Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Are you what I am searching for?

The type of male who catches my eye
Do you ever wonder what kind of male it is that gets my attention, that piques my interest, and eventually ends up in my stable of submissives? Well sit right down, because I am going to tell you all about him :)

I like manly men
Men that are ambitious go getters in the world. Yup these are purely masculine men. They are not weak. They are not spineless. They are not doormats to be walked upon. Sounds like an alpha male yes? Well, yes and no.

Alpha but yet not
Definitely dominant in the workplace, but the switch gets flipped when they come under my heel. I am the only person in the entire universe that they will kneel before. I absolutely adore a strong man on his knees for me. Not necessarily am I stating that he must be a brawny man physically, but his strength of will, intellect, and drive is undeniable. He walks tall, and proud of his masculinity. He is a leader in his profession, but my pet in his private life. To me alone will he relinquish control. 

Why a feminized man will never suit me in submissive service

I have in the past trained males who were quite feminine, and I found it to be annoying as hell. They were needy, passive aggressive, and more hormonal than I. There can only be 1 woman in my relationships, and I have filled that position. A man who wants to be me, will never truly serve me. Now this is not to say that I do not enjoy putting my men in panties, for I do, but only so that they may appreciate the erotic sensation of lace and silk upon their flesh. Human beings can be quite tactile, and having something soft rubbing against your skin equates to a happy feeling :)

Why not a switch than
I am not in the least bit submissive, therefore I do not believe that a switch male would ever be satisfied with serving me long term, and long term is ALWAYS my goal when it comes to femdom relationships. I lead, and they follow, but a switch man is more likely to get the itch to take the reins, and I will not allow that, so I find it best to avoid the possibility of such conflict. 

Bratty boys are a bother
My longest serving boy is dubbed my brat, but he is anything but bratty. He understands that it is my will which holds dominion in our relationship, and deviation from acceptable behavior in the hopes of forcing my hand will be met with a cold shoulder. My life is complicated enough without the addition of those who subscribe to chaotic behavior.  

Just say NO to the kinky fetishist
A fetishists desires revolve around their fetish as a rule. They are geared towards getting off and getting out. They are basically the equivalent of a vanilla one night stand, and I avoid those like the black plague. Indeed they can be fun for a session or two, but they are not long term material generally. I will not deny that I have dabbled with them once or twice, but to truly satisfy me, I need long term, so unless you catch me in just the right mood, I am going to have to take a pass. 

Which type are you? 

As always, gift cards are lovely display of appreciation for my time sharing my mind with you :) 

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Free Task Tuesday for Chastity gents

Free Task Tuesday

Some of you most likely seen my twitter post yesterday about a free task I am offering for chastity males only.

I am going to outline the task here for you.

1)You must currently be in a chastity device
2)You must be unowned

Tis the Holiday season and Goddess wants to be entertained, which is just one of your duties :) Now onto your task.

I want a video (no face) of silver bells attached to the device, and the bells are to ring out in time with the song jingle bells. It will be my own version of jingle balls lol

Submit the completed task to

Monday, November 26, 2018

Frosty Cock in Chastity

Winter is the best time to start your cock lock journey
Why is it the best time though? 

Because it is cold outside
Being as it is cold outside, you are able to dress in layers, and loose baggy clothing, unlike in the summer time when you are basically forced to dress down to the least amount of clothing. This affords you the distinct opportunity to cover up that cock cage in public settings most effectively. Keeping your chastity cage a secret is difficult to do when you are wearing shorty shorts in the dead hot heat of summer lol Not to mention that the little demon in your pants is less likely to be popping it's head up when it is 10 below outside, cause walking out in the brisk winds of winter makes a shriveled mockery of your manhood anyway. Another benefit to cold weather chastity, is that when your willie gets frosty, it is not going to be straining at the bit to get loose and create havoc, which means less pain for you since erections in a cage cause constriction of your ouch! That is a definite plus!

It will make your winter more productive
Ever notice how in the cold months, all of your activities are mainly sedentary and indoors? You sit around bitching and moaning about how cold it is, while you are downloading porn in the hopes that you can seduce your hand. Nothing gets done, except your dicklet making a mess on the keyboard, and who has time for cleaning up after his ass, so do yourself a favor, and lock that cock today. Now you can get on with getting productive. You will find yourself able to concentrate on getting more out of your life without his obtrusive presence constantly calling on you to selfishly pleasure him. Haven't you allowed him to take up too much of your precious time as it is? Make the choice to give him the cold shoulder by locking him away under a cold steel chastity cage :) and freeze him out by tossing the key into a container of water in your freezer. 

Your cock will be conditioned to keep calm
By the time summer rolls around, your cock will no longer be caterwauling to be set free. It will become your good boy, so that you can get out to enjoy the sunshine without worrying he is going to call undue attention to you at the beach. No one likes pervs at the beach popping a pup tent. Save yourself that embarrassment. You and I both know that you only lose out when women find out that you got the short end of the stick so to speak. You don't need that type of rejection. You are way better suited to locking that jolly joke away for Goddess anyway :)

So be MY good boy, and commit to chastity today!

And as always, don't forget to send an amazon gift card as a display of your undying appreciation to, and feel free to leave your comments, thoughts, or opinions on today's post!!

