will to succeed. You know that old saying "no guts, no glory"?  It applies quite well in this instance, for if you are not willing to go all in, then you need to go home. A half ass application will produce nothing of value. The words I relay are not hidden ancient secrets ferreted away like those of the dead sea scrolls just now playing out in the light of day. These are notations that all with a semblance of intelligence should know, so come forth and prove by your actions that you are driven to submit your will, your ego, your sense of self to the pinnacle of subservience.

I know that people hold faith in the saying that good things come to those whom wait, but I tell you now that it is most often what we feared doing and held off that becomes our dearest regret. Circumstances and fate do come along to bite us in the ass if we dither, so I bid you swallow the bitter bile of fear, and rise up to meet your destiny which is solely as a vassal to a superior Domina.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

It has been a hectic week,yet not as fruitful as I desired...you need to work on that boys.

Truth be known I have been interviewing bulls the last few days which has exhausted me mentally. How was I to know the extent of stupidity which would be foisted upon me?? I had thought that dealing with males outside of the scene to fill this role would provide a pleasant diversion from the ordinary dick obsessed trite I encounter day in and day out within the fetish world,oh how wrong I was with that train of thought.

My attractions tend to stray towards alpha type males when it comes to occupying my bed,and for some reason this always leads to encountering over inflated male egos(ugh). What is it about the y chromosome psyche which lends them the assumption that being a dick and having one are synonymous?

The major issue I have encountered other than my sense of selection is the lack of adherence to safety standards. I mean seriously, only a down trodden whore is going to allow just any piece of meat to deposit body fluids within them. I cannot count how many times I had to make it known that no I do not bareback strangers. I wonder if most males have a brain in their head or not. Practical thought processes would alert even a dumbass to the fact that stds are rampant in this day and age,therefore why would I risk bringing home a lifelong reminder?

Good news though, I have found one whom meets my eye candy requirements as well as acceptance of playing safe. The best part being that he as well agreed to me filming the entire experience for a special real time cuck in my life whom has paid dearly for the privilege of viewing it :D

Now that I have that settled thankfully,I shall be able to spend more time tormenting and torturing the rest of you!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Who is an insta?

Warning,this post is comprised of my thoughts,views and opinions,which may not coincide with those of the average reader of findom articles.

After reading through the comments section on a dose post the other day one comment caught my attention by hex kitten that inspired me to write up a piece myself regarding the term "insta" Domme.

What is an insta Domme, or perhaps a more pertinent question would be, who is an insta Domme? The word insta is a term, an adjective, and an insult spoken with a vile vehemence not unlike that of the despised "timewaster".  It is slightly more offensive to be coined an insta,than it is to be accused of being a male posing as a female.

Why is one such as this reviled? Could it be due to their actions setting the tone and blackening the opinions of those outside the fetish peeking in? Findom as a whole is vastly misunderstood with the bdsm community comparing the Dommes whom embrace the fetish as money grasping prostitutes. This myth is in part perpetuated by the posts, blogs, and tweets we read each and every day which incorporate behaviors that align with one whose sole means of income is sitting along the curb with a tin cup. Begging is degrading no matter how you desire to explain it. Ask yourself this, do you honestly believe that people have any respect for the downtrodden asking for spare change, or do they secretly scoff at how pathetic they are? Humans beings are not always known for their compassion now are they? I myself have seen posts where females have indeed made it known that they are themselves living life in such a way, and this is how strangers form the basis of their opinions regarding financial domination. Does this define a female as being an insta though? Can a poor lady not have a cash fetish?

Actions and deeds or lack thereof are the measuring stick of who becomes labelled and who escapes it. The general consensus I have taken note of is that there is more than one way to fall into the category. Some would condemn any female new to the scene whom is lacking any type of domination experience as an insta, while others may assign it to the ladies who came along after watching a certain british program that we have all heard of hence the rinsing term,  not to mention being applied to cam girls offering findom as well.

So now I ask of you the reader what is your definition of an insta? Is it a female that merely desires money (keep in mind that ALL FinDommes desire cash)? Is it a female that disappears after the session ends (forget not that this is what most males do as well)? Is it a female that needs rather than wants the money (do you work all week at your job because you need or just want your paycheck)?

Irregardless of why and who you as a member of this scene declare an insta do not allow yourself to believe that they have no place in findom. Some would argue that such females are cutting into their bottom line...taking money out of their pocket, but are they really? Think about it this way. They are the ones dealing with fetish males whom have nil intentions towards serving in any financial capacity as well as those that are here for the flesh flashing, so in the end if they do make bank does it affect your bank balance? Ladies that have invested time and effort into their skills and level of domination are not going to feel the adverse reaction from the presence of the instas, in fact it in many ways elevates their status.

In conclusion I remind all not to waste your judgement in haste of those whom you have no knowledge of. You never know, and it is possible that those you condemn might actually evolve into a Domme of distinction someday.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Slightly on the mend today,but far from 100%. Many of you may have noted my most recent absence from posting here,which is due to me being on bedrest this week. Definitely has not placed me in a pleasant frame of mind,but one positive aspect is that it enabled me time and perspective as to how I wish to handle the route which I have traversed within the lifestyle.
Due to the complexity of life and the day to day responsibilities I carry, it is not often that I am able to spend a block of time reflecting upon what has been,and how this shall alter my actions in the future in regards to how I train,and whom I shall allow at my feet,so even when ill there can be positives to be found if you merely look for them!
More to come later when I am back up to par.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Clarification regarding real time

After a brief exchange with a "foot boy" the other day I found there to be a basic misconception regarding my core stance upon domination which I feel the need to clarify in order to possibly deter future misunderstandings.