**Note, I have a free chastity task for unowned males who are interested**


Saturday, November 24, 2018

Worship Luscious Ladies

Has society changed in regards to BBW's
To some degree we have seen change in the way BBW's are treated in the media and general society. The uprising of body positivity and eff the beauty standards have led the way to greater acceptance of non-comformative body beauty. I for one am pleased as punch to see this, and hope that it surges forward in momentum. It is time for the world to cease their hatred lobbying against BBW's. We do have a long way to go though, considering that most still deem it acceptable to bash and trash on larger sized women under the guise of caring about their health, and the better part of the time they do not even bother with that tactic, it is simply a targeted vicious verbal assault. You tell me...why is it unacceptable to judge people according to their color, sex, creed, or religion, but yet body shaming is rampantly active and celebrated?

Who keeps body shaming active and alive
The majority of "fat shaming" is perpetrated by men. Men obviously lack discretion or common sense in relation to acceptable social behavior. The patriarchy for centuries has set and defended their outlined standard for female attractiveness, and either women toe that line, or they will be verbally stoned til they conform. Irony is that the majority of women in this country fail to meet those standards either, which is why the patriarchy employs the media to do the shaming for them. Ads in print, billboards, television, and online all portray a similar body type for women. That image is young, thin with larger breasts, collagen injected lips, long hair, and unblemished skin. You tell me, does the average woman on the street look like what I described? Nope they do not, which is what led to the rise of flourishing cosmetic surgery. Now women can get nipped, tucked, breast enlargements, lip fillers, hair extensions, and lipo to within an inch of their lives.

Body shaming leads to far reaching outcomes
Companies (ran by men coincidentally) will claim that they do not promote unhealthy images for women and young girls just developing their self-esteem, but they are LIARS. Sure they refuse to use models of BBW, or Lord forbid, SSBBW sizes, because that wouldn't be portraying a healthy image, but they have zero issues glamorizing women who are severely underweight, which is "unhealthy" as well. They airbrush and airbrush, and photoshop out all "imperfections", so what is left is barely humanly possible for a woman to attain. This sets a standard that no female can reach without surgical intervention. It that healthy? It is positive for young girls on the threshold of becoming a woman?

The real reason why the struggle continues
Men. Yes they are at fault, but women must step up and accept part of the load, for we have allowed this travesty to continue for way too long. In our quest to be seen as of having value in society by men, we have dieted, purged, went under the knife, just for male acceptance and appreciation. It needs to stop, and I mean right now. We can no longer allow this unfit image of what men call sexy, beautiful, even hot, to poison our sense of self worth. Stop bowing your head in shame when men attempt to malign you with the "FAT" label. Take a stand Ladies please. If not for yourself, atleast do it for the girls coming of age.

What can you Ladies do to affect change
You can call out people when they trash non-conforming body shapes. You can start campaigns to call for non-conforming body types to be used in media advertising. You can refuse to purchase from companies that are not tolerant of BBW's, which will send a strong message, a financial call for them to change. You can personally pledge to never debase women who are larger than you. The change can begin with you, and radiate outward. Be that change! 

How you men can make a difference
STOP shaming women about their weight and body type, just STOP. You have no basis to do so, and no right either. I understand that most of you are not attracted to larger women, and that is ok, but it becomes not ok when you are verbally bashing them. You don't like the way they look, DON'T LOOK at them. It is that simple. And another thing, start calling out your fellow men for their shitty behavior. If you set the example of what is acceptable, others will follow. Do it! You never know gents, someday you yourself may be blessed with female progeny, and you will not want to be the shoulder she is crying on when some inconsiderate asshole shames her for her body type. Chew on that image, and be the change! 

Not my sexy self
I realize that my readers most likely do not come here to read about my views such as this, and prefer to just see the sexy fetish side of me, but if you are seeking to serve me, than you should appreciate all sides of me...which includes my big fat brain and outspoken opinions :) 

As always, amazon gift cards to are always a welcome form of appreciation!

Let me slip into your submissive self

Why speak if your words have no meaning?
Each and every day we venture out into the world at large, and we speak with no meaning. Our words are as empty as the false platitudes we offer. Why? Why bother to speak at all? We speak because it is polite. We speak because it is expected of us. If we did not speak, than others would form a poor opinion of us, and the majority of people who wander this planet, actually care what others think of them. 

Caring about what others think of you
Why do you care how others see you? Why do you care how they speak of you behind your back? Does the opinion of others affect your life in a tangible manner? If you are disliked by the masses of society, will it devalue your life? One thing that I have learned in my life, is that others cannot live your life for you, and if you are living your life for the acceptance of others, than you are not actually living your best life at all. 

Living your best life
Live your life the way you choose. Do the things that bring happiness and peace to you. Of course I would never advise anyone to purposefully act in a way that brings harm to others, but neither should you fear to be present in your life simply because others would not like how you choose to live it. If you want to immerse yourself in fetish play, do it! If you want to dedicate the rest of your life to serving a woman, do it! If you want to lock your cock up, and hand off the key to a woman, do it! If you want to wear panties, or stockings, even a dress, do it! Stop allowing the fear of public scrutiny to keep you from loving your life! You truly do only have this one lifetime, and to squander it is criminal.  

Why meaningless words will hinder you in findom
Gentlemen I want you to really listen hard to what I am about to say. Your words mean nothing to a FinDom if your actions are not backing them up. It truly doesn't matter how many times you tell a Domme how beautiful, how sexy, how powerful you find her to be, if you are not complimenting her with tribute right along with it. In Financial Domination, your money is your verification of authenticity. It is your passport, and your ticket into the scene. You will be denied entry without it, this I promise you. Words will not take you where you wallet itself can. Remember this. 

Why caring about what others think of you in the scene will matter
If you toss your dick pic into every inbox, you will be talked about poorly. If you are rude and demanding, you will be talked about poorly. If you lie, steal, or cheat a FinDom, you will be talked about poorly. Now you may harbor a false belief that the Financial Domination community is this huge bubble where no one knows anyone else, but you are making a mistake. I may not know all of the females in the fetish scene, but I guarantee that everyone has friends of a friend, and yes I openly admit that we do share the names of those males who have burnt bridges with us, which in turn will make fellow Dommes look at you askance when you try to talk them up. This is why you seriously want your reputation to be pristine. You must hold rein on your tongue, no matter how badly you want to lash out in anger when you are denied whatever it is you hoped to gain from a FinDom. You must act with integrity in word and deed. Do not forget this.

Denial of your best life
When you deny your submissive self, you are paring away a piece of essential self, and that can be quite harmful psychologically. You cannot deny who and what you are for a lifetime, and not expect repercussions in the form of depression, anxiety, and stress. You must allow yourself to express your submission, lest you permanently damage yourself, and no one wants that, least of all you, so don't do it! Be your submissive self, and be proud of it. Men who are submissive make better men. They are more considerate in their actions, and conscious of how their behavior affects others. Submission makes you a better person all around, and that should be towards the top of your personal list of goals. Do better, be better! 

*Please feel free to comment and share*

Now be a gentleman and thank me for my words of wisdom by sending an amazon gift card to

Friday, November 23, 2018

Findom, A Fetish for the Rich

Is Findom a fetish designed for the rich only
Why would anyone say this? Well, truth be boldly known, financial domination is a luxury fetish. Why? The reason being, that this fetish is not free. Findom can be quite costly, and should make a dent in your wallet if done correctly. 

Findom requires males to be at minimum financially stable in order to engage in it. Being broke is not a positive when you are playing in the financial fetish field. It definitely gets steamy when men go into the red with tribute, but they should never begin there. Findom is meant to be fun, and for most, living in a cardboard box due to fetish play is not fun. 

Financial Ruination 
Of course there are a select few that enjoy taking findom to the extremes. There is an erotic element in going broke and bankrupt for your FinDom. Sounds rather hot :) Imagine giving your absolute all for your Domme. The ultimate sacrifice. Orgasmic power exchange!

As I said though, most do not want to take it to this level, and that is understandable.

Findom for the executive to entry level 
These are the men who enjoy a moderate level of financial freedom. They possess an excess, which allows them to play and tribute in higher degrees. They make up a small contingent of finsubs, and are most welcome to serve. They are the ones who take command in their workplace, and crave to relinquish all of that delicious power into the hands of a dominant. The lower you take them down, the happier they will be! I adore this type of servant. That could be due to my insatiable hunger for tribute and power. Yes I want it all bb :)

Blue collar Laborer in Findom
This is the majority of males in the scene. They work hard, and play even harder. They want to experience it all, and don't complain about paying for quality luxury. They are the true bread and butter of findom. This is the type that I always want to put in panties. It is humorous as hell to see a rough looking manly man decked out in satin and lace :) Yes yes yes. I like this type of servant, why, because they are down to earth and dirty in their fetishes ;)

Findom for college boys
Yes I see alot of you, but 9/10 of you are looking for free or reduced fees to play. You tend to suffer from entitlement syndrome, and view women as objects for your use. You need to get your heads out of your asses, and your dickbeaters into your pockets asap! There is no valid excuse for you boys not to tribute. The overwhelmingly used excuse for non-tributing is "I am just a poor student, and cannot tribute financially", and if that is you, here is my advice "GET A JOB". Students are capable of working and getting an education at the same time. I did it, so can you. Plenty of employers love hiring college students, and if all else fails, get to selling semen and plasma. No excuses numbnuts :)

Broke boy findom
Ugh there are too damn many of you coming out of the woodwork like little leeching cockroaches. You bring zero value to a findom exchange, and no the offer to shove objects up your ass is not entertainment. The only possible way you are of worth in service, is by building a large presence on social media to promote for your Domme, and even then, do not expect much attention. You are the grunt, and while you may serve a purpose, you are not high in the hierarchy of servants. Your main focus should be on financially bettering yourself, so that you may make tangible contributions towards the enrichment of your Domme. 

Did I miss anyone? Feel free to agree or disagree, or just plain offer an opinion. I welcome your comments :)

And as always...sending amazon gift cards to is the best way to say thank you!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Financial Domination Thankfulness

Why I am thankful for financial domination
Today is a recognized national day to give thanks, and one of the things I am thankful for is the findom community, which has brought me into contact with so many wonderful women of strength and creativity. They are leaders of inspiration for both females and males, and I feel blessed to be a part of it all!