The male in question informed me that as a FinDomme I was leaving hundreds perhaps thousands upon the table as I would not relay guarantees to boys that they will indeed without doubt be given the opportunity to worship my peds in person. At first I was taken a back just a smidgen when I read his response, but in the end I merely shook my head as this person surely did not grasp how utterly out of character this type of assurance would be for one such as I.

To begin with, he assumed that I view domination and business as interchangeable terminology, which I do not. At no point have I ever approached the lifestyle in this manner, nor do I intend to. Dominance is ingrained within my personality irregardless of whether I ever take on another submissive boy in service, and from my point of view treating those whom come to me as impersonal tools which fortify my bank account is cold and methodical, and that is NOT suited to my style. It is mere conjecture that all Dominas whom employ findom are creatures of cold disposition and dispassionate hearts. In fact, coming to care for those whom dedicate their lives to pleasing me is as natural as breathing on my part.

As to the reference of guarantees, those are never a given from me. I lack ESP therefore I have not the knowledge of which boys shall fail during the mandatory probationary period I set. If I were in possession of such facts, would I not refuse those that I foresee not making the grade thereby saving myself the time and effort required to train them? I guarantee that I would. As I do not though, the only promise I offer is that if my mandates are met during the entirety of the minimum 3 month period, then I will set aside a block of time in order for a real time meet. The bottom line is this: real time opportunity hinges upon your behavior, and in the end it is your actions which will either ensure or negate your chances of being at my feet.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Ladies do not chase

Findom in most regards has evolved into what I would compare to that of a roman gladiators arena where one must eat or be eaten to endure. In fighting, backstabbing, and shamefully shallow behavior dominates the image which is portrayed to the vision of outsiders peeking in, yet we question why it is that we are judged harshly. This is no quagmire to be solved, for it is transparently clear as to why the scene and those involved are despised. Dignity and class are attributes which have been pushed to the wayside in the ever elusive hunt for solvent prey.

Ask yourself this, do we present a united front to those whom fail to accept and comprehend this fetish we call our own,or do we appear as haughty desperate for cash eye candy free porn providers whom lack dignity self composure and class? It has always been stated that respect is earned not merely allotted to a title, meaning that our actions must be in accordance with those whom are deserving of respect.

Dominant women are individuals of emotional strength and mental acuity. Their worth is self defined. Their self respect unquestionable. Why is it then that we see females chasing down males for submission? This behavior is antipathetic towards what dominant women stand for. Why then do we see this on every site and media outlet which findom plays out on?

The answer is not a riddle for consider this scenario. If you were to starve a group of 20 human beings for the period of one month, then toss a single cheeseburger into their general vicinity, what would happen? A frenzy is sure to occur now is it not? Of course it is. Now turn your thought to the fact that every single day there are double digit females entering the findom scene hungry for the financial recompense in an arena where you are indeed fortunate to locate a single slave whom has the means to back his words. Are we not taught that "the early bird gets the worm" that the aggressor reaps the rewards,that the bold get noticed? This is exactly what we are seeing, and it is a known fact that conflict does not always evoke the most positive reactions now does it?

How then are we to eradicate the reputation our beloved fetish has been blackened with? Acting and speaking with dignity is a wonderful precursor towards erasing the associated negativity. Resist the impulse to chase down males, thereby placing yourself into the position of power. Never openly bash. It is both inappropriate and demeaning to all parties involved and last but not least, Yes you can be a take no shit Domina, while maintaining a classy approach.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Realistic Responsibility

Serving is not a means of running away from your life. It is meant to be about embracing a new way of living your life.

It saddens me when I read profiles posted and penned by males seeking an outlet which will release them from the responsibilities of their present situation,especially the ones that beg to be taken away from their spouses and children. You cannot and should never expect a Domme to be like that of a fairy Godmother whom swoops in and transports you away to her dungeon in the sky where you are relieved of all the burdens you through your decisions in life were responsible for. Be realistic it simply does not work that way,and why in creation would a Domme even desire a slave whom fails to meet the needs of those dependent upon him? A slave is meant to be a thing of joy for his owner,not a headache,nor a source of frustration.

You cannot run away from life and your imagined mistakes period. If your happiness and fulfillment in life are outweighed by your overall level of dissatisfaction, then get off of your ass and make the necessary changes to fix it! Never expect someone else to clean up your messes.

Whether you realize it or not,serving is an intense experience as well as a great degree of responsibility. Your mindset resolved to pleasing someone other than yourself which is an honored responsibility,therefore it should not be undertaken by those whom fail miserably to protect and provide for those under their care. When you are in service you are able to release control and worries,but it absolutely does not absolve you from doing your duty for those you are accountable to.

One of the biggest attractions of dominant women is that they are responsible with their time and decisions. They do not depend upon others to resolve issues in their lives. In a manner of speaking,they are strong enough to take life by it's balls and own it. So if you are pining your hopes of a better life upon the strength of a woman "fixing" your life minus any involvement or action on your part,then you are setting yourself up for a serious reality check when it never happens. Take note, you will NEVER be worthy if all you have to offer is issues!