Financial domination has graced my life with the presence of lovely selfless males who give their all to be my best of bois. I even give thanks for the horrid little cretins who have attempted to diminish my joy in the fetish, for they have taught me invaluable lessons, such as insight into the minds of users and how to spot a loser in swallow that up shitstains :)

Concerning matter on social media
Something I seen on my twitter feed today (do you follow me on twitter..if not, you really should) really saddened me to the core. It was a fishing post by a male (not really about fishing for fish) where he asked if there were any females into accepting small tributes such as $1. Why did it bother me, well it did so, because so many females responded in the affirmative, and even went so far as to throw out their cash apps for him.

Small tributes discussion
There has always been differing stances in findom about small tributes, and I understand both sides of the equation. Yes tributing is good, but it can also be a dead fish slap in the face. How can a tribute be insulting, I mean it is a gift afterall right? Yes a tribute is a gift, but within the realm of financial domination, a tribute is meant to be remitted as a sacrifice, and if you are in a place financially where $1 is a true sacrifice, than you really should not be here. That is not me being cruel, that is me being honest, cause if you are not financially secure, you should not be attempting to indulge in financial fetishes. Any finsub needs to be financially solvent before they toss their tribute into the arena..seriously. 

Unfortunately there are some males who treat the fetish like it is a McDonalds. They want to tribute the price of a value menu item, and consume praise for less than minimal effort, which is why it is insulting as hell. Findom is not a bargain basement fetish. It is not a dollar tree tease either, and more than being angry at the rotten refuse that brings such disgusting offers to the table, I feel so very sad for the females who are willing to accept $1 as their due.

Women are the most marvelous of creation, and they deserve so much better than most men are willing to provide. Low balling is offensive. Findom is not a flea market gents. Findom is at the root, a relationship, and if all you are willing to invest is $1, what good are you?This type of mentality could very well be why you are a loser on and offline. Ponder that a moment, and straighten yourself out.

All tributes are good
Let's look at the opposing view. All tributes are good regardless of amount. The old, "it is the thought that counts". Is it really though? It is the thought that counts when a man is trying to use and abuse your time for $1, cause that is exactly what he is doing. Here is the difference, and why $1 is ok. If a $1 tribute is sent, and the sender expects zero notice, or requires no attention for said $1 tribute, then and only then would you ever get me to say that it is borderline ok. But if the sender attaches strings to a $1 tribute...he is a POS in my estimation.

This is where the moaners are going to chime in, "all you care about is money, and aren't dominating for the love of it". I am in agreement with you that findom is about more than money, but it is also all about money. Make sense? It simply cannot be called financial domination if there is no financial aspect in play, and as I said before, if $1 is a burden upon your wallet, you do not belong here. Take a step back, and get your life in order before you come back. I am being totally upfront with you about that. A dominant is supposed to care about those that come under their heel, and it would be a travesty for a dominant to financially dominate a male who has no finances. Afterall a human being needs to eat, procure shelter, and living amenities right? And if that is the case, than every dollar should be spent towards securing those needs, so me taking that $1 could make the difference whether a male has enough money to buy some ramen. See, that is me being a responsible dominant :) 

Of course it is up to each individual female what she is willing to accept as tribute, but I am outright telling you gents not to be shady like the dude on twitter. Yes I know that you all crave attention, but there are good ways, and bad ways to go about getting it, and $1 is a shitty move. Up your game, and get to sending a sacrifice that accurately reflects your desire to serve women, rather than one which announces the value of your penis.

Think about what I have said gents, and feel free to send an amazon gift card to in thankfulness and appreciation for my words of wisdom!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Who wants me to puck them?

So....guess what I did Saturday night!! Bet you won't get it lol

Anyways, I went to my very first hockey game!
Mind you that I am not really that into organized sports at all, but I have to say that I had a wonderful time. In fact, I plan on attending a few more :) Now I just need to sit down and read up on the rules of the game. Are any of you hockey fans? Of course like everyone else, I have seen movies where actors play hockey, but to be right there and see it live is a totally different thing. I loved the physicality, and the grace of athleticism it requires to maneuver around like that on the ice.

Ok so the sadist in me delighted when the players would slam each other against the wall lol.. Not to mention the fantasies about tying up one of you in the goalie netting, and shooting pucks at your balls. I bet all of the masochists reading this are popping pup tents in their pants right now. How much do you think it would hurt to get hit in the nuts with a speeding puck? Just curious wink wink!

There was only one downside to the evening. No free t-shirt for me :(  You should have seen me pouting when I did not catch one of the t-shirts the cannon guy shot out. That was totally a time when I needed one of you there to fetch for me! After all, good boys do best at fetching. You like to play fetch don't you?

The remainder of that night was spent wrapped up in the hot sweaty embrace of my man, which is how every night should be ;) Yes I live the Goddess life, and yes you can be a part of it. How you contributing financially to my adventures! Send amazon gift cards to to pay for all of my naughty indulgences!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

How to approach ME 101

Hello gentlemen

Do you want to know how to interact with me for the very first time? I realize that I can be an intimidating force of nature lol, but it really is easier than you would imagine.

I do want you to understand though, that your initial message to me is going to set the tone for how I respond.

These are the things that you do NOT want to start off with

1)An obvious generic copy and paste message

2)Your autobiography

3)Your bank details, or any type of passwords

4)Dick pics

5)Photos that you want exposed

6)Addressing me in what I find to be passive aggressive demeaning terms ie hey sexy, bb, sugar, honey, girl

7)Giving me a list of your turn ons

8)Telling me that I make your dick hard

9)Relaying what you want to do to me

10)Stating what you want me to do to you

I think that you gents get so carried away with your fetishes, that you forget entirely that the person you are interacting with is a person too. 

If you are a smart gent, you will have already read my profiles, tweets, blogs, website etc. You will be well acquainted with my expectations in regards to submissive behavior I deem acceptable and pleasing, so all of the mostly inane chit chat will not be necessary, for you are informed.
I honestly do not care to "shoot the shit" with random strangers, or answer questions that are already answered in my profile. 

I want you coming into my inbox already prepared to tribute and serve, because if you aren't, than you have not put in any effort in getting to know me at all, and that is unacceptable. The fact that I include findom in ALL of my femdom exchanges is widely known, so this should not be coming as a shock to you, and if you do not know what findom is, than google it gents. 

As well, it should be plain as day to you that I am to be addressed as Goddess, or deviation. It may seem old school, but in my estimation, it is about respect, and I do not tolerate disrespect. 

Believe me when I say that you want to start off on the right footing with me, because I am not a big believer in allotting second chances. I understand that you may be nervous and in awe of me, so you may flub up a bit in your communication,which is ok, but never do so intentionally gents. 

I can be one of the easiest going Dommes you will ever talk to, but at no time am I ever not the dominant in the exchange, and I have zero issues booting you out my door if you forget it. As well, I am a genuine sweetheart to those who treat me with all of the deference due to a Goddess. To those who are generous with their time, attention, and financial worship of me, I am most benevolent :) Regardless though, I will ignore you into non-existence if you ill treat my kindness. My kindness has never been a weakness. 

If it is not apparent to you as of yet, I will speak plainly. I do not want you to fear approaching me if you are sincere in your desire to serve me. In fact I always welcome males into my sect who have proven that they are intent on putting my happiness above their own, my fetishes above their own, and my comfort above their own. If this resonates, than you are what I seek, and I bid you to come beg an audience..I did tell you that I adore when males beg, didn't I  lol

Friday, November 16, 2018

No time for fuckboys

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Is anybody out there

It does not feel as if anyone ever actually reads my blogs. Are my words reaching, encouraging, teaching, uplifting, inspiring? Sound off with comments, or I am going to reconsider the investment of my time producing them.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Build a Findom ark

Ok, so today I was on twitter and seen a post about how the findom scene is over saturated with women, and that women who have been around quite some time are leaving the scene because of it, which is not a good thing for the fetish in general.

No one needs to be market savvy to grasp the concept of supply and demand. The more there are of any one product (and no I do not view women as products) the less demand there will be for said product, because the customer/client can shop around for the lowest pricing, and we are definitely seeing a shit ton of that type of behavior right now.

Right now, findom is a buyers market. The buyer can and does shop around for bargains. Is it so very surprising that a man will opt to pay $10 for a cam session from a newer female rather than the $100 an established Domme is charging? Of course there are always exceptions, but on the entirety, this is what is going on, and it is going to continue to go on. 

Let's take a quick look at other adverse effects of over saturation in findom.

1)Newer females nor newer males for the most part are educated in regards to RACK or SSC. This is a huge safety concern.

2)Newer females come in thinking that findom is easy money. It isn't, and without the knowledge of what findom really is, they are muddying the waters even further for the new males serving under them. Newer males on the other hand, come in thinking that findom is about paying for pussy, either to see or fuck.

3)Newer females tend to gloss over the domination aspect, and just demand money. This is how findom gets a really shitty rep..ya know the instadomme tag :(. There are 2 aspects to findom.a)financial b)domination. Whilst newer males attempt to bypass the financial aspect altogether.

4)The newer females are approaching findom like a tit for tat, spoil me I spoil back modal. Findom is not about spoiling a male. It is not about selling anything. Yuppers I know that a great many FinDommes sell items, clips, sessions etc.. but that is business, not service. Newer males get that findom is not about selling things, but unfortunately they do not want to pay tribute either, cause they are spoiled with entitlement issues.

5)With an avalanche of newer females, you will find that the majority of FinDommes are hauling in less and less tribute (supply&demand), even the Dommes who have been around for ages, so what you get is more and more females departing the scene, but you would not notice the exodus, because a new flood of inexperienced females come in right behind them.

This is a vicious cycle, and it hurts the fetish scene massively. Without experienced Dommes leading the way, you end up with a gaggle of males who are not trained to treat women with respect, who think that it is ok to top from the bottom, who try to lowball tribute, and that is if they even pay at all. 

I completely understand that the scene is evolving, but holy shit, it is no where near the definition of findom at all! Mind you, I am not hating on new blood coming in, but some days are like a free for all display of thirst, and horniness. Some changes are good, but than some are not. It all depends on your outlook, and how determined you are to ride the wave.

Good luck to all who are battening down the hatches, and sticking it out :)

Happy Birthday to your Favorite FinDom Goddess

Today is the day you have been waiting all year for! Let's get this party started correctly shall we?? How does one start off this special day, by giving thanks of course. Thanks that on this day, your divine Goddess was born!!

All year long I share myself with you. I open my mind, and divulge wisdom, guidance, and support of your darkest fantasies, which is why you will do no other than to go out of your way, and into debt making sure that this is the best possible birthday for me! My birthday wishes become the desires you must sate, and you definitely need to pleasure me :)

Go big laddies, and spend hardcore for me today. You and I both know that I deserve the very best life has to offer, and it is your honor to provide my luxuries. 

Get ready, get set...spend and send me a big juicy amazon gift card!!! is where your gift to me goes gents :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I know what you did lastnight

 I know exactly what you did lastnight lol

You are the one who delights in the tease..yearns for the taunting, and craves the denial of what will never belong to you. 

I see you glorifying in your depravity, and perversion. I can smell your desperation..taste your desire upon my tongue. 

You NEED the cruelty of my rejection. The searing rejection of what makes you a man. 

I bet that little puke stick in your pants is drooling as you read my words, isn't it?? It knows how utterly worthless it is. It wants to be useful though, will you let it be useful to me? 

Right now at this very moment I want you to log in to your amazon account, and if you do not have one, create one. You will do this for me won't you? Your cock is crying out for attention as you put in your password, isn't it? Why don't you let him out for just a minute :)

That's right, I said let him hold him in your hand. He is throbbing isn't he? Yes he likes to be touched, and you like touching him don't you? You are a nasty little cock stroker aren't you? Say, yes Goddess. You touch it all the time don't you? I know you do. 

Not this time though. You are going to just let him lay there calling out for you. He must be taught a lesson, and you are going to help me teach him right from wrong aren't you? Say, yes Goddess.

Now my perverse pet, you are going to put a gift card into your amazon cart for Don't hit send yet. Wait a minute, and savor the pleasure about to cum. Be a good little perverse pet, and give him a light stroke, lightly pet, for he has not earned any rewards yet. Just a teasing taste of excitement for him. 

Make him wait for it...draw it out. You do not want this feeling to end too quickly now do you? You like being mean to that perverse abomination for Goddess don't you? Say, yes Goddess.

Look at him..see him for the failure he is. He fails you, and he will fail any woman he ever gets near. Does he deserve pleasure? Do you?

The only time Goddess will ever allow you to quench his hunger to cum, is when you are pleasing Goddess. You want to please Goddess don't you? Say, yes Goddess.

Start stroking him softly..feel him begging you to let him explode. He wants to want to cum, don't you? Say, yes Goddess.

Take him to the edge of bliss now..ahhh but do not let him go over. Careful my perverse some restraint. Look up, you see the send button don't you? Say, yes Goddess. Yes you see it..send the gift card to it NOW.

Good boy for Goddess :) and since you have pleased Goddess, you have my permission to stroke that putrid excuse of a penis til it pukes all over your hand, but don't for get that if you make a mess, you must clean it up with your tongue :) Yummy huh? 

Remember the rule pleasure for you til Goddess has been pleased first! Say, yes Goddess.


That's the story of Findom

Sit right down my lovely little gents whilst I tell you a story, the story..the story of findom

There once was a lonely forgotten man who wanted nothing more than to be noticed by the eyes of a deity, but he lacked the courage to do more than dream of the day he would at last shine in the glory of her presence. Needless to say, he was a very sad little man in his day to day life. He was just another face in a misbegotten place. 

He drudged and he toiled at a 9-5 job, never moving up. He stagnated in his little cubicle to the point that even the cobwebs sought to decorate him. How pitiful this little man came to be, and all who seen him acted as if he did not exist, unless they had an undesirable task to slide off onto him. You could always count on him for that much, for he simply had no life, and no friends to speak highly of him. Poor little forgotten soul.

Years passed by, before his gumption kicked him in the gut, and he declared to the heavens that he would suffer this lack of living no more. He became determined to reach for his dream. He was going to do whatever it took to finally catch the attention of his most beloved Goddess.  

How does one go about it though, he pondered. He definitely needed a plan, so he sat all night til the stars began to fade, and thought and thought. Oh however was he going to get her to see him, when lo and behold an epiphany seared across his thoughts. He had it! 

That very day he typed up a missive like none he had ever put into words before. He declared to her that he would be the very best servant ever, that he would do anything, be anything she required. Surely that will prove to her that I am worthy of serving her!! He hit the send button before he could change his mind out of cowardice, then waited, and waited, and waited some more. Alas she did not answer him back. Where had he gone wrong...maybe she just did not receive it, so he sat down once more and this time shared his life story with her, making sure to include how he really really really wanted to serve her, and hit the send button again. His stomach was tied in knots waiting on her reply.

He waited moments, then hours, which drifted into days, til he could no longer refuse to accept that she was not going to respond. What could he do? I got it, he thought! He followed the trail of her social media account, and read all that she ever said. He could not believe how stupid he had had been there all along. She was not looking for words. She required action. Action based upon sacrifice. She wanted him to let go of what he wanted, and to embrace instead, what she wants. He would have to scrape away what once was, and begin anew. A new beginning for him with a brand new him.

This time he would not fail! He created an amazon account right away, and sent her the largest financial sacrifice that he could afford, along with a note that said "all that I am, and all that I have belongs to you my divine deity, do with it what you will". His hands were shaking as he sent the gift and note. He felt faint with anticipation as the clock ticked so slow in his ears. Ding ding...message received. Oh my oh my oh my...she had messaged him!! He swallowed so hard his throat hurt, but he opened her email with a soft sigh. He could not believe his eyes! 

She said "My little sad forgotten man, I have waited for you to understand, and now that you have shown yourself as a man who sees beyond himself, you may at last address me as my servant, for you have stripped from yourself all that was selfish, and kneel before me now as selfless little sam".

His dream, his fantasy, his lifelong quest granted. 

Monday, November 12, 2018

Be a man of action

Gentlemen, my dudes, take a seat...

There is so much hoopla being posted about the need for verification of females in the findom fetish scene, that it is simply unreal lol. 

You as males in this scene NEED to wrap your head around a few facts. You are the submissives ie subservients aka slaves. It is your job to research any female that you are considering offering your service to. Get that, YOUR JOB! You are expected to expend your time going through her social media, web site, clip store if she has one to ascertain for yourself that she is exactly what she represents herself to be. It is not her job to hop on cam for your gratification before you have even sent an initial tribute. Sheesh, suffering from much entitlement??

The problem is twofold, 1) You males are lazy as fuck 2) You males always look for free jerk opportunities 
So, when you go around demanding that females verify themselves on cam or with a photo (your name on it of course) ya, you are outing yourself  as either number 1. or number 2. Of course I expect to get shit rained on me, cause holy hell didn't I know that males have been scammed before?? Fuck yes I know this, but it is all their own fault. You heard me right...IT IS ALL THEIR OWN FAULT. No pity, and no fucks given.

You should be studying any female you are thinking about her like you would a work of art. If the shading is a bit too heavy, than back the fuck off, and start your search anew. Do not, and I repeat, do not allow your dick to do the deciding. He will fuck you all kinds of up. 

And don't even get me started on the whiners who refuse to part with a small tribute to get to know a female. If you refuse to invest even a small amount, than you are refuse from the get go. True you may not mesh with a female, but by not even sending the bare minimum amount of tribute, all you are saying, is that you do not value a woman's time. I really do not give a flying fark if you cannot even afford a small tribute to every single dominant you desire to interact with. Either save up til you can, limit the number of dominants you approach, or gtfo out the fetish, cause you are giving me a headache with your bellyaching. 

I am telling you right now that dominant women do know a good boy when they come into contact with one, and he is not a whiner or bitcher. He values women's time, and attention. He has already taken the time to research a woman before he approaches her, so he knows fairly well if she is what he is looking for, and if she is who she says she is. He tributes without demands or expectations, as he appreciates her time interacting with him, and is grateful for the opportunity in coming to know her. These actions or lack thereof are what set good boys apart from wanking slackers, so you have been forewarned. Get it together, and act right from the start.

You remind me of my period

Ugh, the title sounds rather unappealing doesn't it? Yup it does, but it is true nonetheless. 

Some of you cum only once a month sliding into my inbox unexpectedly, and without prior notice. You cum to make a mess, and leave behind your trash for me to take out. Not very nice of you. Stop being a bother rather than a blessing in my life!

Do you want to know the worst part of it attempt to exit without paying a single cent. You want to take your jollies and jet, leaving me empty handed. Tsk tsk tsk!

Small and large tributes are always welcome in my findom slice of the queendom, but if you are not a regular visitor to my fief, and you are miserly to boot, well I would rather not deal with you. It is one thing to send a small tribute respectfully, and expect no contact, but to cheap out, and demand attention too is a no go.  Cheapness is an ugly affliction which I do not care to be exposed to. 

It may indeed be inexpensive to serve your cock, but serving a woman is an entirely different experience, and we are not impressed with penny pinchers in the least. We do have standards unlike that puke stick in your pants. We require a well mannered appreciation of our presence. Women are a luxury, which most of you cannot afford on a full time basis, and that is all well and good, but when you are in our inbox, you need to be as generous as possible. Being generous is one of the hallmarks of a gentleman, and a gentleman is always preferred.

Sure, the cretins within your ranks cuddle misogyny (in the form of freebie seekers) close to their rotten hearts, which is why they treat women as if they possess no tangible value, but they easily out themselves with word and deed, so I fret not about being fooled by them. You good man, certainly do not want to be counted among their ranks, now do you?

Your goal is to shine and serve. To be recognized, and to be useful. You love being of use to a woman, and realize that in order to be of use, you must be generous. Generosity is a golden quality. A quality which earns notice, and leads to a welcome mat being extended out for your company. Women will unfailingly appreciate a male who is intelligent enough to embrace the fact that women are to be worshiped, spoiled, and revered. You want to be one of those males don't you? Of course you do :)

You want to be a good boy. You want to bask in a woman's approval when you have done a good job for her. You certainly do not want to be like a period...dreaded, cursed, and wished away. No, you want only to bring happiness to a woman. You want her to smile when she thinks of how well you serve her, and a woman's smile is priceless, so get to it gents. Get to serving generously. Gift, spoil, and make me smile today :)

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Punishment as a tool of training a submissive male

Did you know that punishment is intended to deter and correct behavior, rather than to encourage and condone it? Punishment is generally not something that people seek out, for it tends to have painful consequences. You will find though in the fetish scene that certain masochists will court it with regularity, and will use any means to be the recipient of it.

I being the sadist that I am, refuse to tailor my methodology of punishment into a fun activity, so if I know or can logically deduct that a submissive enjoys physical punishment, than I do not offer punishment in a physical form to them. They are the ones who will receive ignore time. After all, a day without my presence is a punishment that no submissive should ever desire. 

On the whole I would say that I am a fair minded dominant, and it will require a major infraction or repeated occurrences to incur punishment from me. I realize that most errors made by submissives are due to not having the rules spelled out clearly in advance, which is why I do my very best to make my expectations and requirements known from the onset. 

None of what I am saying will detract from the efforts of internet trolls to get their humiliation "punishment" fix though. You know the type I am referencing. They pop into the inbox of dominants spewing vile sentiments in the hope of receiving a torrent of humiliating backlash which feeds their fetish, and I for one do not engage. By not engaging, I am denying the perp their pleasure,and this sates my sadism :) Why on earth would I or any other dominant opt to reward subversive attempts to receive pleasure from play we have not consented to?

I realize that some people in the scene, dominants and submissives alike do partake of role play punishments. You know the have been a bad boy, and now I am going to punish you in the way that excites you the most. Whelp I am not one of those people. In service to me, punishment is a serious consequence of ill desired actions, that requires reprogramming. Submissives will either learn from my corrective actions, or they will be let go without a return ticket.

I honestly have no interest in how other dominants choose to punish, or if they even punish at all, but in my queendom, you will tow the line, or be banished. 

Ah sorry, not sorry to suck all the fun out of your funishment fantasy.

Above and beyond your submissive brethren

When you look in the mirror do you see someone special? Do you believe that you are unlike any other "submissive" male in the fetish scene? What is it that you believe sets you apart from your male brethren? 

Let's talk here for a minute or two. You are no different nor any better than any other male in the scene if you:

1)are here to satiate your sexual urges

2)talk the talk of a feminist ally while secretly hoping that your falsely relayed proclamations will provide you entrance into the lives of dominant women

3)actively look for ways to get out of expending time, effort, and money upon the dominant women you seek to "serve"

4)only want to serve with your dick ie bedroom submissive aka sex slave

5)feel entitled to a woman's body

6)bounce from inbox to inbox with the same copy and paste lines til you get a ping

7)dangle financial incentives that you never intend to honor

8)revert to outright hostility if you are denied your desires from a woman

9)sexualize women to the point that they no longer register as human beings in your mind 

10)expect women to dance to the tune of your dollar

If any of the above resonates with you, sit down son, cause you are just like the other 99% of males you see skulking around the fringes of the femdom scene. You are in no way special or unique. In fact you are boring, and irrelevant. When you disappear from the scene, no one will notice or mourn your absence. You served no grand purpose. You are redundant and fully replaceable. You are the type of male which inspired the old saying "good riddance to bad rubbish". 

I highly suggest that you take a hard look at yourself in the mirror. Most likely, you detest what you see reflected more than women do, and that is a depressing realization. You need to make some changes, and enact them quickly, for your own good, or you can remain the lowly, rotten, best forgotten piece of trash that you are. Your choice.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Never settle for less than you deserve

Believe it or not, I actually do know exactly which type of submissive male I seek out in service to me.

There have been 3 males who have remained in my memory as being worthy of the distinction of belonging to me, and this is what they have in common.

1)single male

2)selfless in service

3)acted in ways that made their desire for my happiness evident

4)were not interested in a sexual relationship with me

5)were not motivated by the intent to gain gratification for themselves in the relationship 

6)displayed loyalty

7)were polite at all times with me

8)were honest

9)able to articulate intelligently

10)made me smile (this is a rarity) 

The thing is, that once you know what you seek, you are less likely to accept anything less than what you desire. When a male who does not embody what I listed above approaches me, I already know that it is a waste of my time, and I have no conflict of conscious about making it known. This is just one of the many reasons why males have a tendency to label me a bitch.

I am ok with being called a bitch in this instance, and even though it is volleyed with ill intent, it remains true, cause if refusing to waste mine or someone's time is what constitutes the definition of being a bitch, than I will proudly wear the button.

I am old enough to realize that immortality is not attainable, so one must live their life with the realization that happiness is the ultimate goal, and act accordingly, even if it appears to others that cruelty is in play. You sincerely at times must be cruel to be kind, for why would any male want to employ his time attempting to court my good will, when he falls far from what I will accept? That would be encouraging insanity, and I am not fool enough to do so.

So please realize that when I deny you the opportunity to serve me, it is not personal for me, even though it may sting your ego. Eventually you will connect with a female whose expectations align with what you are willing to offer, so keep on keeping on :)